Need some advice on Melting Gold _gasmeltfurnace_

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g_axelsson said:
I'm with you, guys. At this stage his posts are just annoying and doesn't contribute.

But I would like to see him comment on the thread where we already is discussing his videos. That would be appropriate.


Dont hold your breath.. He hasnt ever answered a single question.. And any comments on his youtube videos that are less than praising, get deleted..

Edit for spelling
He's been banned and the site reported to google spam.

He made one more post with links to his site as well as deleting the comment I added on his blog.

I just wish I could see his face when he tries to log in again... time to remove some links and posts.

Update, he is banned although I didn't ban his IP as he had a different IP for each post. If he returns under another username we can ban the whole IP-block.

The single posts without answers have been deleted as well as one of the threads that didn't have any meaning after his post was deleted. A few jokes got lost in collateral damage as well as the turd emoji.
In the threads where we was asked critical questions I left the original link, just disabled it enough so computers doesn't follow it but people could. I also did it with quotes.

If another moderator thinks the threads needs more pruning, just go ahead.

g_axelsson said:
... A few jokes got lost in collateral damage as well as the turd emoji.

I suppose the needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few, or the one... Poop emoji.. ...I think I can live with that :)

Not to beat a (long since) dead horse, but, remember .. This guys videos were the ones guarev34 (? I think) posted initially... There was some argument that ensued on a couple of those threads as well. (delete this post too, if need be. Just thought I should mention his videos are still strewn about the place)
I don't see posting links to his videos like a bad thing. At least we are discussing the pro's and con's without silencing any criticism. The youtube world is it's own small cosmos and people will find his videos whatever we are doing.

Direct links to his blog on the other hand is giving him higher rankings in searches and steers people googling about refining gold in his direction. There are no reasons to help him in that matter.

He is Umar Iqbal and his videos are dangerous. It was his video on smelting MLCC's that eventually got Ken banned. He was a member of a facebook group that I moderate. He posted a video on wet ashing where they were boiling IC's in a big metal pot of sulfuric acid in an open courtyard while his workers walked around it with no respirator, no shoes, no shirts and short pants. He was summarily banned from the group. His plagiarized website "goldenscrap" is just videos of him putting everyone around him at risk. He and I exchanged words a couple of times and I am not ashamed to say that I told him exactly what I thought about his processes and about him as a person.

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