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Application of Electrical Frequency by Peter Mikelis
Two major factors must be kept in mind when using the electrical frequency approach to the direct transportation of the elements. First, electrical frequency in itself is only a programming factor and does not directly alter mass as it is generally conceived in classical transmutation. Mass expression changes the results of the altercation of the causative motion. Electrical frequency applications, such as we are now able to project, not create or destroy mass, but only influence motion in the already created mass. Search frequencies as we now use only indirectly influence the structuring of mass by interfering with the vibration patterns of that which already is.
When it rock is dropped into a pond of water, the rock does not change the water but does set up a new wave pattern of motion that was not previously visible. Perhaps a better analogy would be that of plucking the string of a guitar. The act of plucking a string does not produce a sound. Vibration from the string as the result of the action produced the sound.
The use of electrical frequency can be said to be a physical activity as the result of the application of energy to produce a change in the motion of either rate or form, that produces the physical effect of mass.
Since the electrical frequency current is not directly making a change but is simply performing the function of a catalyst, very low energy levels of power are required to achieve the desired result. The application of frequency as the catalytic reaction is easily demonstrated by the fact of nuclear change being affected at a .03-watt power output, to the weight of 30 lb of metal.
A change of mass of this magnitude on a level of normal nuclear energy concept would trigger energy exchanged compared to the Hiroshima explosion. One of the most frightening facets of the frequency experiments is the realization that mass changes of these magnitudes were occurring.
Shortly after the first test, knowledgeable physicists were consulted and their reaction was the same, one of fright. Their only suggestion was to stay a long way away from them if we continue to experiment in such an unknown area.
The mere fact of physical survival after these nuclear changes was recognized and indicated the ability of the original theory that we were trying to prove, and that was that the altercation of mass and as a result of the altercation of the causative force of creation, would not trigger nuclear releases.
The point that I am trying to make is simply that the volume of electrical energy applied as frequency is not as critical as the frequency of the power input and the manner which it is applied.
The original experiments that were set up for this purpose were hit-or-miss applications of easily available equipment, and play to see if something could be made to happen. It was only after much more massive changes in the structuring of mass were affected than had been originally anticipated, that attempts were made to program to change in a specific direction.
The first experiment we're carried out by applying the frequency generator to an electric arc welder frequency TIG unit. This was easily applied to the electric immersed arc Melting Furnace then in use. A heavy-duty Electric Welder was the power source. The unit had a fixed frequency of about 1 MHz.
Lead was used as the reacting media because of its stability and ease of availability. No precious metals were found in the assay. Traces of iron and base metals were found in the spectrograph. No stable precious metals and Isotopes were identified.
The lead was melted under a flux cover of borax and soda ash, to limit the vaporization of the lead. Melts were made at variable temperatures. The most effective results seem to come out of the higher temperatures. With the flux cover on the lead, was possible to get temperatures of the molten flux up to 3000 Fahrenheit without undue vaporization of the lead.
After the smelts were made for four to six hours, what was poured into bars. The bars were sampled and fire acid inspector graft precious metals were found in significant amounts. Both the assay and spectrograph showed massive changes in the lead into copper and iron.
The fact that changes could be made at all indicated that control of mass and matter have the controller frequency and the manner of application. The simple fact of success created a massive people problem for me and within a short time, I couldn't continue the work.
With these positive results contained, a controlled and variable frequency signal generator was obtained by The Wave-Tech Corp. in San Diego. This signal generator was imposed over the welder current and the welder frequency generator output.
Now came the problem of what frequencies would be used to program the effect of change. A search was made of the research done on the emission of electromagnetic waves broadcast as the result of the magnetic field collapse these values gave us the clues needed to program for specific elements.
Again, a great deal of research was needed to determine the most effective frequencies. We worked in the range of 1 to 10 MHz. Found that the frequencies were near but not the same as projected in the magnetic field test methods. These exact frequencies will not be given here for the simple reason that they will not be adaptable to different equipment under different physical circumstances and would only be confusing.
Research in the use of electrical frequencies and the various frequency levels has not progressed to the point where one element can be programmed to convert any other element. The best done has been programming for a specific element that has produced that element's major conversion element, but many other elements have always been found to be present. In other words, the gold frequencies were used, and the amount of gold produced was greater than the platinum. When the platinum frequencies were used the platinum predominated.
