Husker -
I think its a great idea - the thing that makes an ultrasonic cleaner work effectively is "cavitation" - the type of effect created by a propeller in water. The creation & then implosion of tiny bubbles is what does most of the work, along with the proper solution [ the main issue there is surfaction]. The more area of your feedstock you expose to the solution, as well as providing agitation, which should limit passivation due to oxidation build up [aside from the primary regeneration/rejuvenation-of-the-solution benefit], should speed up the action of the process or at least increase its effectiveness.
As Husker will be placing this beneath his stock, under multiple liters of solution, there won't be an issue of over-splash or splatter. This isn't a well pump or anything - its the $11 Walmart aquarium pump. I like the check valve way up the line - prevents backflow but minimizes the valve's deterioration.
As BR007 said, I think, the pumps yield is constant - closing off one valve essentially doubles the output of the other. I wonder if splitting the output then recombining it downline may minimize throttling [someone with a better knowledge of the effect of throttling the output may clarify or correct], but I think the design is WELL worth stealing ... I mean, "copying" :twisted: :twisted:
Great utilization of what you have at hand, I think, FWIW.