Don't think so. The gold content could be a few percentage points and not be troublesome (they aren't even close to 1%). The real problem with the alloy is the presence of other base metals, which quickly foul the electrolyte of a copper cell. That's not to say they can't be parted, for they can. It's just not as efficient as if the copper was highly predominant as compared to other base metals (98% or better).rusty said:My only complaint is that the gold content in Johnny's bars is to high to run them in a copper cell.
at the cost that they will learn and stop buying ... witch is basicaly a part of the process we all got thru at some time in our buying/selling life...qst42know said:Sucker fishing does appear profitable but at what cost?
rusty said:A beautiful young woman 15 years of age recently committed suicide here in Canada over cyber-bullying , her name was Amanda Todd, someone posted an anonymous remark on her memorial website, the remark is much to rude to repeat.
Some woman from Alberta tracked his IP number down once she learned who he was reported the poster to his employer who promptly fired him. I do not agree with the rude post this fellow made nor do I approve of the woman's vigilante behavior.
The whole incident has taken on a domino effect.
The woman from Ab is now crying wolf because she is being verbally attacked for her actions, the guy lost his job and possibly his family. I have no feelings for either. Just saying is all.
May Amanda rest in peace,
cnbarr said:This entire post is a conundrum, I'm not saying that what mic is doing is right or wrong, (I have personally thought about doing this, but I could not live with myself if I did). Take for instance the "infamous list" and "1g per pentium pro", how many people on this forum know there is only 0.3-0.45g per PP, but still sell them on ebay for $25-$30 or more a piece??? Is that in any way different?
I know I don't have the camaraderie here, like that of many of the more prominent members have, but who is anyone here to judge how man takes care of his family. It seems mic is just trying to pay his bills and take care of his family (I could be wrong), while building a business. How is it different then any other business, product, supply, demand?
Whether or not anyone agrees with this is truly irreverent, business is business, no matter who feels it is moral or not. Palladium recently made a post (within the last 3-4 months) about acid costs, and Harold commented how the chemical industry is screwing most people on the "true" cost of chemicals. Is that immoral that a company can sell nitric at $3/gal but a retail outfit will sell it for $52/2.2L? Is it right that General Motors can build a car for $3000, but a car dealership sells it $12,000? And lets not even get started on the cost of gas!
Ethics and Values is a hard lined subject that is truly a matter of perception and personal believe, much like religion, what is right to one is not necessarily right to another. Leave moral judgment to your own deity, they can decide when we die, we are all here to refine and help each other improve on those skills.
Has mic in anyway taken advantage of anyone on this forum with his ebay listings? I think not, we all know better, right? It is all a matter of perception combined with education, I used to be ignorant enough to pay $56 for 2.2L of nitric, but after a little education and research I'm that much wiser!
Big business exploits everyone of us every day, and we take it with no qualms, if mic can sleep at night let the man alone to live his life!
I don't normally interject my opinion on political topics, but this is my $1.05.
Harold_V said:My opinion?
A question of conscience. What mic (or leavemealone, or Johnnie, or marianealice) has done is not illegal, not as far as I can see. He clearly disclosed what he's selling.
The problem is, there's no shortage of misinformed people, who don't understand what they've read----or they're greedy and hope to capitalize on the "ignorance" of the guy melting pins.
It's a moral call. He can sell his pins the way he's selling them. The question is------should he?
The best way to come to conclusions when you are in doubt is to reverse the circumstances involved. Become the winner/victim of the situation. When you finally understand what has transpired, will you be pleased with the results? If you wouldn't like buying such material, assuming you do have a conscience, and assuming you really don't want to take advantage of others, they wouldn't be sold as they're being sold.