my first time around...pointers?

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Dec 31, 2012
Ok so after browsing forum for a bit reading and learning prepping scrap,collecting materials and whatnot and it was time i got my feet wet and gave this whole thing a shot. Here are my processes and results.

So i started small just to practice with the processes and get a handle on what i was doing.

Initial material was:

234g of trimmed fingers
98.6g of gold pins from fiber CPU's

second run to again make sure was:

154g of trimmed fingers

I note this because i obtained .7 gram from first batch and .4 from second with less material, so i believe it shows improvement.

I proceeded using the following processes and steps:

1. processed the fingers in a mixture of AP and must have made a hot mix since they were completely stripped overnight, i was however anxious and kept shaking them a lot.

2. Filtered,washed and separated as per Steve's AP instructions to remove the foils. this was most of them, kinda bad pic but you get the drift.

3. They were then dissolved into a mixture of HC1/Clorox to make an Auric Chloride.

4. It was them precipitated with SMB pre mixed in water, i thought about just adding the powder but i thought it would make it disperse better in the solution.

5.Powder was then washed and dried again according to one of Steve's posts and it worked out very well.

CPU Pins:

Many ways were found on processing them and i decided to go with the way that was posted by Samauel and shown in the video he had on youtube or where ever.

1. Separated all the pins from the CPU's with a torch was a lot of CPU's to total 98.6g i forget the exact number.

2. All the pins were put into beakers with the corresponding amount of HC1 to boil off the foils and separate some base metals.

Then were brought to a boil

And then allowed to boil for about three hours

Until the solution became black.

It was then decanted and all the remaining pins were put back into a pot and boiled again to remove the rest of what ever was left in the mess at the bottoms.

3. The foils were then collected and separated. I was aware of the Tin that would be present in the mixture and really didnt want to deal with it in large quantities, with careful decanting i was able to leave MUCH of it behind in with the pins. After filtering the pins and mess completely i had a filter with a few gold specs and a ton of grey powder, i was willing to sacrifice that little bit of gold to avoid the tin at this point. It just went in my filter bucket and can be dealt with at a later time.

The poured off foils and liquid

4. Filtering and removing the foils was first then i put the solution aside as it tested positive on a stannous test for gold. i figured as long as i dont throw it away it will be there. more projects for later.

5. Again dissolved in HC1/Clorox

6. Precipitated with SMB in the same fashion.

So i had my dust and was ready to melt, i did however get ahead of myself and slack on the washings...This I will never do again.
I got a lump back from it. but it was not as i imagined, melting proved to be one of the most challenging parts of the whole process.

It just did not want to make a BB, I realize my errors now but that was part of the fun of the process the learning.

I have a good friend at a pawn shop and it scratch tested to 14k....i was a little disappointed but not ready to give in just yet.
I knew further refining was all it would need and thus what i did.
Weighed in at 1.1g on my scale at this point.

The second batch of fingers went almost perfectly as far as i can tell, no problems and will get it tested tomorrow, but here are my results
(still trying to get a better picture but getting a close up is a pain)

On my digital scale it shows 0.4 gram, based on what i have seen from yields this seems successful to me

I took the other lump i had made and redissolved it in AR.

then took the dust and washed with a bit of 70% nitric to to make absolutely sure in my mind that there was a minimal of contaminating metals in at that point.

Then 3 washes in HC1 and three in water.

and ended up with this:

The larger BB next to the one i made from the second smaller batch of fingers.
Weighed in at 0.7g, and considering the difference in amount of material and a final result of only 0.3g difference i know i lost values along the line of that first run through but it was a small price to pay to see the end result and at least say "I did it"

I would like to thank all the great people on this forum who have made so much effort to make this hobby available to everyone.
Also if anyone has any suggestions on steps along the way where i could change or make something easier please let me know.

I began this thinking it simple: just follow the recipe to the pot of gold.

Not by a long shot.

