Lose or loose?

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Well-known member
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 25, 2007
I commonly see the word loose used when the intended message is lose. Lose is to have lost possession of something. Did you lose your keys? (You did not loose your keys). Loose is a fit, like the pin is too loose, so it fell out of the socket.

Please try to keep these two words in perspective. You'll look so much more intelligent.

If something is loose, it could cause you to lose it too. Sorry Harold, I had to say that. What you said does make sense, especially in chemistry. A misspelled word, could be a completely different chemical. One letter, sometimes, can change everything.
Claudie said:
If something is loose, it could cause you to lose it too. Sorry Harold, I had to say that. What you said does make sense, especially in chemistry. A misspelled word, could be a completely different chemical. One letter, sometimes, can change everything.
Don't be sorry. Your comment is correct, and yet another example for others to remember.

I don't mean to come off as a know-it-all, but the last half of your sentence is the reason I have commented. The slightest slip of the tongue (finger?) can lead others astray. All of us should strive to maintain credibility. Using correct spelling goes a long ways towards establishing that end.

I have a pet peeve with people using the word ignorant with being an idiot instead of meaning unknown. Just my thing
Mine pet peeve word is 'rediculous'. I generally proof my posts for spelling (I do pretty well in that department anyway) but I find I tend to leave out words in a sentence to where it makes almost no sense and my grammar isn't always so great

It's my opinion that those of us with pride do try to do our best. There are many of us on this forum that lack a formal education, but that's no reason to dumb down to the point where we look like the morons we could be.

I've commented before that I moderate a machinist and live steam forum along with the gold forum. On that board we have a retired college dean that has a sig line that has taught me some values. It says, simply, "you are what you write". Our words represent us----an example of our credibility---our (perhaps) worthiness---our very being.

joem said:
I have a pet peeve with people using the word ignorant with being an idiot instead of meaning unknown.

Chuckle! Oh, yeah. I found (using myself as the example) that we often hear a word or phrase that catches our fancy, and we don't have a clue as to its true meaning. Ignorant is often used to express one's dissatisfaction with another, as if to imply they are rude. One of the most pleasant people one may know can very well be ignorant of the facts on any given subject and still be a wonderful person. It simply implies they do not know the pertinent points on a given subject---it has nothing to do with their demeanor.

The one that gets my goat, and fast, is "I could care less". That is to imply that you care, but not a lot. When I'm moved to apply such a phrase to a comment, it is spoken "I couldn't care less", implying that my level of concern is so low that there is no lower level. Those that "could care less" are telling others they are concerned. How weird is that?

A parting shot-----ever heard anyone say they take it for granite? (Granted).

If people would only listen to the things they say! :) (Myself included!)

A guy I used to work with would say;
"I'll see it when I believe it"
And a few other really annoying
backward sayings.

jimdoc said:
A guy I used to work with would say;
"I'll see it when I believe it"
And a few other really annoying
backward sayings.


It's "all intents and purposes", not "all intensive purposes". God, I hate that one.

And jimdoc, I take ages old expressions and turn them around just to be different and annoy people like you. I say stuff like, "That's the camel that broke the straw's back" and, "I drum to a different marcher".

You're welcome.

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