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Non-Chemical Melting output into Shot, Buttons, or Ingots?

Gold Refining Forum

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Nov 23, 2007
NW Arkansas
What is the best method of refined gold output?

- Do you keep making buttons until you have enough to melt into ingots?
- Do you melt your gold into shot like Harold's "cup o' gold shot" (that image get's me everytime!)

Also, what percentage of your gold do you sell vs. keep?
- Mike
Ask yourself:
What is your goal to refine gold ? Selling it ? Keeping it ?
If you want to keep it, you do as you like...
For selling it, ingots looks more professional but gold shots are great for jewellers... Depends to who you sell it I think...

You just have to melt it the way you like or the way your buyer likes it ;)

For the moment, I keep 100%. But I think the gold price will fall a little bit after Christmas time so I will probably sell some soon.

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