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The videos for the stripping cell are free to view and can be found in the 'Cell Videos' section here: (login required: username: gold; password: goldm1ner*)

The videos cover the basic cell construction and operation. You can find the cell clean out written instructions here:

Black Powder from the Cell

For electroplated jewelry I would use the reverse stripping cell. Details of the reverse stripping cell videos can be seen in the Cell videos section of my site.

Silver nitrate is AgNO3 (contains nitric acid)
Sulfuric Acid is H2SO4
not good things to have around children !!

put them in in a very safe place far away from the kids please[/quote]

I believe the first statement is totally false. Nitric acid is HNO3. Silver Nitrate (AgNO3) does not contain nitric acid. It contains silver (Ag), Nitrogen (N), and Oxygen (O3).

Sulfuric acid is a very powerful acid. Keep ALL chemicals away from the children, especially when you are working with them. Nothing you could possibly obtain from these chemicals could be remotely worth the health of your precious children.

Start reading the forum and good luck.
Semantics. It's like saying dihydrogen monoxide does not contain water but just hydrogen and oxygen. If a compound contains two hydrogen and one oxygen (no matter what the compound is) it still contains water.

If it's anhydrous silver nitrate, it still contains water. Crystallized silver nitrate contains water. If you remove all of the water, you will be left with silver metal.
Geo said:
Semantics. It's like saying dihydrogen monoxide does not contain water but just hydrogen and oxygen. If a compound contains two hydrogen and one oxygen (no matter what the compound is) it still contains water.

If it's anhydrous silver nitrate, it still contains water. Crystallized silver nitrate contains water. If you remove all of the water, you will be left with silver metal.
No, it's not semantics. Would you say that NaCl contains hydrocloric acid and therefore is dangerous to keep at home?
You can create a lot of different molecules that contains both oxygen and hydrogen atoms but that doesn't make it water, it doesn't mean it contains water either even if it contains the building blocks of water and even can be transformed into water.

We do not want to be lax when talking about chemicals, if there is an error spotted on the forum it must be put forward and corrected.

And for your information, anhydrous silver nitrate (AgNO3) doesn't contain any hydrogen, unless you rearrange some atom nuclei and create a hydrogen atom. So it definitely does not contain any water.

Chemistry is a science and science is all about using correct definitions and being as precise as you can.


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