Does anyone have some pictures of their completed assay beads they can show me under magnification? I'd like to get an idea what different gold content and weights look like.
I can't afford an analytical scale, and I'm struggling to part tiny beads. Best I'm able to do is measure them.
Sorry for the horrible pictures. I'm just wondering if this looks correct. My beads don't appear smooth or round like I expected. Under one light, it looks silver. Under another, it looks really gold.
Without a proper expensive scale, all i can confirm is...there is something in it. How much of what I have no idea but it looks like it may be gold?

I can't afford an analytical scale, and I'm struggling to part tiny beads. Best I'm able to do is measure them.
Sorry for the horrible pictures. I'm just wondering if this looks correct. My beads don't appear smooth or round like I expected. Under one light, it looks silver. Under another, it looks really gold.
Without a proper expensive scale, all i can confirm is...there is something in it. How much of what I have no idea but it looks like it may be gold?