Very simple method if you have a fume hood with exhaust connected to a water bath for absorbing nitrous fumes.
1 gm silver with 20 ml ( it can't be 1.2ml for sure) of 1.3 specific gravity nitric acid in a clear borosilicate glass bottle and heat just at around 80-90 dig C on a hot plate. Pure silver will dissolve forming a crystal clear AgNo3 solution with not a spec of impurity behind (A very first indication that the silver is pure). Dilute it to 300 ml DM water and put 10 ml of HCL (33%) to precipitate AgCl2 and shake it well. Allow AgCl3 to settle down for 4-5 in a dark area to prevent exposure to sunlight. Decant water by siphoning tube not disturb the settled AGCl2 in the bottom. Slowly transfer chloride in a polished graphite crucible and slowly dry the chloride raising the temperature to 180 degrees C to completely remove moisture. The AgCl2 cake once brought to room temperature in a glass desiccator, weigh again on the same scale (0.01gm readability). The weight of the cake is multiplied by 0.75 to give you a reading close to 999,9 mg ensuring the silver is 100% pure. This is an old and proven method called as "Bottle Assay Method" a gravimetric method used in many mints across the world till improved and faster technology now developed for assays such as the potentiometric titration method.
NOTE: If you have XRF equipment around, calibrated for silver, it will just take 30 seconds to prove that silver is nearly pure. (Qualitative analysis)