Making sodium nitrate

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I need sodium nitrate but I cant buy it so I have to make it. It is very easy if you have access to ammonium nitrate. I first buy a fertilizer that contains AN and powdered calcium carbonate. I then dissolve the prills in water and wait around 20 hours so that the undissolved CaCO3 settles. Then decant the solution. Then to this solution add a equimolar amount of sodium carbonate and boil. This takes around 15-20 h of boiling to make around 500 g of NaNO3. Of course you can make larger batches. Be careful when boiling as NH3 is evolved. So do it outside or in a fume-hood. When the reaction is over (no ammonia evolves and the Ph is neutral) boil down the solution and dry the sodium nitrate christals in a oven (NaNO3 is hygroscopic). Hope this helped. I am 14 years old and English is not my first language so sorry for any spelling mistakes.
Gold, Fill us in a little bit about yourself. It's not often that we get 14 year old refiners. Tell us how you got into this. I find this interesting.

Again, welcome to the forum. :wink: :wink:

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