Need clarification on Floppy drive pins

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2010
Rock Island
I'd read on several posts that the yield from Floppy drive pins is roughly 1 gram per pound
of pins---------would that be a post-refining weight, or raw, pre-refining weight?

The bigger question for me at the moment is the pins themselves--------does that mean pins
that are clipped as flush as possible to the plastic base of the Floppy socket itself, or pins that
are full length, clipped or chemically desoldered from the circuit board, and then extracted
from the plastic cable socket?

What I'm attempting to do is figure out how many Floppy drives I'll have to process to be able
to end up with 1 troy ounce of refined (.995) Au---------once I find out what the prevailing
accepted definition of Floppy pins is, I can simply clip them that way from a single Floppy
cable socket, weigh them, and then calculate how many sockets worth of pins it will take
to arrive at 1 lb., and multiply that on out for 31.1 lbs.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can define the pins.


If you could post a pic of what you are calling a Floppy drive pin. People call the same thing many different names.

As a rule when guessing on older pins and connectors I use $0.01 apiece for amount of gold. Even then I am disappointed. So at that thinking you will need 170000 pins or 4250 40 pin connectors 30 micro inch plating 3/8 on an inch long

Thanks, etack,

Something is weird with my camera, the pictures I shot of a Floppy drive circuit board IDE "socket" were
decidedly bad, so I went out on the web and snagged this royalty-free shot of one:


The pins "socket" I had mentioned at the beginning of this thread is at the lower left hand side of
the picture (with the black plastic shroud).


There is no answer to your question. Even rough estimate will be only that - rough estimate. Here is the same as with cpu, too many types, too many manufacturers. Most of them are nice deep yellow so that may be indication to better yield than from new flash plated stuff but still, you will get answer only when you will try to process them. Good start is to take pound or kilogram or 250g og them, process and measure result. In that way you will know for sure. I for myself do not separate them to floppy pins or other type of pins...
I separate them to magnetic and non magnetic, bigger and very small. I use cell for bigger type and acid (AP or Nitric) for small type - cpu socket, laptop pins, relay buttons.

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