New Member. Gold refining question.

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New member
Dec 30, 2013
Hello everyone,

I signed up for this forum as I am a scrap gold buyer and I was interested in refining my own gold. I have a good relationship with a refinery in Canada however there are many benefits to doing your own bullion.

I was about to purchase the shore international system as I'm looking for a NON TOXIC method of refining. After reading all the negative reviews of the ishore system I've abandoned that idea. I've searched for non toxic methods on this forum and found nothing. Is there any hope?
hanktransam said:
After reading all the negative reviews of the ishore system I've abandoned that idea. I've searched for non toxic methods on this forum and found nothing. Is there any hope?

No hope, there is a lot of learning and equipment to purchase to do it safely, but bottom line is, all the methods are toxic to some extent, and must be dealt with proper equipment and training.

Good call on the Ishor system. That saved you some money.

Actually about any method to recover or refine gold, you will be dealing with toxic methods, some are less toxic than others, but there are dangers in most any process, including anything you will find from a company like Shor that took common methods, renamed them, changed the names of common chemicals, and sell it as some special gadget.

Just about anything to do with recovery and refining you can learn here on the forum, safety and safe practices are discussed, secrets of this art that have been held secret from the common man throughout the history of precious metals are openly discussed and available for the common man to learn.
Even if you are for some reason stuck on trying the operations of the Shor systems you can learn to buy your own chemicals at fair market prices, and build your own gadget (if it is nothing more than a plastic tub, a few handfuls or rock salt, a porous cup and a battery charger for a power supply), but as you learn more about how precious metals are recovered or refined you will most likely want to use other methods, and as you learn more of how to work with these dangerous fumes, acids, and toxins safely, you will learn how these dangerous procedures can be done in a relatively safe manner, using safe practices, and using equipment to help keep you safer like the use of the fume hood in the laboratory.

This is a skill, science and art, that takes quite a bit of study to learn, and the forum can make it fairly easy to learn if a man is willing to study.

Even If you decide not to dissolve metals in acids, or melt the metals, there is many things, a person can learn about gold or the precious metals that will help him with most any business dealing with these metals, even if that business is only buying or selling, He can learn better the value of the metals, how to test the metals, and how to get the most from his metals. just about anything to do with precious metals you can learn on the forum.

Spend a little time reading through the forum, and decide if this is what you want to do. If it is you can study and learn to do it safely, it does take time to learn, and this is not something you will learn in a few days, months, or years, this is something you can study a lifetime and never learn everything there is about the subject.

Welcome to the forum the best university in the world discussing precious metals, and recovery and refining of those metals.
I like how Shor says it's non toxic. Well i got news for them, them heavy metals don't just become benign because you use salt water to dissolve them. They went somewhere! Do they even give advice for how to dispose of the liquid once you're done?
Have a non-toxic way silvered scrap recycling. At the initial stage. Based on silver sulfite complex. Silver is deposited on the cathode. Water, sodium sulfite and electricity. Experiments on gold have not tried.
NeMonstr said:
Have a non-toxic way silvered scrap recycling. At the initial stage. Based on silver sulfite complex. Silver is deposited on the cathode. Water, sodium sulfite and electricity. Experiments on gold have not tried.
Wouldn't the "Sodium Sulfite" or Na2SO3 which is already a toxic compound, create "Toxic" compounds when the silver is added :?:

edit to add:

SMB (Sodium Metabisulfite) is also included in this article though related to cosmetics.
niteliteone said:
Wouldn't the "Sodium Sulfite" or Na2SO3 which is already a toxic compound, create "Toxic" compounds when the silver is added :?:
Yes, if you eat with a spoon.
NeMonstr said:
niteliteone said:
Wouldn't the "Sodium Sulfite" or Na2SO3 which is already a toxic compound, create "Toxic" compounds when the silver is added :?:
If you eat with a spoon, then yes.
1 teaspoon full would probably kill me.
I'm allergic to ANY Sulfur containing chemicals and medications. SMB fumes cause me serious breathing problems, rashes and sever itching. That's just from the fumes not caught by my fume hood.

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