Keyboard mylar and poor mans nitric acid

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Nov 18, 2010
Before I try and find myself in trouble. I have seen others use a 5% solution of nitric acid for the recovery of silver from the mylar.

My question is can I use poor mans nitric for this? And what would the solution be.
Has anyone had any success?
I am not worried if it would take longer. Things can sit for months if needed.
I currently have a 14 lb. pile of mylars for sale on facebook mkt. but if they do not sell I was thinking of trying my luck. But the only acid I have is poor mans.
TY Joe
by the way the 14 lb. lot is listed by Tess Trueheart.
Before I try and find myself in trouble. I have seen others use a 5% solution of nitric acid for the recovery of silver from the mylar.

My question is can I use poor mans nitric for this? And what would the solution be.
Has anyone had any success?
I am not worried if it would take longer. Things can sit for months if needed.
I currently have a 14 lb. pile of mylars for sale on facebook mkt. but if they do not sell I was thinking of trying my luck. But the only acid I have is poor mans.
TY Joe
by the way the 14 lb. lot is listed by Tess Trueheart.
If I do remember correctly, with a strong Lye solution you will separate the traces from the Mylars.
But the mylars has to be open and the Silver exposed.
I might be wrong here though.
Before I try and find myself in trouble. I have seen others use a 5% solution of nitric acid for the recovery of silver from the mylar.

My question is can I use poor mans nitric for this? And what would the solution be.
Has anyone had any success?
I am not worried if it would take longer. Things can sit for months if needed.
I currently have a 14 lb. pile of mylars for sale on facebook mkt. but if they do not sell I was thinking of trying my luck. But the only acid I have is poor mans.
TY Joe
by the way the 14 lb. lot is listed by Tess Trueheart.
Aqueous chemistry would work, but I don´t want to imagine how much dilute liquid you would need to process afterwards... Mylars, even cut into pieces, stick together very well. Some kind of tumbling or stirring motion would be neccessary to achive good leaching. Certainly doable, of course. But I personally don´t like working with volumes of dilute solutions.

In the mylars, there usually aren´t many other metals than silver (maybe some copper/nickel, overall not too much), so I won´t bother with chemistry here at all and incinerate the whole lot. In a good furnance, with good afterburner, this will probably be the most straightforward way how to reduce material down to just metallic/ash residue. Then smelt it.

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