low grade pins

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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2010
ontario canada
i have about 19 lbs of pins off ribbon cables i am putting in hcl in a crock pot how long should i wait to get gold flakes thanks in advance
I have had a pound of pins take up to nine days to completely dissolve. Alot will depend on your base metal. Keep in mind that hot acid will rust anything near your crackpot.
You will have flakes showing up in a short period of time 1-2 hrs.

As you have proably found out you were not able to put all of your pins in at the same time because it is too big of a load.

I would limit your material to about 3 lbs in the pot. Stir your solution every few hours and as you dissolve your base metals you can add more pins.

When your solution becomes saturated with base metals (you can tell the solution is saturated by dropping a little water in the solution and it will turn milky white) you can pour your solution into a 5 gal bucket, when the bucket is full let it sit for 2-3 days and let everything settle and then siphon off the liquid and your values will be in the bottom of the bucket.

When you try to pour your solution from your crock pot be carefull, the solution will run down the sides of the crock pot and spill out your solution so it would be a good idea to have a piece of plastic under your bucket that you can wipe the spill up.

You will end up with 20-25 gals of solution so make sure you have enough buckets.

Wait till you have processed everything and combine all of your values into one continer before you consider dissolving your gold.
There is not much gold on this pins so I was thinking would not be good idea to try to put say pound of pins in bucket and introduce say 1l of HCl + clorox. Swirl or agitate for time when gold plating will dissolve in your liquid. Filter out and then try to drop metals out of solution with SMB. Just a thought on saving acids and time? Will this be possible? To get just plating to dissolve instead of dissolving whole pin which represent more that 99,5 % or more of mass to get that 0,01-0,03 % of gold?
patnor1011 said:
There is not much gold on this pins so I was thinking would not be good idea to try to put say pound of pins in bucket and introduce say 1l of HCl + clorox. Swirl or agitate for time when gold plating will dissolve in your liquid. Filter out and then try to drop metals out of solution with SMB. Just a thought on saving acids and time? Will this be possible? To get just plating to dissolve instead of dissolving whole pin which represent more that 99,5 % or more of mass to get that 0,01-0,03 % of gold?

Not necessarily a good idea because what gold might dissolve in your solution wil try to plate back out on your base metal. Also chances are it will not disslove your gold it will just get thru the pores of the gold and disslove your base meats under the gold before it dissolves your gold.
pins have been in hcl for a few days and look like copper and there are gold foils floating on top should i take these pins out and rinse with water and throw them in my # 2 copper barrel and put new pins in crock pot
thanks in advance
Before you put them in the copper barrel you should completely dissolve a small sample of them to be sure there is not any gold still there. If the sample turns up negative the you are most likely good to go.

I've found the crock-pot method has a tendency to form a solid ball of the partially stripped pins which hardens as the solution saturates. If you stirred the reaction good you most likely won't see this. Be sure you break this up to free any trapped gold.

wrecker45 said:
pins have been in hcl for a few days and look like copper and there are gold foils floating on top should i take these pins out and rinse with water and throw them in my # 2 copper barrel and put new pins in crock pot
thanks in advance
I did what you just suggested on my 1st batch of pins (I saw the gold floating), & was disappointed at
small recovery. Fortunately i saved the pins, then ran them later, when I understood the processes a
LITTLE better, with Poor Man's AR, which completely dissolved the base metals & Ta-Da! there was the rest of my gold,
primarily as gold powder, along with foils from another small batch I'd run them with. It had, as 2 previous posts stated,
cemented out on the remaining undissolved copper.

As has been stated & attested to here before, the addition of small amounts of nitrates to the heated HCl solution can
really make relatively short work of the base metals.

just my dos centavos.
i put the pins away till next summer when i can work outside with ar and switched to fingers about aweek ago i try scooping the fingers out with a metal straner got a bit of a violent reaction and then the surface was completey covered in gold foils
wrecker45 said:
i put the pins away till next summer when i can work outside with ar and switched to fingers about aweek ago i try scooping the fingers out with a metal straner got a bit of a violent reaction and then the surface was completey covered in gold foils

That is why you usea bucket within a bucket so the solution will stay stirred up.
wrecker45 said:
i put the pins away till next summer when i can work outside with ar and switched to fingers about aweek ago i try scooping the fingers out with a metal straner got a bit of a violent reaction and then the surface was completey covered in gold foils

Don't use metal utensils or strainers when working with muriatic acid as a general rule.

i am really happy with the amount of foils im getting i have 1/3 of a 5 gal.pale and a steady supply more computers in the back of the truck snowing and blowing to hard so stayed in today

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