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Gold Refining Forum

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Dec 9, 2013
Well I'm new here and yours was the first post I read. Thanks for the advice...Hoke you say? I'm on my way. BTW, I love your attitude!!!
Hello, I'm Max ask for help ic cihp nitric acid or hydrochloric acid to start burning please tell me the whole process http ://
Maxi5 said:
Hello, I'm Max ask for help ic cihp nitric acid or hydrochloric acid to start burning please tell me the whole process http ://

I will get right on that, and write out the whole process for you!
It may take me a few months, check back often!

I read this because I just signed up tonight. I am new to PM recovery, not even close to refining but I plan to get there, and a gentleman from you tube by the name of drewmetalsmith suggested I join and start reading through this forum and I plan to do just that. I am just a regular every day metal scrapper on the side but have been dabbling with e-waste for a little while and my curiosity is running wild. I am not new to how forums work so the search function is my friend however I must request if there is a thread that I need to read before moving further (concerning forum rules that I might have missed) please feel free to give me a what for. Harold has made things quite clear so I want to tread lightly. Thank you for reading this post and I hope I haven't made too much of a fool out of myself.
Welcome to this great forum, I think you will like it here.
Here are a few places to get you started learning the forum and recovery and refining, this is a very vast science so you will be beginning a very long journey.

General Chat section you will find the guide to the forum, the general reaction list, and welcome to new members.

In the safety section begin your study there with, Dealing with waste.

In the help needed section you will find getting your gold pure and shining (you will need this after you refine your gold) but it is just too good to leave out of this list.

Laser Steve's website is very helpful. as well as several of our other members web sites and videos.
there are a ton of others but these will get you started.

P.S. Hokes book a must read for anyone wishing to learn to recover and refine precious metals, Found in the book section and in many members signature lines.
butcher said:
Welcome to this great forum, I think you will like it here.
Here are a few places to get you started learning the forum and recovery and refining, this is a very vast science so you will be beginning a very long journey.

General Chat section you will find the guide to the forum, the general reaction list, and welcome to new members.

In the safety section begin your study there with, Dealing with waste.

In the help needed section you will find getting your gold pure and shining (you will need this after you refine your gold) but it is just too good to leave out of this list.

Laser Steve's website is very helpful. as well as several of our other members web sites and videos.
there are a ton of others but these will get you started.

P.S. Hokes book a must read for anyone wishing to learn to recover and refine precious metals, Found in the book section and in many members signature lines.
Thanks Butcher,
I read for about 2 hours last night and am having a blast just reading about this stuff.
I understand this is forum for those serious about refining as well as those willing to do research. With that being said I would like to tell you why I am here with my somewhat uneducated questions. I was left to clean out a storage unit and all items were to be put in the dumpster. During the clean out I found Au and Ag parts from electronics but I also found what appears to be chemicals and/or the byproduct of some home refining. I am not a chemist nor do I have any experience in refining, but I know enough to not put anything in the trash that says AgNO3 or H2SO4 leach. I have in the past few days researched videos on leaching precious metals from electronic and also called the local university for help. I have not gotten very far and am a bit stumped. Please understand I am a full time working mother with two young children so I do not want to keep this stuff around. I am not interested in a magic pot of gold. Just looking for advice. Thank you for your time.
Twistie said:
I understand this is forum for those serious about refining as well as those willing to do research. With that being said I would like to tell you why I am here with my somewhat uneducated questions. I was left to clean out a storage unit and all items were to be put in the dumpster. During the clean out I found Au and Ag parts from electronics but I also found what appears to be chemicals and/or the byproduct of some home refining. I am not a chemist nor do I have any experience in refining, but I know enough to not put anything in the trash that says AgNO3 or H2SO4 leach. I have in the past few days researched videos on leaching precious metals from electronic and also called the local university for help. I have not gotten very far and am a bit stumped. Please understand I am a full time working mother with two young children so I do not want to keep this stuff around. I am not interested in a magic pot of gold. Just looking for advice. Thank you for your time.

Pictures of what you have and a general location would help.
You may have a forum member close enough to help.

Twistie said:
I understand this is forum for those serious about refining as well as those willing to do research. With that being said I would like to tell you why I am here with my somewhat uneducated questions. I was left to clean out a storage unit and all items were to be put in the dumpster. During the clean out I found Au and Ag parts from electronics but I also found what appears to be chemicals and/or the byproduct of some home refining. I am not a chemist nor do I have any experience in refining, but I know enough to not put anything in the trash that says AgNO3 or H2SO4 leach. I have in the past few days researched videos on leaching precious metals from electronic and also called the local university for help. I have not gotten very far and am a bit stumped. Please understand I am a full time working mother with two young children so I do not want to keep this stuff around. I am not interested in a magic pot of gold. Just looking for advice. Thank you for your time.

Silver nitrate is AgNO3 (contains nitric acid)
Sulfuric Acid is H2SO4
not good things to have around children !!

put them in in a very safe place far away from the kids please
jimdoc said:
Twistie said:
I understand this is forum for those serious about refining as well as those willing to do research. With that being said I would like to tell you why I am here with my somewhat uneducated questions. I was left to clean out a storage unit and all items were to be put in the dumpster. During the clean out I found Au and Ag parts from electronics but I also found what appears to be chemicals and/or the byproduct of some home refining. I am not a chemist nor do I have any experience in refining, but I know enough to not put anything in the trash that says AgNO3 or H2SO4 leach. I have in the past few days researched videos on leaching precious metals from electronic and also called the local university for help. I have not gotten very far and am a bit stumped. Please understand I am a full time working mother with two young children so I do not want to keep this stuff around. I am not interested in a magic pot of gold. Just looking for advice. Thank you for your time.

