New gold stripping chemical that I can't figure out how to get my gold out of

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Mar 30, 2016
Northern California
Awhile back I was suckered into buying and trying this new miracle gold stripping agent. So I stripped a bunch of gold via this mysterious process. Then I was taken away from my project and never was able to get back to it. Now its a few years later and I have this dish with the dried substance and what I hope is my gold. Any ideas on how one would go about trying to get the gold? Hcl? Nitric? I'm not sure what to do
Can you tell us a little more about the chemical you used or the company you bought it from. Before you add acid too it, we need to know a little more.

I believe it was the Eco goldex. Was just reading up on the post about it from a long time ago I believe I was part of the post but didn't get that far in the forum topic because it's over nine pages long yeah I believe it's the Eco gold deck stuff and it was brown and acted very much like the stuff in that topic.
That's why I asked. Do NOT add acid! The Eco-goldex products are cyanide based. Adding acid could very well release deadly hydrogen cyanide gas.

You should probably re-read that thread. I believe there were several options given for recovering the gold. I have no personal experience with the products, so I'm not the one to answer your question.

Rreyes097 said:
I believe it was the Eco goldex.

If it was Eco goldex - as others said - ABSOLUTELY DO NOT use acid :!: :!: :!:

As Lino said - re-dissolve with water

Also - just adding zinc to drop the gold MAY NOT work to drop/recover the gold

You MAY have to first add ammonia for the gold to drop (actually to cement out)

Zinc I have and I have re constituted with distilled water. I watched a YouTube video where the guy had to lower pH to 6 to 6.5 with citric acid. Then use zinc or zinc powder to drop gold but then had to use smb to lower pH to 7.3 and again drop gold with zinc. And according to him this must be done 3 times minimum! Yes this stuff gets the gold off fast but getting it back is a pain in the neck. I think I will try that and hopefully get my gold back. One video used HCl but I don't think I want to do that. I feel it's may be unsafe. 🤔😃 What y'all think? Should I go for it? You said use aluminum over zinc. Why do you propose that?
Al works better in alkaline environment, Zn, may need final acid rinse after it is coated no need to reduce pH
If the solid was completely dissolved, no need. If not, add to complete dissolution. What pH you have now?
I think the pH that is at now is 11. So how much ammonia and how much aluminum? And what did you mean by solids? Which solids ? The aluminum? Because when the solution dried out there was a lot of crumbled rust looking stuff. So I filtered it out and tried to dissolve what I could with the water but there was some left. I'm wondering if there is gold in it? Either way I saved it and I'll attempt to get gold out of solution as well as filter. So ammonia first? About how much of the ammonia? Then aluminum cut into strips then filter and dissolve the aluminum with HCL?

The Eco-goldex product does NOT work like normal cyanide (sodium or potassium cyanide)

Eco-goldex product is made with a "complex" of "several" different chemicals - "one" of which is ether potassium ferri or ferro cyanide (can't remember off the top of my head)

ferri/ferro cyanide will not dissolve gold - unless you dis-associate the iron from the cyanide

That is normally done with exposure of UV to the solution which then allows the cyanide to dissolve the gold

However - Eco-goldex came up with this chemical complex (it's their secret blend) which dis-associates the the iron from the ferri/ferro cyanide to allow the cyanide to dissolve the gold

The problem is - that what ever the other chems are - used in their product to dis-associate the iron --- ALSO prevents recovering the gold from the solution with zinc, aluminum, carbon, or electro winning

In order to recover the gold from solution - the solution first needs to go through more chemical additions &/or steps

one of which is the addition of ammonia - or a chemical additional process of their own (& of course they are more then glad to sell you those chems) --- other wise the gold WILL NOT drop

When I tried the Eco-goldex product I used the addition of ammonia in order to recover my gold

That said - although house hold ammonia will work - it take a LOT because it is so diluted (& I do mean a LOT) - so - I ended up having to go get an industrial grade (high %) ammonia in order for it to effectively recover the gold

Bottom line - though the Eco-goldex product works "well" at putting gold into solution (as a gold cyanide) recovering the gold is nothing short of a REAL pain in the you know what

Which is why - other then the one time experiment where I tried it to investigate the product I would/will never use the product again & most certainly do not recommend it

They sell you the Eco-goldex product - then you have to go back to them in order to get you gold back out of solution

Also, for those of us who are obsessive about such things, their MSDS sheets are severely lacking to the point that I do no believe they will pass an OSHA inspection.

Time for more coffee.
Rreyes097 said:
I think the pH that is at now is 11. So how much ammonia and how much aluminum?

Sorry but don't have time to post more today but will "try" to post more tomorrow

Edit to add; - until I post again don't do anything else - your gold is not going to go anywhere - experimenting before we have fully discussed this may very well make getting your gold back more difficult

I'm certainly I'm no hurry. I filtered off the stuff that did not dissolve when I put in the distilled water. And saved the filtered water as well. Way back when I bought this stuff I was talking to the guy that made Eco goldex. He suggested zinc and ammonia. So I bought both from him and still was unable to get my gold back. No a few years later. I have no idea where that industrial ammonia went and now can only find the lemon scented ammonia. Will this work?
And thanks for the video Paul. I have already watched that thing and although the guy in the video showing you how to drop gold was helpful, I don't have the patience to watch that again. He also is tell us to do pH adjust to 6 to 6.5 first then use zinc or zinc powder then after that adjust pH back down to 7.3, because it rises I guess. Then use smb to drop gold a second and even 3rd and maybe 4th times! I was going to do that but if I'm getting help from the great folks here at the forum them I'll wait. I trust this community immensely. So I'll wait. Thanks guys. I patiently await further advice.

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