mixed karat jewelry &Auric Chloride

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Active member
Aug 10, 2010
Greenville, South Carolina
Hello all; I have some 10 and 14K mixed jewelry and a melted gold button that I melted before I had any real knowledge. Last night I dissolved in Hcl/clorox solution and let stand over night. This morning I had a very dark brown, almost black solution.........assuming that I don't need to neutralize the solution and lower the pH as I've read using this method, I added SMB :wink: this morn and have waited 5 hours now.......absolutely nothing. Where hath it gone? What didn't I do?
Any comments appreciated, Mingo
As it's been said many times, you can't be sure that something is there (or not there) unless you test your solution with Stannis Chloride. It will always tell you whether or not you have gold in solution to begin with or if there is still any after precipitation...And you need to make sure your base metals are gone from karat jewelry before putting into solution (whether it's HCl / Clorox or aqua regia. Putting karat anything (no matter the value) directly into solution without first getting rid of base metals can create a hassle when you add SMB. Your precipitation will be dirty from the base metals and then you have to waste HCl to clean it up to a better purity.

Thanks Rusty, I did test with Stannous and received a very dark purpl-ish result.......originally I had a beautiful golden Auric Chloride solution, but I didn't get full dissolution......The melted mix of karat jewelry didn't dissolve completely, and I tried adding a lttlle CU to rejuve my solution. I ordered SMB from an online supplier (the ChemistryStore.com), so my SMB should be ok.
HCL + clorox is best reserved for gold foils and powder. If you insist on going straight to refining and skipping recovery, you should be using AR for karated jewelry. But if I were you I would assume your unknown button is 10k. Shot it with your known karat gold adding another metal (preferably silver) to alloy the mass to 6k. Remove base metals with nitric. THEN refine with HCL + clorox or AR. You can save alot of time this way. Chems too.
Yes, I see your point.....this was broken pieces of scrap and was a trial run for learning really, but I have seen that straying from known processes can be problematic for the beginner. Thank you goldenchild, much appreciated!

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