I would concentate and get free gold, then concetrate the heaviest black sand, save and and test a portion of them to see if it would be economical to process them. it really depends on thier chemical makup and percent of values,you may find cost and trouble more than value, not that they may have value but is it worth it,I have been reading some interesting chemistry on these and platinum group metals, which have always been thought to be extremely rare, these scientists are stating they may not be as rare as thought but locked up in ore in such a chemical nature that make extraction extremely difficult. if not almost economically,(and chemically) impossible,and the chemistry of seperation the are using on a small scale is intense but very interesting.
most of ole time miners would not waste there life away trying to extract what cost more time or energy to get, as it is all hard work and a man needs to eat,getting what was easier and less trouble and moving on to better pickings or a better paying Job.