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We or I don't think your dumb,in fact you come
Off very well spoken and you have a good attitude

I believe what you say
Maybe you could post your intended procedure
step by step for recovery and refining of your gold
and of course including your safety steps and disposal Of your waste.

By the way the 23 grams for 7lbs were for close cut fingers not pins and I believe were from very high yield isa cards and done by an experienced refiner
Also something this form would want to hear is how you intend on testing for gold in solution and that you understand how to make and store
your testing solution (this is very important)
Good luck . I wish for you an empty apartment and a
Few nice buttons.
Opps sorry I didn't see the previous posts
I am also on a phone it is difficult for you type more than
a page is it the same for you
What kind off phone
You can always hook up 1 of your computers
and tether your phone for internet depending on
Your carrier.
ZHillyard said:
At this point, i figure i will order subzero from shore, and a precipitant, use the available muriatic and caustic i have access to and run only my plated gold pieces.

My suggestion would be to read up and visit lasersteves site, your subject of study being the sulphuric cell if you are intending to process a large amount of gold plated material, your waste stream will be massive if you intend using AR on your pins.
I know we all seem pessimistic and doom mongers but most of us have been where you are.
It's not impossible for you to recover and refine your e scrap and if your intent on doing so this is the place to learn, at the feet of the masters and I don't count myself amongst them, as we have members who do this sort of material all day, every day.
Read Hoke, her book is the starting point for any new wannabe refiner, the simple to understand language makes sense of many of the chemicals used and processes, the bad news it was written in the 1930s so e scrap isn't mentioned. While her teaching is sinking in follow her testing and getting aquatinted advice especially the use of stannous, and then read the forum handbooks and the safety section, a visit to lasersteves site would also pay dividends.
This should give you a plan of how to start, did you notice I said recover and refine earlier, this is important to remember as direct dissolution of much e scrap will give you major problems that can be avoided if you follow the processes outlined and discussed frequently on the forum.
You can still be working towards your goal by preparing your scrap for recovery and don't be blinded by gold fever there are other values in e scrap to recover but that's something you will learn as you start your adventure.
Good luck.
Well, after talking to some locals I have decided to go with the hydrochloric. I ended up getting myself a gallon of it to play around with and I have been working on setting my bench area up this week and
building myself a fume hood. I am going to try reverse electroplating on just my fine pins and shaving using the hc and see how that little experiment goes. I've currently got the stuff stored in a mason jar with a seal I fabbed up from a pvc soap bucket; it seems to be working pretty good so far. I'm still alive at least. :p
steyr223 said:
Opps sorry I didn't see the previous posts
I am also on a phone it is difficult for you type more than
a page is it the same for you
What kind off phone
You can always hook up 1 of your computers
and tether your phone for internet depending on
Your carrier.

Thanks for that bit. Yeah, that's what I'm doing now. My phone took concrete-dive and I was
waiting to get a new one after the insurance was approved. I was on a Dinosaur LG.
My friend
I also use a dumb smartphone and get the frustration ;-(
On the next point(s) :
If you are getting info anywhere on the web but this site and lazersteve's, then you are doomed for disappointment- sound cocky? I've been exactly where you are, my friend. I ask you to believe me though you have no reason to do so, yet. The issue is this - NONE of us had all the skills/experience/background to make this pay when we started. Many of us fell for the bullshit on youtube and wasted time and money on misleading claims by folks like Shor.
I didn't know dick about everything involved when I started - in fact, I began based on misleading info posted by someone trying to sell cpu's, not a member. It got me started, though, and I soon saw the limits of my current wisdom, but how it prepared of to learn all the new stuff, too. I learned this - unless i've refined before, I don't understand what it will take. BUT THESE GUYS HERE DO AND WILL HELP YOU TO SUCCEED but you have to realize your need for their help.
I think Longfellow said,in "the coach": "he who spreads a breast broader than mine [or an athlete I train who exceeds my accomplishments ] proves better the true width of mine [proves how much skill I really have]. "
Put your pride in your pocket and learn from these master coaches and you may wind us better than us all.
One more thing, take Shor out of your vocabulary and never mention it again, unless you wish to disparage them as I do.

What the other memebers of the forum do not understand is the one of the statement that you made is the fact that you are in Austin Texas. I was born and raised in Austin and have a brother that is long time in a related law enforcement position. Not a more difficult place to do in the US than Austin. Understand, the return on what you are doing is going to be in 1% range in metal not including your costs. Your chances of having some large legal expenses is very high and explaining what you are doing before a judge is far higher because of your location. My suggestion is to find a local refiner and don't try to do it yourself. I understand that you see a gold mine in all the boards and I understand that you are on a limited budget. You already have over 100 hours of your time in this project but you have a much bigger chance of having time invested in custody than having a profit in your experiments. You might contact our member, Lobby, who is a 30 year chemist to help you extract your metals.

