My 1st time experience of gold Dont Miss

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Aug 14, 2013
Dear friends,
I try to study the recovery of gold for this purpose i take 10 ram strips and 10 processors. I cut all fold plated fingers from ram and soaked them in AP solution 1:2. The solution was green but gold foils were not released after 72 hours. Then I add nitric acid 50% and water 1:1. This solution release gold foils in few minutes. Then i filter the solution and get god foils and dissolve then in aqua regia. I got clear bright yellow solution that indicate gold solution. Then I took one processor and put it in this solution. After some time all pins released from ceramic plate and solution turn brown black after few processors. Now I want you to guide me for next step.

Please see pictures in series that i did



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The next step is to stop what your doing and put on a pair of gloves. Your holding a beaker of AR bare handed, not smart.
Sorry but I think you need to study more!
weren't you a chemist?
In my opinion as a newby :

1) Very small amount of gold to be there from 10 ram sticks.
2 I think mixing them with cpu's wasn't a good idea and not that much gold to be in them either.
3) If I read well , you added hno3 to the AP solution ? i hope you didn't trow that solution away after filtering the remaining foils
i guess there would be some dissolved gold in that already.
4) No gloves , like Rickbb said.
5) And then you WANT some smart members to say what you have to do next?
6) Putting it on youtube is giving wrong info to people who will watch it and think thats the way to go.

As a newby myself i hope I was correct that this was the wrong way to go, if I was wrong I am sure this will be corrected by smarter members soon.

The next step is to stop what you're doing and start studying some more.

You have mixed process that you shouldn't. By adding nitric to your A/P you created AR which probably dissolved some of your gold. You don't recover gold from an AR solution by putting a processor into the solution.

Put your chemicals aside in a safe place and start reading.

I agree with Pat, you took a small amount of gold and created a big mess.

I'm surprised that you got any foils at all from the ram, switching acids like that creates AR which easily dissolves any gold foils. Some of the gold probably dissolved and then cemented onto copper on the buried conductors in the PCB:s.

Once I made AR when I had PCB:s in the solution and I misplaced some gold for a while... look at this thread to see how gold could cement where you don't expect it.

Time for you to take it easy, not rushing in, just study and collect scrap until you have enough to make it worthwhile to process it and the knowledge to do it.
If you are a chemist (which I doubt right now) you should know the importance of following protocol and not deviate. You can't rush chemistry.

stop rushing, read, read, read, Im a newbie also, listen to these guys they know what there talking about. If it wasnt for this forum, i would have gave up months ago, and thrown out a lot of valuable gold and silver. Ive learned a lot, and still learning, but now i have clean gold separated, and its building up. good luck
Until now, this is a study about newbie mistakes. Listen to the advices and start reading. What you are doing now is like starting to repair your car by screwing off your brakes and thereafter driving (without brakes) to the mechanic, asking him for the next step.

god foils

don't trust in god, when working with chemicals :D
I, as a newbie myself, have seen a couple of problems.

1. You say you left the foils in the AP solution for 72 hours. When I put anything in AP, I let it sit for several weeks. It's an extremely slow process for the AP to get up under the gold to dissolve the copper foils underneath.

2. If you did this in a beaker, you did not have any air bubbling up through your solution. Bubbling air serves several important functions. First, it keeps the AP solution fresh so it can be used almost indefinitely. And, secondly, it creates motion through the AP solution as if you were sitting there stirring it constantly.

The experts (not me) have spoken, and you need to listen to what they are saying. STOP, put your solution in a safe place (the gold won't go anywhere) and read. Read until you feel certain of what you are doing and what to expect. Read, until you know why your doing what your doing. Read until you know how to do it safely.

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