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May 11, 2009
hi guyz just been looking around on youtube the other nite and came across the how gold is recycled from computers..and i am interested in the processor 1 but dont really know where to buy the chemicals(Hydrochloric acid & Nitric Acid) or the heating equipment in uk any ideas?. And i am wanting to know what to do once i have dissolved the processor and am left with the pure gold how to get rid of the acid and dry out ect?. Thanks guys :D :D
Hi Pit_Racer,

Welcome to the forum.

You really need to spend a few weeks reading up in the forum.
Everything you need to know is here.

Also, do a search on here for Hoke's book.
There's a free download available and is an absolute must read.
The acids we use and the fumes we produce can kill you.

Where abouts in the UK are you?
I use a £9.99 hotplate from Poundstretcher to heat my solutions.

Buzz said:
Hi Pit_Racer,

Welcome to the forum.

You really need to spend a few weeks reading up in the forum.
Everything you need to know is here.

Also, do a search on here for Hoke's book.
There's a free download available and is an absolute must read.
The acids we use and the fumes we produce can kill you.

Where abouts in the UK are you?
I use a £9.99 hotplate from Poundstretcher to heat my solutions.


Thanks alot for info and i am from newcastle m8 i will download that book and read up :).. Is it hard to get chemicals in uk do u have to have a licence or something?.
Hi pit and welcome to our little slice of heaven.Below is a copy of Hokes book.It is the bible on here.I understand your desire to get started right away,but if you dont learn to tie your shoes first you'll only stumble.The first and most important thing you will ever learn on this forum is safety!This is a process that you cannot put a price tag on.It is a simple insurance policy that can help save your life now and later.There is an entire catagory dedicated to just safety,and I ask that you dont skip or skimp on that one.
Here is another very valuable link .He is one of our "moderators" and like the rest of the moderators he has a wealth of knowledge and shares it everyday on here.
Like buzz said,everything else needs to be learned,its not something you will instantly be able to do.If you get overwhelmed or depress just cruise over to our gallery section and watch how quickly you become excited again.
If you ever feel like its something you can't do,just remember one point,every single person on this forum knew nothing about gold!What seperates us now from who we were,is knowledge.
Welcome to the forum bud.
leavemealone said:
Hi pit and welcome to our little slice of heaven.Below is a copy of Hokes book.It is the bible on here.I understand your desire to get started right away,but if you dont learn to tie your shoes first you'll only stumble.The first and most important thing you will ever learn on this forum is safety!This is a process that you cannot put a price tag on.It is a simple insurance policy that can help save your life now and later.There is an entire catagory dedicated to just safety,and I ask that you dont skip or skimp on that one.
Here is another very valuable link .He is one of our "moderators" and like the rest of the moderators he has a wealth of knowledge and shares it everyday on here.
Like buzz said,everything else needs to be learned,its not something you will instantly be able to do.If you get overwhelmed or depress just cruise over to our gallery section and watch how quickly you become excited again.
If you ever feel like its something you can't do,just remember one point,every single person on this forum knew nothing about gold!What seperates us now from who we were,is knowledge.
Welcome to the forum bud.

Thanks alot for the advice..i think the gallery and videos wil be the easiest for me to learn as i hate reading lol :p

I can get all the chemicals we need fairly easily in my area (Wakefield).

No license needed but you might get asked a few questions.]

Probably the same up your way. Look for industrial cleaning chemical suppliers, detergents, bleach, floor cleaning supplies etc.
