New here, want to know what I am looking at :P

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Dec 3, 2008
Hey guys, I've been lurking this website for a long time and have decided to do an estimate of how much gold I have in some electronic material I got some years ago... It's awesome what you do here :)

I own about 10 CPU's, the ones in the pictures being an intel pentium SY022/SSS and the other one an AMD-K5 PR100.
I also have about 70 varied cards like the ones in the third picture (video, network and sound cards)
I also got close to 20 similar to the last one. Finally, I also kept about 30 CD/DVD readers and burners.
Is there anyway to estimate how much I have? I am an absolute beginne so I won't be as effective as you guys, and yes, I presume it differences a lot from hardware to hardware.

Manuel Levi
Thanks :), more than I thought

I wasn't expecting it to be. Most of the other motherboards are green, I just happened to pick that one up.

What is the most recommended technique for beginners that you would recommend?

Manuel Levi
Don't bet the farm on my guess. The guess will be way high if most of your CPUs don't have gold lids and 70 finger strips aren't somewhere near a pound.

Others here have far more e-scrap experience than I do.

Many here don't bother with the motherboard and sell as is. This may be the most intelligent choice. It's a bunch of labor picking all the tiny bits for very little return.

Fingers process separately and yields vary greatly.

CPU's process separately and even the gold plated lids can be run by themselves.

The different processes are well covered elsewhere on the forum.
This might be of some use in estimating the yield you can expect. Near the botton of the page is a spreadsheet with yield data and photos of various CPUs posted by Juan Manuel Arcos Frank a year ago. I can't attest to the accuracy, but others here might be able to.

Have fun, if you can't have fun, what's the point? A man can be miserable doing a lot of things that yield more $.

Sorry about that, Apparently the spreadsheet no longerexhists on the forum server, so I have attached the copy I use.


  • gold content of CPUs.xls
    1.7 MB
The spreadsheet may have been removed due to its inaccuracies.I don't believe any of us ever determined where that chart came from,however we all agree its not even close to accurate.
QST is pretty close on that estimate for the cpus.

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