Need help with recovering my gold in smelting process

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New member
Aug 27, 2015
So im pretty new at this gold scrapping and the whole process. I had just got a smelting kit and have smelter or at least tried a few time now with no luck at all. This would be a super long post to go through all the processes but the last smelt I did I made sure that there was good in it and the end result was well. But it looks really yellow. What's going on? ? I have a few bags of all this smelted...stuff. I'm stumped. Am I not getting it hot enough or what. Cause it comes out like water. Pleas e help

Welcome to the forum. Please tell us what are you smelting and fluxes used?

I'm sorry about that. It's gold from scrap electronics. So it's plate. And I'm using borax flux from there anything else needed to separate the gold or is there not enough or what? I'm stuck on my next step. I've already smelted one batch twice thinking that it wasn't hot enough but that's not the problem. It's not pure either. One batch I just threw in the gold along with the filters and all, just ripped off the access. I watch too much u tube I think. Lol.
Welcome to the forum.
Too much watching you tube, and not enough time reading Hokes book and study of this forum, has left you with a lot of misinformation, you may have ideas of how things might work but in reality they most likely behave very differently, forget about what you think might work, or what you seen in videos.

Put up your flux, and your chemistry set, hold onto your scrap for now, and spend your time most wisely, by educating yourself with Hokes book, and the forum,.
By doing so you will learn how things really work, and learn how to recover and refine your precious metals, at this point your just trying something blindly you really do not understand which is just a recipe to loose your gold...
Forbes1114 said:
This would be a super long post to go through all the processes

How do you expect us to help you if you don't tell us what you have actually done &/or are doing (or trying to do)

1) are you trying to part (separate) the gold from the base metals by smelting ?

2) has the plating already been removed from the base metals ? (AP or nitric treatment)

3) if # (2) was the plating processed with AR or HCl/Cl then recovered from solution

4) is the starting plated material fingers or pins or ?

In other words your question has left us with nothing but :?: :?: :?: because you have not given us enough info

So - take the time - write the long post & tell us - what is/was your starting material & what all have you done with it from start to the point you are now at

Edit to ad; - picture are also good in helping us help you - like pics of you smelting kit - or pics of you material - or your slag - etc. etc.

Kurtak was spot on. Telling us the way you have is basically saying I messed around with a smelter, some gold plated stuff and Now it's all screwed up and I don't know what to do or where to go.

While I can be of no value in helping you out of your mess, because I have no/limited experience, the bottom line is you must be as specific as possible if you really do expect anybody to be able to help you. Get ready to sit down and start studying in depth. What you are trying to do is not as simple as the you tube videos would lead you to believe. Some of the you tube videos are produced by members of the forum and are very good. The rest may very well get you into trouble.

Good luck in your endeavors.
Wow everyone is so nice on here. Anyways, I do apologise but your right. I've just made too many little mistakes and not enough knowledge. Well first off I've received alot of cell phones and electronics and have tried to keep the stuff that might be a little more contaminated than let's say ram fingers/ cleaner gold cause I've noticed that after soaking everything in muriatic acid and peroxide sometimes there's alot of some sort of residue or corrosion on the coffee filter. So I separate clean from dirty. Now...the first time I refined my coffee filters with gold in them I did something wrong. Didn't add any distilled water and ended up with a months worth of gold scrapping in a liquid filled with stumpout. So forget that mess cause that's over and learned from that. Now all I'm really asking is the gold that I had dropped with bonide stumpout I have put into a crucible and added flux and I got it to 2000 and all melted and I pour and haven't seen any gold pellets or anything. What I do see is yellowish glass and then a super shiny sparkling silver coat on the very top of the glass. Kinda looks like my graphite crucible. What would you say I do to just get my gold back and clean it again. Oh and one of the smelt I just put in coffee filters without refining it just to make sure that there was gold in it and same thing. Except it took a lot longer to smelt. I guess I got to educate myself a bit more but I'm sure the book isn't going to tell me what I should do to fix my mistakes. Sorry bUT hopefully someone can be helpful. Maybe I should find another site. This one seems to be for experts only. Lol
This site will turn anyone with the thirst for knowledge in an expert provided they do their part and really want to learn. There are no shortcuts here. Only weeks, months, or even years of study. That's exactly what our experts have done. They have devoted much time into studying gold recovery and refining. They are perfectly willing to share their knowledge with anyone provided the person is willing to spent time studying.

I have always been wary of people who call themselves experts or pros. Usually you can determine the true experts by what they have to say. This brings to mind an individual who said he was an expert, but often talked in riddles. He wasn't around for long before the pros in banishment caught up with him and banished him. His rantings caused you to think, but always left you with questions. The true experts here, will go to great lengths to explain processes which they are familiar with. The bottom line is to study. Study until you know what to expect. When the time comes that you do get an unexpected result, then you will at least be familiar enough with the process to discuss it in a clear and concise manner. When some people get an unexpected result, they just start throwing chemicals at it with no real knowledge of the processes involved or the dangers they may be putting themselves or their loved ones into. DON'T DO THAT! Sit back and think your way through what you have done and explain it to the forum members. They will try to steer you into the right direction which will most likely be the safest.

