need help badly

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New member
Apr 22, 2013
ok hi

i messed up i missed a coupl steps first off i started out following a video on you tube.
it left out a bunch of step's.
it made it look like i could just clean the circuit boards and make aqua regia and put them in there warm it up wait a while and put in smb.
that's to my shame what i did.
i now have a jar of black sludge.

the metal was pretty much gone from the boads.So i asume that means that there is gold and silver and plat in the solution with god knows what else.
i hav a container of this sludge with what appears to be the smb powder in the bottom and clinging to the sides.
i now have a copy of hoke and a bunch of boards from old tvs and computers and cell phones.i am going to do a new batch and do it right.
but i want to try to save this if i can.
please help.
thank you.
notbright said:
i am going to do a new batch
Until you understand what you've done wrong, starting a new batch would be notbright.

Put your chemicals away. Set your failed batch aside for a while as well. Your gold won't go anywhere unless you throw it away.

Spend some time reading Hoke's book and a lot of time reading here on the forum. You're not the first person to be fooled into thinking this is easy by watching a couple of youtube videos. You're not the first person to jump into a process before you understood it.

Take some time and read through some of the threads here in the help needed section. I'm sure you will find someone else who has had the same problem, and you'll find the answers in the responses.

I could give you a quick "youtube" type answer, but you'd probably be just as confused when you ran into the next step. You will find answers to all your questions here on the forum, but you'll have to put in some time studying.

To help you get started, follow the Guided Tour created by LazerSteve. It will provide an introduction to the forum and numerous valuable links including the General Reactions List. Be sure to follow the link to his web site as he has many outstanding videos, a collection of great reference documents, and he sells a lot of the supplies needed to get started including detailed instructional DVDs. Samuel-a also has a lot of videos, guides and tutorials at his web site Gold-N-Scrap.

Before you jump into any of the processes you see discussed here, be sure you understand the potential hazards and do everything you can to minimize the risks. Read EVERYTHING in the Safety section of the forum, especially the Dealing with Waste topic. No amount of precious metal is worth jeopardizing your health or the health of those around you.


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