Little white things on ram

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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2011
What are those little white things on the ram made of? I used hcl and periode and scrapped the gold off but also those black chips and little white resistors (I think) came off too. I got the black chips out of the solution. I am hoping during the melting phase I can burn out the white things.
Are you talking about the small ceramic capacitors, those can hold values if you collect enough of them.

It sounds like you are putting the whole memory (or some other circuit) into the HCl and 3% Hydrogen peroxide, it is best to cut or trim off the gold fingers from the rest of the circuit board, and process them separately in the solution, this way you do not include solder tin and lead chloride with your foils, you get a better separation of the gold foils from the other stuff, making the process much easier to deal with, and the results much better, also you will not contaminate the solution so it can be reused.

You should not have anything in the melt phase (like those little white things), if processed properly everything is eliminated in the proceeding steps, by the time you melt you should just have almost pure gold.

Look through the forum on the process your using see how the process is done, a good place to begin is in the general chat section look for the general reaction list, and the guide to the forum, welcome to new members.
Thanks butcher. I was thinking to trim off the foils from the rest of the ram but is there gold elsewhere on the ram. It looks like gold running thru the rest of the ram? Or is it so small that it is not to worry about?
Make sure it's not copper.. Most are made of copper but you will find gold..
Search and read through the forum as well as Hoke's book.
There are ways of "depopulating" the ram and then AP just the boards. This clears some of the mess you have to deal with. Also get rid of the solder.
Sorry but I refuse to give direct directions on something that can be easily found here.

Ya gotsta do at least some work so ya learn's ya somfin.

Ya just gotta knuckle down and get to learning all by yourself...

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