Whatever he charges you, it's far cheaper than the $300. per hour that any attorney is going to charge you. Love Austin, own lots of property there, but understand it far better than most. I not trying to discourage you and have many pounds to military plated pins of the same thing. Just know what the return is and your location is not the place that is going to forgiving and understanding. Expect to be explaining that you don't have a methd lab and have the entire State Air Quality, EPA, DPS, Office of Consumer Affairs giving you an inspection. Do you have your Gold Buyers license from DPS? Only a $50,000 fine! Need I say more?

Good Luck,
Dan Dement said:

What the other memebers of the forum do not understand is the one of the statement that you made is the fact that you are in Austin Texas. I was born and raised in Austin and have a brother that is long time in a related law enforcement position. Not a more difficult place to do in the US than Austin. Understand, the return on what you are doing is going to be in 1% range in metal not including your costs. Your chances of having some large legal expenses is very high and explaining what you are doing before a judge is far higher because of your location. My suggestion is to find a local refiner and don't try to do it yourself. I understand that you see a gold mine in all the boards and I understand that you are on a limited budget. You already have over 100 hours of your time in this project but you have a much bigger chance of having time invested in custody than having a profit in your experiments. You might contact our member, Lobby, who is a 30 year chemist to help you extract your metals.

Whatever he charges you, it's far cheaper than the $300. per hour that any attorney is going to charge you. Love Austin, own lots of property there, but understand it far better than most. I not trying to discourage you and have many pounds to military plated pins of the same thing. Just know what the return is and your location is not the place that is going to forgiving and understanding. Expect to be explaining that you don't have a methd lab and have the entire State Air Quality, EPA, DPS, Office of Consumer Affairs giving you an inspection. Do you have your Gold Buyers license from DPS? Only a $50,000 fine! Need I say more?

Good Luck,

If someone could give me an alternative, other than a large refinery, in a do-it-yourself home system on a current budget of $2500, I would pay for that right now. If there is a licensed chemist near me that can legally do the job on all of my metal; I would pay him on an hourly + equipment fees. I'm NOT paying a % of my gold recovered and I think I've read enough to find that to be the one solution I want to avoid. If I went that route I was going to go with American Recycling in Dallas.

If there is a chemist on this forum who wants to give me a rough price on your time, equipment costs and other needs, I would mail my material out of state and let a reputable member of this forum do the job for me. If someone likes that idea and has enough support around here then I think I could let that idea fly. Could use an ebay private auction to clear up the legal crap unless you have a business license or DBA. I obviously wouldn't be putting anyone on a tight time-schedule, either. That could be discussed.

Thanks, Dan, duly noted. The law always makes sense. :oops:
That is a pretty big damn number. I did not think about the meth lab, and I'm already on that page.
They don't knock on your door and whip out badges when they suspect that crap around here (but you know that.)
-- I'd rather not have a gun pointed at me.
dtectr said:
My friend
I also use a dumb smartphone and get the frustration ;-(
On the next point(s) :
If you are getting info anywhere on the web but this site and lazersteve's, then you are doomed for disappointment- sound cocky? I've been exactly where you are, my friend. I ask you to believe me though you have no reason to do so, yet. The issue is this - NONE of us had all the skills/experience/background to make this pay when we started. Many of us fell for the bullshit on youtube and wasted time and money on misleading claims by folks like Shor.
I didn't know dick about everything involved when I started - in fact, I began based on misleading info posted by someone trying to sell cpu's, not a member. It got me started, though, and I soon saw the limits of my current wisdom, but how it prepared of to learn all the new stuff, too. I learned this - unless i've refined before, I don't understand what it will take. BUT THESE GUYS HERE DO AND WILL HELP YOU TO SUCCEED but you have to realize your need for their help.
I think Longfellow said,in "the coach": "he who spreads a breast broader than mine [or an athlete I train who exceeds my accomplishments ] proves better the true width of mine [proves how much skill I really have]. "
Put your pride in your pocket and learn from these master coaches and you may wind us better than us all.
One more thing, take Shor out of your vocabulary and never mention it again, unless you wish to disparage them as I do.

I'm a 25 y/o music major. -- Wait, why are you looking at me like that...? That's why I'm broke all the time and have to work poo-poo jobs and come up with
ideas like refining gold. It was like Santa dumped a bunch of free s*** down my chimney in April and left a note that said "Good luck, ***hole. You weren't
good enough to get anything for Christmas, so I'm feeling sorry for you: here's a bunch of free gold from a really nice old crazy military electronics engineering genius
who happened to work for Solectron and had a 30-year career at Ft. Hood, and was a hoarder of everything that plugged into the wall. Find a way to sell all of this gold s*** crap and keep all of the
cool stuff for yourself.... Keep it all..... Keeeeeep it." -- Yeah, I know, Santa is kind of messed up or this is some kind of messed up karma.

