no urea mentioned in hoke book

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Apr 9, 2012
hey there....
how come there is mention of urea in hokes book??do they use evaporation instead of urea???

batesy53 said:
hey there....
how come there is mention of urea in hokes book??do they use evaporation instead of urea???


Because urea isn't needed, she teaches the proper way to do it.

Sure there are people that use it, and people that don't. It's good to learn how to do it with evaporation for when you run out of urea, and you may find that you prefer the evaporation process better.

batesy53 said:
hey there....
how come there is mention of urea in hokes book??do they use evaporation instead of urea???


It was written 72 years ago. If she knew about it back then (and probably did), she would have surely realized that, of the 4 or 5 ways to overcome excess nitric, urea is by far the worst. I know that if I wrote another book, the urea method would only be mentioned in distaste.

If you think you must use urea, I would go the the urea thread started by 4 metals. Anything that 4metals writes can be taken to the bank.
Yes you can.
Though, you should learn to calculate how much oxidizer you would need to dissolve your material, that way there will be no need to use urea. Just by placing a small button of pure gold, you will eliminate any free nitric present, or just adding a bit extra SMB will help get rid on any small traces of nitric.

Take care!


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