Lots of Iron!!

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Hi everybody, new guy here. Well not really, 'been lurking around for a few months now, reading taking direction from the forums. Thanks a bundle everybody. I've gone through some of the basics, with so-so results, did some fingers, that went just fine, then I got this weird test board, which seemed to have lots of gold on it, then dissolved it in HCL-Clorox, it tested fine for Au with stannous chloride, but when I tried to drop it with SMS hardly anything came out. Weird. However my question today has to do with iron. Lots of it. I have a bunch of Pentium Pros, the first of which I started by processing in H2SO4 cell, which worked OK on most of the outside stuff (with Lazersteves help) I averaged about 0.3 Gm / chip. The cell stripped not only the surface of the gold plated lid but also about 75% of the pins. So, because I also have a crusher, I decided to investigate as to what I could get from the inside. I decided to follow Mrs. Hoke's recommendations and pre-treat the results with nitric acid. Little did I know, that the pins are gold plated iron! Now I have about 5lbs of ceramic, silica, copper, and what seems at least a pound of iron filings and pins. The crusher chopped it all up pretty good. I've been simmering this in HNO3 for 2 days now, spent almost a half a bottle of acid, (at $30.00/ bottle that would definitely put a stop on this process) and it's still not done. The other problem that I see with this is that the first two or three washes were really foamy, and I see lots of little gold flakes in the precipitate (dark gray in color) in that pot. Anybody have any ideas? I think HNO3 is too expensive for such a low grade ore, will AP work on this also? Any input at this point would be greatly appreciated. I have another 80 of PPs and another couple of buckets of various other processors, some ceramic, some fiber, some with magnetic pins, some non-magnetic. Anyway, thanks ahead for your responses, and thank all of you for this very cool forum, which so far, I've enjoyed very much. Also: have there been problems with the server recently, or has it just been me? Ingoldwetrust.

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