New AR Recipe?

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2009
United States
Hi all,

Looking for advice from the chemists here.

I currently buy a mixed acid concrete etcher, which it's chemical make-up is not too specific as to percentages, but they are listed as 1. Water 2. Phosphoric acid 3. Nitric Acid.

This chem is fairly expensive, and I currently use it for small jobs I feel it is more effective than poorman's nitric.

I have a question about the use of this as AR. The wiki for phosphoric says when NaCL is added to Phosphoric, a salt is formed, as well as HCL. I wonder if the percentage is enough to be the 4:1 ratio recommended for AR solutions. If this were possible, it may be useful for easily stored, available AR. I had a hard time finding HCL for a while, and Nitric is a hard one too. Maybe this process could help someone, if it is plausible.


The MSDS for this is pretty vague as well. I see why they don't list the percentages of each acid. The nitric can range from 15-35% as well as the phosphoric from 15-35%. HMMM, I wonder why the large differences in amounts? Are they less obligated to be precise as this chemical is used for prep work of concrete?

I also assume phosphoric is cheaper, but not as cheap as water. LOL

You can get HCl from salt and phosphoric acid. You get practically any acid from distillation with phosphoric.

Distilling a mixture of phosphoric and nitric acids will give you pure nitric acid with phosphoric remaining in the retort.


Thank you for the info. I have a distillation unit, it is stainless. However the cooling unit is a copper tube based design. I am also wary of distilling my own nitric. I don't really wanna mess around with the fumes.

Thanks again,

Lou, so adding some phosphoric to nitric or AR process won't hurt?
I ask because I found 40% peroxide @ a beauty supply store & it contains some phosphoric in it. I used a bit & notice no problems... but then again, I'm a noob! :roll:
I just finished refining 30GM of 14 karat in AR w/some of that peroxide. I expected 16.9 of 24k, & recovered just that. I droped w/SMB. It's the first run & there's gold foils in the light tan powder & on the side of the coffee pot.


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