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Hi everyone I'm new here. This is my second post ever. I'm new to refinig and I've done a lot of research on the subject. I'm about to start refining my first batch of plated stuff. But I have a bit of a problem. Through lots of research I could conclude that aqua regia can be made with 72% nitric and 32%hydrochloric acid. I can only get 60% nitric and 30% hydrochloric. Can I still make aqua regia at a 1:4 ratio or does this change? If it does change can anyon mabe tell me howmuch of what to use. Thanks in advance for any comment or advice on this.

We will try to help you, but first we need you to understand a few things, the processes you are asking about are not simple, forget all that you think you know at this point, begin fresh to study, there is a lot you need to learn even before you should begin to use the acids, if you do not spend this time studying all you will do is make one mess after another and lose your gold, but with study you will learn the basics you need to help keep yourself out of problems, and even keep you from poisoning yourself.

start with Hokes book, search for the new printable copy of Hokes free on the forum found in the book section, this book is recovery and refining jewelery, but it gives the basic principles of recovery and refining for any material you will run into, doing the getting acquainted experiments in the book teaches you how different metals react to the acids, this knowledge can keep you out of trouble and give you the needed understanding of how to get yourself out of a mess.

Another section you should read before beginning is the safety section, a topic dealing with waste is one you should not skip.

In recovery or refining we deal with deadly gases and very dangerous solutions,and if not done properly even potential explosive mixtures of metals and solutions these can kill, or cripple a man, the waste can poison the people around you, learning how protect yourself and others and to treat your waste properly can keep you safe and those around you.

Also there is much to learn on the forum, tricks of the trade, many that Hokes book did not cover, begin your study of the forum with the guide to the forum in the general chat section, take the guided tour of the forum by following the links, these will lead you to many ways of processing your scrap to high quality metals worth much more.

I know you are anxious to get your gold, but trying to run before you learn to walk, all you will do is keep tripping and falling on your face, spend a little time learning to walk, and taking those baby steps and you will be able to stand and walk without falling, keep studying and before you know it you will be running and you will hardly ever trip, and when you do you will be able to correct yourself and finish this race to your gold.

Forget what you think you know about aqua regia, from your question I can see you have a lot to learn about it, It would take me an awful way too much time to explain what I have learned about it without writing you books, but you can begin by studying the material suggested and you too will learn what you need to understand.

yesterday you wanted to know about one of the most dangerous processes to get rid of the organics from ICs, that even I wouldn't come in mind using and you have stated, that you will go on "studying and experimenting" although they said, that you shouldn't even think of it. Now, with those few sentences in your question above, even I could write a book on the things, you definately not know yet. I know, in the beginning, proud of some doubtful successes, it is really hard to get a feeling for, what you do not know. If refining was a planet, you haven't even left your room and there is a city behind that door, you first have to know, before you should go on with the experiments.

Do some more study, read Hoke, evt. Ammen and definately the guided tour. When you have done this, everyone will answer your questions, even if they should be dump - I am asking dumb questions sometimes, too, that's ok for many - IF they see, you are doing your lessons and not are a danger to yourself or others. In some weeks, you will know, what I mean.

Hi everyone I'm new here. This is my second post ever. I'm new to refinig and I've done a lot of research on the subject. I'm about to start refining

You are going to recover, not to refine.

my first batch of plated stuff. But I have a bit of a problem. Through lots of research I could conclude that aqua regia

There are almost no cases, you want to use AR for recovering and especially NOT for plated stuff - unless there is gold or PGMs under that plating, but also then you will first use other processes, which nature depends on the kind of alloy.

can be made with 72% nitric and 32%hydrochloric acid. I can only get 60% nitric and 30% hydrochloric. Can I still make aqua regia at a 1:4 ratio

If AR is used, you don't want to have more nitric in it, than absolutely necessary.
or does this change? If it does change can anyon mabe tell me howmuch of what to use. Thanks in advance for any comment or advice on this.

That's like asking a mason, what ratio of cement, water and sand will work best. You have to get an understanding of the process, which of the compounds is doing what and how are they related to each other and what side effects can be expected.

You believe, you have done much research and study. I can tell you, when I started my first batch, just after watching all youtube videos again and again, not knowing this forum, I wouldn't have made 60% of those mistakes above.

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