I have an Osborne 1 now with 3 working printers and included software. Extra drives, cables. The original Microsoft word, excel and there is a plotter that goes with it -- I could make $2-300 on that alone, and that is just a start of a long list, but I really don't wanna.. -- Okay, this is probably God, actually-- or the ghost of the guy who owned this stuff. I now want to keep all of his stuff--and I am willing to pay for it--like he did. Crazy? I just might be. I'm jerking off to vintage computers at night. Women? You should see some of this s***. I don't leave my house. There are so many military books, too... I'm a kid.. A crazy, happy.. happy kid.
old thompson said:
"All i need is nitric" kind of sounds like "all I need to know is how to fly the plane, nevermind landing."
I repostep what i meant. Nitric was the only ingredient i cannot get.
Send it to me, but i'm going to charge you a percentage to. That's how this business works. You pay a percentage whether you pay it in lot process fees or in material recovery, or when you sell it outright. Do you think you can come out any cheaper by hiring some one by time and materials? My time is worth a whole lot more that a lawyer for sure and if you sell the material outright you still ain't going to come out ahead either. Try ara and i think you will be surprised when you see what happens there. Their has to be a medium somewhere and that medium is at the end of the day we all have to feed our family.
Palladium said:
Send it to me, but i'm going to charge you a percentage to. That's how this business works. You pay a percentage whether you pay it in lot process fees or in material recovery, or when you sell it outright. Do you think you can come out any cheaper by hiring some one by time and materials? My time is worth a whole lot more that a lawyer for sure and if you sell the material outright you still ain't going to come out ahead either. Try ara and i think you will be surprised when you see what happens there. Their has to be a medium somewhere and that medium is at the end of the day we all have to feed our family.

No, not cheaper. I want to be able to see clear results from an individual rather than a large corporation. Then, the next time I do it and go to the large guy I'll have a good comparison.

-- Or I'll just keep watching Lazersteve's videos and looking up at that lightbulb glowing over my head. The simplest things get missed sometimes.
Palladium said:
Send it to me, but i'm going to charge you a percentage to. That's how this business works. You pay a percentage whether you pay it in lot process fees or in material recovery, or when you sell it outright. Do you think you can come out any cheaper by hiring some one by time and materials? My time is worth a whole lot more that a lawyer for sure and if you sell the material outright you still ain't going to come out ahead either. Try ara and i think you will be surprised when you see what happens there. Their has to be a medium somewhere and that medium is at the end of the day we all have to feed our family.

No, not cheaper. I want to be able to see clear results from an individual rather than a large corporation. Then, the next time I do it and go to the large guy I'll have a good comparison from a source that I trust. Run a few small batches of my material to get an idea of some potential yields (I am not worried about the material paying the bill, but it may only just do that.) If I think it's worth it after that, I'll take it to the big guy.

-- Or I'll just keep watching Lazersteve's videos and looking up at that lightbulb glowing over my head. The simplest things get missed sometimes. "there was no aqua regia used" -- "there was no aqua regia used" -- "there was no aqua regia used." Well--- That summed up a lot for me Steve. :roll: :idea: :idea: :idea: durrdudrrurrurrr.. durrr.... urr...
While you may not be able to refine your material you may well be able to affect a recovery via the various processes outlined here on the forum. Remember the two are distinct ares of the same business but with recovery you can use more readily available chemicals such as hydrochloric and sulphuric, the hydrochloric can be used to remove tin before you either create AP to remove base metals or use the sulphuric cell to strip the gold and leave the base metals intact. While this may not be perfect it will at least leave you with a smaller amount of values and anything not worth the effort such as motherboards can be sold. If you end up with reasonable amount of flake and you want to you could always use the Chlorox method to do the refining process, nitric isn't always necessary and many members struggle to source it hence the various work around methods used here on the forum.
nickvc said:
While you may not be able to refine your material you may well be able to affect a recovery via the various processes outlined here on the forum. Remember the two are distinct ares of the same business but with recovery you can use more readily available chemicals such as hydrochloric and sulphuric, the hydrochloric can be used to remove tin before you either create AP to remove base metals or use the sulphuric cell to strip the gold and leave the base metals intact. While this may not be perfect it will at least leave you with a smaller amount of values and anything not worth the effort such as motherboards can be sold. If you end up with reasonable amount of flake and you want to you could always use the Chlorox method to do the refining process, nitric isn't always necessary and many members struggle to source it hence the various work around methods used here on the forum.

Thanks. I am going to follow Steve's videos and make some attempts at recovery.
Just finished up at my workshop apartment for the day and thought I'd take a picture or two of my workspace for part-stripping. What's in the rubbermaids is what I have collected since sunday. The content weight of the tubs was right around 5 lbs. I have two more at home completely filled, both are more of the same materials as the two pictured here. Not sure how many processors I have total, but it's somewhere just over 100 that have been plucked out so far and I keep finding more.







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