Mr.Nortel strikes again!!!!

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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2012
I love Nortel rack's so much,I'm now going to be searching for some more of these fiber racks for sure.I now have a new record for most ceramic CPU's found during a tare down.Man.......the fever has got me good on this one.This batch is 100+ ceramic CPU's in less than fifty boards.This will provide me with all kinds of new data.Hope yall enjoy the pictures,as much as I enjoyed the break down.Thanks in advance.

P.S This was from three of the same racks.



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Thanks guys for taking the time to look and leave comments!

The smaller boards that I didn't take pictures of have the miniature style ceramic IC's with gold legs,steel lid,and gold stripe.There might be enough to get a pound yield data test.I'm averaging about 1 1/4 gaylords of boards a week and only in week 4 this week.I have cut the fingers off over 200 pounds of slot cards and fixing to start on the memory.Thanks in advance.


Here's what came off the above Nortel boards.How much gold do you think I'll recover from this material?
My guess is going to be 1/2 ounce to 1+ ounces.Thanks in advance.



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modtheworld44 said:
Here's what came off the above Nortel boards.How much gold do you think I'll recover from this material?

I don't know, but, I DO know that is one pretty pile of ceramics!
Have you checked on any of their collector value yet? Some of them look to be quite unique.
Topher_osAUrus said:
modtheworld44 said:
Here's what came off the above Nortel boards.How much gold do you think I'll recover from this material?

I don't know, but, I DO know that is one pretty pile of ceramics!
Have you checked on any of their collector value yet? Some of them look to be quite unique.


I don't sale high bearing gold materials,because I prefer to watch the gold drop from solution instead.Plus the Yield Data is worth way more than the rarity value any ways.Think about it like this,the rarity price only changes so often but gold prices go up and down every day.If your dealing in pounds of ceramics like I do you make more money on the refine,instead of taking the same time span to sort,straighten legs,package,list,and sale them.It really comes down to fastest flip time and money made in that time.Thanks in advance.

And I do have a different experience. To sort out your pile and list them for sale will take you just 2-3 hours but when you will do it few times it won't take even half of that. A sale is usually pretty much instant within the first day or two. Telecom chips are not that common so they tend to have a higher value.
I had the same approach as you do but you really should consider that pounds of chips are not such huge amounts to willingly lose money by processing them. In my experience, you can easily make 100% more than you get from taking just gold.
So to make it simpler consider that if selling about a third of them (say up to a half) will get you what you expect in pretty much the same time frame you are building a nice nest egg or retirement plan just by setting unsold chips aside.

No one is that busy to throw half of the money out of a window.
patnor1011 said:
And I do have a different experience. To sort out your pile and list them for sale will take you just 2-3 hours but when you will do it few times it won't take even half of that. A sale is usually pretty much instant within the first day or two. Telecom chips are not that common so they tend to have a higher value.
I had the same approach as you do but you really should consider that pounds of chips are not such huge amounts to willingly lose money by processing them. In my experience, you can easily make 100% more than you get from taking just gold.
So to make it simpler consider that if selling about a third of them (say up to a half) will get you what you expect in pretty much the same time frame you are building a nice nest egg or retirement plan just by setting unsold chips aside.

No one is that busy to throw half of the money out of a window.


I just looked at every single cpu that Goran has listed on his cpu mall site today.For the prices he sales them at he has to give less than the listed value.I just cleared an ounce for less than 25 hours work,plus now I have the data set which will allow me to make even more money later.If yall want to sale your CPU's
,because you think your making more money that way,then that's cool with me.I got a bucket outside almost full of already run CPU's ,that tells me my way is the right way for me.I hope you and every one else who sales CPU's makes good money at it.I have a business now and we don't have time to wait around on our money.I'll have 3+ounces in the next week and a half (weather permitting). Just out of curiousness,how much silver did you get from all those BGA chips you've done?Thanks in advance.

I did not get a single gram yet. In BGA there is not metal inside just some copper wires and gold. Oher IC does have quite a lot of metal inside and some sure do have AgPd braze used in them.
I did not process any of them yet, it is a losing proposition for me at this time. 1l of nitric 30% strong cost me 40 euro and that does not warrant even try to do anything with metallics from inside IC. That price and fact that it is close to impossible to get nitric over here anyway.
I do have several large buckets full of them waiting for the right time to do anything with them.
I do have one bucket where I tried an experiment with salt water to let them rust out. It was full of metal when I started and now there is less than quarter of something on the bottom. What will be there is hard to say but I will know it one day.
Mod I get your point about turnaround and profit but may I suggest that you do a little cherry picking, do a little research into which CPUs sell for really good money and separate and either list or save, should you have a slack period you can list them for sale the and hopefully generate some income, if you stay busy then it's part of your retirement which you can sell at your leisure and by just picking the better ones it shouldn't hurt your cash flow too badly.
nickvc said:
Mod I get your point about turnaround and profit but may I suggest that you do a little cherry picking, do a little research into which CPUs sell for really good money and separate and either list or save, should you have a slack period you can list them for sale the and hopefully generate some income, if you stay busy then it's part of your retirement which you can sell at your leisure and by just picking the better ones it shouldn't hurt your cash flow too badly.


One day yall will understand what I'm trying to say,until then I'll keep doing what I've been doing.I'll keep refining my CPU's and refilling that same space(which costs you money)over and over again.While I do that your CPU's can and will retain the same $25,$30,$100 value,and I will have made way more money.Like I've said before above,If yall think you can make more money selling and sitting on your CPU's then great I'll be happy for yall.

I work 7am-4pm five days a week then come home and refine for four hours every day(weather permitting).I have tore down over 30,000pounds of equipment since 4-5-2017 and yall think I still don't take time to do research.I have done so much research since 2008,that quite frankly I'm about sick of it.I am self taught in this art form(or what ever yall would call it).I don't have ANY HELP me I've messed up posts.I make the most out of my time every single day,and still wish I had more of it.Thanks in advance.

P.S Sorry if this sounds harsh,and I mine no offense.

It doesn't matter how far down the line you get or how far up the ladder you go, listening to people never gets old. Very often something comes out that is worthwhile. I check all material that comes in for non gold values.
anachronism said:
It doesn't matter how far down the line you get or how far up the ladder you go, listening to people never gets old. Very often something comes out that is worthwhile. I check all material that comes in for non gold values.


I didn't say I wasn't listening to the advice,just that it does not fit into my business plan.If it works in yalls business plan then I support yall in that.Thanks in advance.

anachronism said:
It's more a case of "not throwing money away because it's dumb to do so" rather than a business plan Jerry. :) :)

Are you saying they are throwing money away? or Are you saying I'm throwing money away?

If it's the first one I concur. :mrgreen: Thanks in advance.

P.S Any money is only a potential until it is Physically made.


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