Each and every process has some pros and cons associated with it. A process which works well for RAM fingers (actually gold plated finger contacts on any type of circuit board), most likely won't be worth a darn when it comes to the rest of the circuit boards. Also, the process for fingers won't work well with gold plated rings or karat jewelry, bench and floor sweepings, or dental waste. Each type of item which has gold in/on it will have a specific process to best recover the gold. Sometimes there will be several processes which will work, but usually one process will work better than the others. The search function is your friend. Use it, grasshopper. It's your job to study and determine which process best fits within your particular needs and capabilities. This tape will self destruct in 15 seconds.
Forbes1114 said:
Wow everyone is so nice on here. Anyways, I do apologise but your right. I've just made too many little mistakes and not enough knowledge. Well first off I've received alot of cell phones and electronics and have tried to keep the stuff that might be a little more contaminated than let's say ram fingers/ cleaner gold cause I've noticed that after soaking everything in muriatic acid and peroxide sometimes there's alot of some sort of residue or corrosion on the coffee filter. So I separate clean from dirty. Now...the first time I refined my coffee filters with gold in them I did something wrong. Didn't add any distilled water and ended up with a months worth of gold scrapping in a liquid filled with stumpout. So forget that mess cause that's over and learned from that. Now all I'm really asking is the gold that I had dropped with bonide stumpout I have put into a crucible and added flux and I got it to 2000 and all melted and I pour and haven't seen any gold pellets or anything. What I do see is yellowish glass and then a super shiny sparkling silver coat on the very top of the glass. Kinda looks like my graphite crucible. What would you say I do to just get my gold back and clean it again. Oh and one of the smelt I just put in coffee filters without refining it just to make sure that there was gold in it and same thing. Except it took a lot longer to smelt. I guess I got to educate myself a bit more but I'm sure the book isn't going to tell me what I should do to fix my mistakes. Sorry bUT hopefully someone can be helpful. Maybe I should find another site. This one seems to be for experts only. Lol

Hi Forbes and welcome to the forum. To start out this forum is for everyone who wants to learn about refining precious metals. With that said, there are some expectations to meet. You are expected to read hokes book to learn the basics so that we can understand each other correctly. This is weary important in this field because small mistakes can lead to big accidents. For example:
You are talking about SMELTING. Smelting is a process were you take some material that for example contains 10% gold and 90% other metals. You heat this together with flux and maybe some added silver to collect the 90% other metals in the flux and the silver. And you are then left with the gold.
But on the other hand if you put you material(in this case gold plated pins) in muriatic acid and hydrogen peroxid, and wait until the base metals are gone. You are then left with 90% gold and 10% other stuff. You then put this in you crucible and MELT it. And are left with a gold button.

Do you see the big difference between SMELT and MELT?

And that is just one example. There are many more of these almost but not even remote the same words.

That is why you need to read hoke's book and this forum before we can start to help. You need to understand what we mean, and we need to understand what you mean.

You will not find another site on the planet where you can learn as much about refining or recovery that you can learn here. this site is the place to learn if that is your goal.

What you and many new members to this forum or these skills do not understand is just how complicated this field of work can be, and how much you must learn to be able to do it successfully.

Members here will gladly help you with that, Notice the word Help. We can help you in your quest for knowledge in this field, but no one can give it to you.

I cannot transplant what I have spent years learning, from my simple brain to yours, even if I could you would not understand what much of the information meant unless you experienced the same study or work that I have, my notes or formulas would look like gibberish to you, unless you had a background to understand it.

Like other skills learning takes time and work of their own, of the individual wishing to learn the skill, this work involves time, and much study for the person trying to gain these skills, most of the work has been provided for you in this forum, much needed literature, and many discussions, we can help you learn where to begin those studies, we can help with information, and assist you if you get stumped, and provide suggestions.

I suspect you really understand very little of what you tried to do, seeing some video and tried it, you most likely lost the gold that you could of easily retrieved and refined with some knowledge.

To help you gain a bit of that knowledge, as a friendly gesture, I suggested the best way to help you I know of and that is for you to begin with Hokes book, and study of the forum.

Your right you will not learn everything you may need from one book. You will not learn from asking questions on the forum. You will not learn from watching a video. you will not learn from doing a google search or a search of something in the forum... each of these may give you a little piece of a big puzzle, but without the understanding of how to put the puzzle together each of these alone are not much help. but as a combination and with your hard work they will help you learn this skill.

We are willing to help you learn these skills and gain an understanding of its art and science, if you are willing to do your part of that work to be able to understand it.

Start with Hoke's book to gain a basic understanding, Start with learning the safety aspects, and dealing with waste, start with a simple materials to learn some basic principles, search for information and study it until you understand it, ask questions when needed, read what others have to share of what they have learned. share with us what you have learned...

As far as helping you recover gold from your (quote "smelt"), at this point I will not be much help. As you have not provided much information for us to go by, at this point of your described processes I can see too many places you may have lost your gold,and did not realize it, I cannot even be sure gold was in the melting process and if it was what else may have been involved in the melt besides your "flux" like chlorides making some fine gold powder volatile...

The study of the book suggested may not tell you how to fix your mistake, but it can sure help you learn not to make them and lose all your values and hard work.

Read the book it holds a treasure of information,.
Now if I had a treasure map to where you can get gold, I am sure you would be chomping at the bit to get a hold of that map.
But the funny thing is, when I told you where that treasure map was (in Hoke's book) and suggested you read it, you snubbed your nose at it, and the suggestion. I was trying to be nice and help you to learn to find your treasures.
We can help lead you to these precious maps, but you have to put the work in to get the gold, if gold was easy to get find recover and refine it would not be worth much, its value is because it is not easy and does take a lot of work...

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