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Well-known member
Dec 19, 2011
Hello, my name is Nuno and i'm from Portugal.
I have been studding from books, the forum books and others, and also learning a lot from you guys from this forum.
I have a large experience with computers and electronic waste. I will start myself in this "gold recovery" journey with processing some fingers i have.
I will use the process just like in Steve's video. I don't know how i will find those products in my country but i will find a way.
I have two questions that i could not find an answer myself so i hope you can help me out.
Is it possible to melt the fingers directly , to the gold melting point, and recover the gold from there? (may look stupid this one)
If not, if i use the any process that is used normally, what is the best way to throw away the used chemicals. is there a way to dissolve them in water?

Thanks in advance
Newbie, I don't have much experience with low grade stuff, so I will leave for others to comment. Although I suspect the information is already here for you to find.

The chemicals I do know. Your best bet is to keep everything separated and treat individually, that way you avoid nasty reactions. When you first start to treat each one, do so in very small quantities and observe the reactions, this is a great way to know what will happen when you mix larger amounts.

For acids, you want to treat them by adding a base (soda ash, sodium bicarbonate, lime etc.) until you reach pH range 7-9. Use pH paper readily available online to test.

I would suggest you stick with soda ash or bicarbonate because lime is very corrosive to skin.

For bases, you will want to bring pH down to range 7-9 with acidic solutions.

Of course, if you have both acid and basic chemical wastes you can mix the two to neutralize. Again, I suggest you start with small volumes and observe the reactions until you are familiar with them.

Also, keep liquid levels about 1/2 the volume of the vessel you are using as gases will likely be evolved and can cause the liquid to boil out of the vessel.

Before I forget, always use good chemical splash goggles and watch our for any fumes evolved, you don't want to inhale them. Have a good exhaust source or do this work outdoors and stay upwind of the reaction. I vote for exhaust.

Good luck.

Darn Drat Goshit I did forget something. You want to filter the precipitate and collect it. It contains metals as hydroxides or carbonates. You can melt them into a bar.
Do not melt it. You will make it harder to separate gold from copper.

With HCl/peroxide it will be easy to separate gold from copper.

If you cannot find HCl (hydrochloric acid), you can make it, from table salt (NaCl), and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) (use new acid for less troubles), (if battery acid you can concentrate it).

2NaCl + H2SO4 --> 2HCl + Na2SO4 (you can distill off the HCl into a little cold water).

If you cannot find hydrogen peroxide, you can use air.

These are very common chemicals around the world, so one of your cities will probably have them

Look for HCL (muriatic acid) where they make or clean concrete or stone work.
Hydrogen peroxide in pharmacy drug store

Maybe we have another member in your part of world that can help you find what you need.

Edit to add comment: acid peroxide chemical can be saved and reused.
Thanks a lot, now you have cleared my ideas.
I will start with some fingers i have and then i will post the result later on.


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