I have a few questions I'd like to get answers to before I start. First of all my set up will be simple distillation 1000ml boiling flask 500ml catch flask the setup came with a 200mm condenser I felt like I'd get more if I bought a 400mm so I did. I'll be heating this with a propane berner I use to use for lead smelting since it's an open flame I decided to go with a sand bath. My chemicals consist of spectracide and hi-yeald stump remover that I heated in distilled water and crystallized to purify it and rooto sulfuric acid drain cleaner my plain is to mix 400 grams of each and distill. My question is in a few you tube videos people heat this to different temps one guy says at 250 you distill 68% nitric and at 315 you get 95% nitric but others say heating this high runes it. I want to get the most that I can outa each batch and I also beleave the higher % the better as I won't need to stock pile mass amouts of acid just more water so I'm confused at what temp is gonna be the best yield. Also I. Wondering if I piggyback my liebig 200mm and 400mm condensers together will I net more acid as the fumes pass through. Thanks in advance for any advice