Very nice post Bryan. Never wash your gold powder with nitric and then put it in hcl without first incinerating. This will redissolve your gold and you will lose some no matter how good you washed it after the nitric. Did you test the wash water (hcl) after you did your washes for traces of gold with stannous chloride?
thank you for the tip, i was reading a bit after i posted and saw that mentioned.

i did however save the washes of the hc1 so if it did put some into the sloution i would be able to reprecipitate it with SMB yes?

since in essence i made a AR like reaction it would seem logical to me.

i will test it to be sure, saw the addition.

this is a kind of compressed rundown of everything too.

I ran into a lot of problems with the pins and my initial drop and drying of that powder.
Just stuck like glue to the bottom of the beaker.

I did come to realize something i have learned with other things in life though, if its not doing exactly as has been shown, you did something wrong :p
"I have a good friend at a pawn shop and it scratch tested to 14k....i was a little disappointed but not ready to give in just yet."

I would bet the gold is higher percentage than 14K.
butcher: i had the same feeling, i thought i had removed a lot more of the base metals and was very careful in the process. however i believe i got an incomplete melt since i didnt know what i was really looking for and watching as i did it. after the second and third melt i believe i will get a better result. may have just been some flux or something on the edge he tried.

element: Thank you, i have no technical chemistry background other than an uncle who worked as a chemist and we used to perform experiments together to learn. In hindsight i think the processes i used to play with far more dangerous than this as i enjoyed making home made fireworks a lot. funny how things evolve in life.

I look forward to much more success, as this was a drop in the bucket of my material as i own an Electronic scrap recycling company, so
now that i have my proof in the pudding so to say time to go bigger.
You can boil the button in nitric to remove any flux. Nitric can be used once the gold is in metallic form to clean it, but not in powder form. Any gold that would be left in the hcl washes is probably so small it won't be worth trying to precipitate it. Let your stockpot get it.
well im starting to have almost zero trust in scratch testing....

the larger piece was said 18k and smaller said 10k...

now i firmly believe its far better than paying for an assay on such a small amount is simply not feasible.

oh well guess i'll simply have to make more and send a larger sample out for an assay.

Was just hoping to get a little concrete proof of my methods and an idea of the purity.

oh well guess i'll just have to keep on going with the pins and flat packs i have
Are you doing the testing yourself or relying on others skill and judgment?

You can do your own testing and it will be a good skill to learn.
You can make up your own testing solutions and buy the gold karat needles to make scratches to compare your gold scratches on the stone to, this would be fairly simple to learn and would be very useful especially when buying gold.

But with refined gold it is almost impossible to use this method, because after 18k this method is not much good.

If you can I would keep the gold, several reasons, our money being more worthless all the time that gold may help you eat later, so use the paper money now, hold onto your metal now, and when our dollar is worthless, your gold will hold more value, and can help you get through hard times, and also this way you can re-refine your own gold to a higher purity. If you can refine it to get the pipe in the gold after the melt, and your new melting dish still looks almost new after the melt, then you know at least it is fairly pure gold even without the test, I am not experienced selling gold, so I will not give advice in that area, but I have read many well written articles on the forum by members like four metals and others giving good advice on how the subject, and members also who give good advice on XRF tests and assays.

Besides, I say you need to keep your gold at least a little longer, You need more experience in refining, and what better thing to practice on than your own gold, I say sit down go through your books, write yourself up the procedure, complete with calculations of how much silver to add in the melt and how much of each acid you will need, write the procedure through the whole process you plan to use, clean up your lab, and glass ware and prepare everything you need to make the gold as pure as possible, when you know you are ready, and have the confidence you have all of the information you need studied and understand it well, and all the equipment you need and it is prepared, then refine that gold to high purity, that here should be your goal any way as a gold refiner, other wise we would just have to call you a gold recover-er, not a gold refiner, :lol: Also this way you still have your gold to buy bread with in hard times.
Look in the gallery section of this fine forum at the other gold that
has been refined. If your buttons look nice and shiny and not "mottled"
or discolored, I would imagine that your gold may be purer than the
other person is saying. Of course, they may have a vested interest in
downgrading the purity of your gold if they indeed want to purchase
it from you at a lower price. 8)

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