Pictures of what you have and a general location would help.
You may have a forum member close enough to help.


Hi Jim and Thank You!

I live in Tucson Arizona and I do have pictures. Is there an email where I could forward them? Beth
necromancer said:
Twistie said:
I understand this is forum for those serious about refining as well as those willing to do research. With that being said I would like to tell you why I am here with my somewhat uneducated questions. I was left to clean out a storage unit and all items were to be put in the dumpster. During the clean out I found Au and Ag parts from electronics but I also found what appears to be chemicals and/or the byproduct of some home refining. I am not a chemist nor do I have any experience in refining, but I know enough to not put anything in the trash that says AgNO3 or H2SO4 leach. I have in the past few days researched videos on leaching precious metals from electronic and also called the local university for help. I have not gotten very far and am a bit stumped. Please understand I am a full time working mother with two young children so I do not want to keep this stuff around. I am not interested in a magic pot of gold. Just looking for advice. Thank you for your time.

Silver nitrate is AgNO3 (contains nitric acid)
Sulfuric Acid is H2SO4
not good things to have around children !!

put them in in a very safe place far away from the kids please

Thank you for the information. I am not storing in my house.
Twistie said:
necromancer said:
Twistie said:
I understand this is forum for those serious about refining as well as those willing to do research. With that being said I would like to tell you why I am here with my somewhat uneducated questions. I was left to clean out a storage unit and all items were to be put in the dumpster. During the clean out I found Au and Ag parts from electronics but I also found what appears to be chemicals and/or the byproduct of some home refining. I am not a chemist nor do I have any experience in refining, but I know enough to not put anything in the trash that says AgNO3 or H2SO4 leach. I have in the past few days researched videos on leaching precious metals from electronic and also called the local university for help. I have not gotten very far and am a bit stumped. Please understand I am a full time working mother with two young children so I do not want to keep this stuff around. I am not interested in a magic pot of gold. Just looking for advice. Thank you for your time.

Silver nitrate is AgNO3 (contains nitric acid)
Sulfuric Acid is H2SO4
not good things to have around children !!

put them in in a very safe place far away from the kids please

Thank you for the information. I am not storing in my house.

wonderful, if you were going to take photos & get help with those items you can start a new post in the wanted section with a clear subject line, there will be help for you,
Hello, first, thank you for this board.
I am new, I sell jewelry. I have left over gold plated old vintage jewelry. I am a 58 year old grandma. I want to work with my son to start refining
I have read your "READ THIS FIRST" but sadly, I am a bit overwhelmed as to what to read, next, before I start asking questions....
Can you kindly dierect me to the next place of what I need to read, before getting back to you with questions...
We have spent over 2 weeks gathering information, my husband is well versed in the lab. We are serious, will and ready, but need direction....thank you for any direction
you can give me......Susan
lazersteve said:
Check out the links in the Guided Tour links below.

Welcome to the forum.


I feel so silly, I am not even sure how to respond. I clicked on QUOTE but it looks like I'm in your post, Steve.
Thank you, I'll go into those links and read up.....thank you.
b_s_lucky said:
lazersteve said:
Check out the links in the Guided Tour links below.

Welcome to the forum.


I feel so silly, I am not even sure how to respond. I clicked on QUOTE but it looks like I'm in your post, Steve.
Thank you, I'll go into those links and read up.....thank you.

Ok, one more time...I went to the store....and I looked at the DVD list.....I am not sure what to buy that talks of EP jewelry. I am sorry if I seem particularly stupid. I am very dedicated, but there is SO much, and there are many ways, it seems, to refine.....I am looking for a breakdown of the best way to address EP. Of course, in my case, we mostly have jewelry. I'm wanting to buy the correct ebook and DVD that will address the best way to refine that. I spent almost 3 hours last night, and did not figure out which one to buy.....thank you, again....Susan
With plated jewellery it's usually advised to use the sulphuric cell to strip the gold, the video is very good and there's plenty to read here on the forum concerning the use and maintenance of it.
Be aware that concentrated sulphuric is extremely nasty so follow all safety precautions to avoid injuries.
If you use the search function at the top right of your screen and type in sulphuric cell you will I'm sure find lots of posts covering all aspects of it.
Good luck and please study the safety section before you do anything.
b_s_lucky said:
b_s_lucky said:
lazersteve said:
Check out the links in the Guided Tour links below.

Welcome to the forum.


I feel so silly, I am not even sure how to respond. I clicked on QUOTE but it looks like I'm in your post, Steve.
Thank you, I'll go into those links and read up.....thank you.

Ok, one more time...I went to the store....and I looked at the DVD list.....I am not sure what to buy that talks of EP jewelry. I am sorry if I seem particularly stupid. I am very dedicated, but there is SO much, and there are many ways, it seems, to refine.....I am looking for a breakdown of the best way to address EP. Of course, in my case, we mostly have jewelry. I'm wanting to buy the correct ebook and DVD that will address the best way to refine that. I spent almost 3 hours last night, and did not figure out which one to buy.....thank you, again....Susan

I think for electroplated jewelry you could use the gold stripping cell like my micro stripping cell or the larger one that most people are probably using. Lazersteve's online videos (you need to sign in there but the username and password is on that site) especially the Electrolytic Cell Construction and Use one should get you started. I didn't notice a video to purchase from Lazersteve that shows the stripping cell but he has a few videos on his site for free that shows it.

Also, check out the link at the bottom of my messages for many links to needed information.

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