my hcl/cl does not turn yelloy but green.

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Jan 11, 2012
i am processing some pins in ap and after i wash added in hcl when i add clorx it the liquid turned a bright green. not yellow like in the pictures of others. do i need to remove some coper from my solution befor adding msb or what? one test batch i tried turned coffey brown when i added smb...hum. another got clowdy greenish brown like strong tea color.
you still had copper mixed with the foils. precipitate the gold with SMB and wait for everything to settle. the powder will be dirty, it will be contaminated with the copper from your green solution. decant the solution off the powder and dissolve again using hcl/Cl and the color should be a lighter shade this time.
ok thanks geo. the first test batch is parcipitating a black powder now. is there any way to get the copper out befor the clorx is added or am i going at the best considering the copper in the feed stock?
take the foils and give them a good boil in hcl before dissolving them. this will remove as much copper as you can. the only other way i can think of is to incinerate the foils to remove any hcl and soak in nitric acid, though thats a little extreme to me when you can just boil in hcl and dissolve. re-use the hcl boil solution to do more foils until the solution is very dark green.
Geo you seem to have some of the best answers for this proceed. I have some questions

1. Can I reuse the decanted HCL/CL solution?
2. When my foils are removed from the AP solution and washed in water the water in the first bath is blue, do you know what the blue is?
Thanks for any help
you can re-use almost all acids from the processes we do. it may not be for the same process. hcl/Cl leach will be hcl contaminated with what ever dissolved with the gold, it still has alot of action left in the can be used in AP or it can be used to dissolve more gold but just keep in mind that your starting with a contaminated solution so your gold will be dirty. if you refine twice like you should be doing, you can use the same hcl/Cl over and over for the first dissolution until the hcl becomes either too contaminated to re-use or the PH gets too high.also the hcl can be used in poor man's AR for certain processes where you expect a dirty solution anyway as in reclaiming gold from mixed metal when theres no other way.

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