In most tests, platinum group metals were present, and most or all of them were present in significant quantities. Silver seems almost always to accompany the gold. The remarkable similarity of these same factors in nature cannot be overlooked. This must be considered important evidence that in nature, alteration of mass even though it requires long periods to occur, is based on the alteration of the electrical frequency levels of the basic structuring of the elements.
It can be no isolated coincidence that the same results can be obtained in the artificial use of electrical frequency. The same analogies seem to carry through in the observed phenomena in nature and artificial changes deliberately made by electrical means. The relationships of copper to gold have long been recognized in the smelting electrolytic work of the past. It is only when delivering it programming of the elements of one show called stable element into another element that the reasons can be seen for the changes observed in the natural reactions of nature.
Full control of the frequency phenomena has not been established. At this point, all that can be said is that it has been proven to work, with some indication as to the methods and conditions required to perform controlled transportation of the elements. The vista of possibilities is endless and infinitely exciting.
So far, the work done on the application of electrical frequency has been limited to a very narrow range of both consoles and conditions. That such positive results have been obtained is an astonishing fact.
The temperatures employed have been between 2000 to 3000 degrees Fahrenheit. The frequencies have been in the one to ten-hertz range.
Almost nothing has been done on the control of the reaction of fluxing. During the many years of past work when not using the effect of a frequency, the combination of flux elements in chemical change has been the one important, dominator. There is no reason to believe that the elements used in fluxing for the frequency influencer changes are not of equally critical importance. It is questionably true that massive changes can be made in element identification by the effect of frequency alone, but until the full perimeter of the application of frequency is explored, accommodating the reacting elements in the program of change will continue to be of crucial importance.
As previously stated, which can be altered coming externally applied electrical frequency. I know of at least three chemical combinations that will produce gold. Several of my past associates are presently using chemical methods to alter the structuring of Mass to produce a metal product.
I do not claim any unique abilities or show called processes in this respect. There are many, none that will obtain results or may be worked out by anyone who will recognize the facts of change and apply them to the problem.
I cannot, therefore, say that you need to join x to y and obtain z. In the first place to solution to the problem is not that simple. The combination of the required elements varies according to the physical and chemical environment in which it is reacted. Element combinations that produce results in a cold wet situation are not the same as those used in a high temp smelt.
We must again remind ourselves to think in terms of mass not as a solid particle, but as the magnetic effect of the result of electrical motion. When we combine elements to affect transmutation, we are in effect come by electrical motions to get a new resident harmonic of the expression of mass in a similar manner if not the same as we do when using the effect of applied electrical frequency. The results are the same in both cases. In one application we combined already created electrical frequencies. On the other, we induced the electrical motion by electrical energy. The result is the same, the expression of a new element has a magnetic effect of combined elect motions.
As far as I know, it is possible to make this transmutation under almost any known physical condition. It is a matter of balancing of electrical forces to program the movement in the desired direction. Tests showed that we had discovered three wet methods and five pyrometallurgical conditions under which these changes can be made.
Some of this information I am not at liberty to disclose some as it would infringe on the proprietary rights of my past associates. I can't however indicate some of these areas in which they are working. In each case, these persons have either been introduced to the problem or helped in their work by the information that I have given them.
Since my work has been pretty much limited to the electrical approach, some of the people have advanced in the area of the chemistry of the problem beyond that which I have done. I will therefore confine my remarks on the chemistry of the problem to suggested areas of research than attempt to provide specific answers to the chemical control of the reactions.
Again I must return to the basic concept that mass must be regarded as nothing but the effect of motion. I know that this is harping on a worn theme, but we must keep our mind aware of the basic factor we are attempting to enter to control. You can not look at the basic chart of the atomic elements and say I will come by number 14 with number 26 and arrived at number 40. The game of numbers cannot be played this way except in specific isolated instances where this has occurred. This is I suspect a circumstance of a coincidence under a specific physical shirt. The only case I know where this has consistently occurred is in the spectrograph where the conditions of the high density electricity can cause two elements to show a third in specific amounts.
In essence therefore, combining elements and physical conditions to produce an element that could not previously be identified. Thinking in terms of mass as common electrical frequencies, are combining various forms of motion to produce and electrical harmonic of motion that expresses a particular mass.
In what may be simpler terms, if we were to add the atomic numbers of the elements combined under given conditions to produce say platinum, there would seem to be no correlation of possible numbers, as the total would be far in excess of that of the element design. Again, I used the spectrograph for the identification of elements. No balancing of total mass in these reactions has ever been remotely obtained. Combinations of mass on the basis of Newtonian Physics simply cannot be made to apply to the things that happened here.
