My "witches brew" of AP has turned on me...

Gold Refining Forum

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Geo said:
JHS said:
don't wash it with hcl while it is red hot.

:lol: you know, i would think most people that have dealt with this stuff would know that but it is good to point that out.
you never know,especally with someone new.
I want to comment:
Harold's latest insisting on new members to study and not asking beginners questions (easily found with a little work), with the banning being an option.

I can already see an improvement in the forum, there are less of the same old questions, and with our new members studying, and with us older members having more time to study (instead of answering the same old silly questions), I think we all gain from this, with more understanding and the forums discussions will improve to more meaningful and informative discussion.

Win Win for all members, new and older.
Bravo Harold
Thank you
butcher said:
I want to comment:
Harold's latest insisting on new members to study and not asking beginners questions (easily found with a little work), with the banning being an option.

I can already see an improvement in the forum, there are less of the same old questions, and with our new members studying, and with us older members having more time to study (instead of answering the same old silly questions), I think we all gain from this, with more understanding and the forums discussions will improve to more meaningful and informative discussion.

Win Win for all members, new and older.
Bravo Harold
Thank you
Thanks, Butcher. I, too, have noticed a considerable improvement over the board in recent days. It's not nearly as busy, but what gets posted is, for the most part, worthy of attention. We're still seeing the odd character who either doesn't read what's pertinent to being a welcome reader here, or they think they're exempt. Getting banned will set them straight.

Frankly, I like the new policy, and appreciate how the readers have picked up the slack and are now advising the new guys what is expected of them. To those of you who have done so, my heart felt thanks. It takes a huge load off us, and allows for our time to be better spent.

At every turn, keep reminding readers to read Hoke. Until they have done so and have a full understanding of what she teaches, they will struggle, passing on to others their frustration. It needn't be that way.

Thank you ALL for helping me,

I TOTALLY respect the vast alchemical knowledge on this site, and thank you all so much for taking the time to reply to my humble problem. Like Isaac Newton said, "If I have seen further, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants.." Like y'all and Ms. Hoke.

So, besides my admitted ignorance about all things refining...

Again. Besides my utter and complete ignorance, apparently, my "real" problem was (not just) that I dumped some tin, and ferrous metal into my AP bucket, but ALSO that I leaped before looking. I should have just kept successfully processing foils, albeit crudely.

I should have waited to build an H2SO4 cell... that I did not even know about until I stumbled onto this forum... Let alone, anything about Hoke. Like a child with a new chemistry set I just dumped it all into one bucket, and looked at the mess I had made, dumbfounded. DUH.

I tried to communicate that my real goal was to clean out my workspace by RECOVERING ( & not yet refining) the precious metals from 70+ computers, and boxes and boxes of components.

No Problem, I will print out and read HOKE, until I can quote it like Star Wars, or the Lord of the Rings.

I totally and humbly agree, so for now I will just keep cleaning out my workspace, and should end up with a few buckets of concentrated (precious metal bearing) parts, which sure beats a room full of obsolete junk.

So for now, I will just keep reading, reading, reading, scrapping AL, Cu, and Fe until I feel confident enough to carry on, safely, and properly.

When I get to a point where I have kicked a big enough hole in the room, I will have built a chip incinerator, an H2SO4 cell, a bubbling AP = CuCl bucket, and hopefully the ability to be relatively self sufficient, such that when I have to recycle a computer, I can drop the MINIMUM amount of it at my local HAZMAT facility. And laugh like an Alchemical Pirate, that I have stripped it of all that was of value.

Lastly, as a VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY SMALL swipe at Ms. Hoke... unlike Jules Verne, she had no earthly idea that some person 100 years into the future might be stripping down a COMPUTER composed of sooooooo many disparate elements. That is NOT to say that processing ore into precious metals is simple. The most wondrous and complex thing contemporary to Ms. Hoke would have been ( one of my heroes) Tesla's poly-phase alternating current motor. This is IN NO WAY meant to demean her vastly superior knowledge of her craft. Just to say that "techno-mining" is way harder than I was led to believe by some simple youtube videos that I watched BEFORE finding this AMAZING forum.

Thank you all again for taking your time to reply to my newbie stumble.

1mysurveymail said:
We don't do that here. It's childish and has no real benefit. We do ride herd on the readers with a vengeance, however. :lol: We want them to study hard and prosper, all without the slightest display of entitlement.

Just to say that "techno-mining" is way harder than I was led to believe by some simple youtube videos that I watched BEFORE finding this AMAZING forum.
Something not very obvious to most individuals who come here and quickly wear out their welcome with moronic questions. It is for that reason we have put down a firm foot---that readers must (and will) study, or they get nothing from the board.

Those with enough wisdom to see things clearly come to terms with the idea that refining isn't something one learns in 15 minutes, nor is it something you can glean by asking a few well chosen questions. Without the required foundation (basic understanding of refining principles and terminology used regularly on the board), answers typically have little meaning, generally resulting in more questions, which also yield answers with little meaning.


Because the readers in question had no clue--and were too damned lazy to get one. (Not true of a considerable number of our readers, who have gone on to do very acceptable work and have become successful).

We found ourselves hand carrying each individual from beginning to end, but, unfortunately, never in unison. We've grown weary from doing so, in particular because so many individuals did nothing but ask questions, and each was on his own page in regards to progress. Virtually every day, the same questions were asked over and over. To add to my concern, I was mortified to discover that many didn't even bother to download Hoke's book, or if they did, found it not worthy of their time. They, of course, are too damned clever (to say nothing of being too important) to do such a thing. Why should they when they can ask and receive? They want the moon and stars, all with a fence, but are unwilling to lift a finger to get them. That has come to an end.


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