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Active member
Mar 9, 2013
thanks for the help bro picture posted----

Anyways I did a 1 to 1 ratio bleach/muratic acid solution slow cooked it for 6 hours sat for the last 12, I had put dirty scrap - cpu sockets and cooked bga chips cut in there, everything is dissolved and strained and diluted 1 to 1 solution tap water.
test positive for gold.
should I go ahead and add smb 12 hours from ? or should I reprocess again another way.

I really have reading the heck out this great site and look forward to putting back in.

so what do yall think, and is there some other way I can post pictures since this site dosent like me posting .


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Post your pix to photobucket....they have to be in .png format. Then select the html codes "img" surrounding the URL, copy and paste them here.

WAIT for the more experienced among our fine posters to advise you!
element47.5 said:
Post your pix to photobucket....they have to be in .png format. Then select the html codes "img" surrounding the URL, copy and paste them here.

WAIT for the more experienced among our fine posters to advise you!

As you can see I posted the picture !!!!!! Thanks Man
the quart jar in your picture, from what I can tell by color does have some copper in solution, but all in all it does not look like much copper or gold in solution, the 1:1 ratio of bleach and HCl sounds like you used too much bleach to me, not only can the bleach neutralize the acid, making the leach less effective, but you would also have to either use up the chlorine in solution or drive it off with heat, which would form salts as you evaporated the solution to drive off the excess chlorine as gas.

I would expect the solution to have more of a yellowish color to it, it just does not look right to me.

If you have gold in there I would not expect much judging just from looks.

If your stannous chloride showed positive violet and the test stayed violet, then it proved two things, that you have gold in solution, and that the stannous chloride was able to reduce the gold in solution to metal giving you the violet color of reduced metal colloidal gold in solution, so to me this tells me you do not have Too much chlorine in solution (other wise the gold would have redissolved in the test and the violet color would disappear), So the positive test also tells me that the SMB should be able to precipitate or reduced the gold in solution to metal brown gold powders.
thanks butcher,
from what i have read on here you use the acid/bleach mix yourself. yes i did have some crusticles form . and would you suggest how much less bleach.
well in the morning it is then......
There is a free video on lazersteve's website which shows how to disolve gold in HCL/Cl. It's in part 4 of the 4 part series on processing finger with AP. You really should watch all 4 parts. Also, check out the General Reactions List. The links are below.

How is everyone
Its actually pretty simple
Just add Hcl to cover your gold
Then add small amounts of bleach
After each addition let set for a few
Minutes while stirring ( you can even
Gentley heat at this point)stir stir stir
Inspect, if there is any Au left repeat
The addition of bleach until you see no
More gold
Steam for an hour or so and percipitate

Now some form members monitor the
Amount of bleach they add and then
Steam(evaporate) down the same

I myself cover my Au with hcl but my
Au is usually attatched to a coffe
Filters or fiberglass. So with the filter
Material and Au covered with Hcl i
Then add bleach in larger quantities
To get a champagne effect which
Will boil over if your not carfull
After removing the auric chloride
From my filters which are now white
(Clean) i steam for a minimum of 1 hr
Then i percipitate with smb
Hope this helps

Steyr223 rob
Ps steves videos really are good and free
Save your filters.......
yes i seen them,
so i understand i can exspect copper in my solution since i am processing all the material .

thus the greenish color.

therefore i need not worry about the color of the solution but the stannous test? which was positive.

if so then this wonderful site has refined my refining process.

thank you to all who have helped. and took the time to say yep that is correct...
I do appolagise for any mis communication
I could be wrong ,lately more than
Im right but your auric chloride does not
Look right.
I cant explain why but i have never seen
That color before and i have
Percipitated many from green solution
Successfully( where did my darn spell
Checker go)
Please post the results so others can
Learn to
Thanks steyr223 rob
well curiosity almost the kitty when jumped on to the table outside. well he didnt like the mustard gas flipped out and knock over several items 1 my brand new stannous acid bottle that i had open to restest my solution. soooo i will have to wait till this weekend. till then i will continue depopulating boards.
Well as you old salts have been doing a very much welcomed job of navaigating this wannabe on the to the way of mining gold from e-waste.

I now am to this point my solution wont drop with smb added . I have added 150ml. dry smb to this 3gallons of solution.

I have hae added pictures of my stannous test it took 50 sec. to to the real brownish black. And the color of my solution.

I have gotten my potassium nitrate , i orderd sodium nitrate, but found by searching here on the forum it will be ok PN i will be mixing with roto drain cleaner, to get my nitric acid.

I was hoping I coulkd just use hcl-cl for all my needs but that is not the case.

it will be good for my gold foils or if i decide to build a elc. cell which I am considering

what should I try next on my solution ???


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The test Q tip almost looks brown to me, if this is the case it could be from too much SMB what we call a false negative test,

If there is gold in solution It could be being kept in solution from too much chlorine or oxidizer, keeping the gold dissolved or redissolving,

To eliminate free chlorine from solution, try putting the solution in a corning ceramic casserole dish on a hot plate, slowly raise the heat to just under a boil, let the solution evaporate off some of the liquid, Chlorine gas will not stay dissolved in a hot solution, the heat forces it out of solution (you really do not need to concentrate it that much) and evaporating off too much liquid, you could form water soluble salts, after a good heating turn off the hotplate, you can leave solution covered in the dish or move it to a jar with a lid to put it out of the way of your curious cat. let it sit overnight, you may see some salts form in the bottom of your jar, also since you already added SMB, you may also see some precipitated gold, test the solution again to see if you get a violet color, if you cannot tell if it is violet or brown try diluting the test sample and retest, if the solution tests positive then you can try adding a little SMB,

The other option is to cement any values out of solution onto copper metal.
if i can add something... smb doesnt get used in volume but in weight, 1g smb for 1g of expected gold... i always use a little more than that ratio because it is less trouble that way for me and smb is very mistake forgiver... also as butcher tells you,your looking for some kind of blue,purple to black q-tip, not beige than orange brown than stinky rotten egg smell with dark brown q-tip. "smelling is a good test to spot a false positive (smelling is not breathing, do not breath)"
use a plastic spoon to do a test in. you will get a much better result. find a craft store like "hobby lobby" and find the arts and paints. there you will find a "pallete" .buy a porcelain pallete and use it as a spot plate.

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