The results only become conceivable or acceptable when considered from the electrical motion concept if mass is the simple expression of the rate of motion, then changes in the frequency rate of that motion do not have to relate directly to the total mass of the reacting medium as measured in atomic. A dramatic demonstration of this came when I came about during some of the very first experiments in the use of electrical frequency.
The test was set up to determine the effect of electrical frequency on a mass of lead metal. The tests were all run in a small immersed electrical arc smelting furnace. Fused borax glass was used as a flux cover. Tests would run for 6 hours. The temperature was approximately 2800 degrees after the first hour.
When poured, the test bar weighed 30 lb. with no significant change in the physical appearance of the bar from normal lead. Whatever, when the metal was tested for its specific gravity, it was found to be 18.6 this test had been made using what was believed to be a platinum frequency. An assay was made by an independent assayer who knew nothing of the way in which the material had been prepared. He gave an assay of the metal containing 36% Platinum. I later learned that this was based on the specific gravity of the metal.
Specific gravity tests were run on this bar metal over a period of three months. At the end of this period. The specific gravity of the entire 30 lb metal had decayed back the normal gravity of lead.
Two important factors must be considered at this point as they indicate the areas that are of extreme interest in future research work. First, the fact of the increase in specific gravity under these conditions, and second, the decay factor and why it should occur. Neither should have occurred under these conditions if weighed by normal consciousness of physics. A Doctor of Physics with whom I reviewed his work was more impressed by his gravity change then he was in the fact of the changes in element navigation.
It is important to consider some of the factors that must be relevant to the occurrence. How did gravity increase to such a remarkable degree? Was it caused by the electrical energy? The electrical frequency or fluxes present? Electrical current and heat by themselves have not been known to have this effect. Mass as chemical elements is not believed to create such an effect. Therefore, it must be some effect of the use of electrical frequency combined with the elements, or do we energy, or the combination of these factors.
The only elements present in the melt were adding the lead, with boron and silicon in the fluxes and gaseous elements in the chemicals and the air. The electrical current was from an ordinary welder unit with how about 60 V and 200 amps of current. The temperature of the melt was between 2000 and 3000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Under normal conditions and acceptable reactions, the only minor variations in the flux cover could be anticipated. Could the lighter materials have combined with the lead to produce the heavier metal? If so, what must the mechanics be of the deterioration of the metals as indicated in the gravity test? It would be much more likely that the specific gravity of the lead would be reduced in dilution of the metal with the inclusion of lighter elements present in the melt.
The only, what should be considered an unknown quantity, what is the effect of the electrical frequency. And no other way can I conceive of such massive changes in a physical property.
In order to access the implications of these changes, we must consider the properties of normal lead. Lead is a very heavy element on the atomic chart. Not too many elements have this except the precious metals and radioactive elements. Is considered as a stable element, and is the decay product of the radioactive decay series of elements. If any element should be considered difficult to alter its physical properties it should be lead.
Ignoring the other elements that have been identified from the frequency effect of change, and considering only the specific gravity, the suggestion that the gravity effect could be the result of atom packing in the crystalline structure of the lead. The decay of specific gravity over a limited time. Of might be more acceptable if it could be accounted for as a rearrangement of the crystalline structure rather than the actual change of the nature mass. Alteration of lead to other elements may be difficult to accept, is it any easier to see lead change nearly when half of its specific weight in a brief short period of time.
Let us look at the phenomena from the different angles. Had been made with the intent of changing the lead metal to platinum metal, by the act of altering the electrical frequency levels of the lead element. If this had happened and was all that had happened, judging on the basis of specific gravity, 5% of the 30 lb of lead metal should have been assumed the properties of the platinum metal.
Well, this particular test produced the most spectacular result, greater significance which be applied to the consistency of the positive nature of the entire frequency test as above. With every test melt in which the frequency was used, a number of different elements were produced in volumes measurable in percentages of the total material by chemical analysis and on the spectrograph.
In total mass, iron and copper predominated in the lead smell test. Copper is in most cases of a higher percentage than iron. Test without exception, a significant amount of precious metals were produced. In most tests, the quantities were of highly significant commercial numbers. Silver showed the most readily produced in the lead reactions.
Later, several tests were run using copper and iron as the reacting medium. What reactions were somewhat different from the lead test, they were consistently positive. The copper in particular seems to become extremely reactive and variable. A good value of gold in the copper melt was reported by independent assayers.
It showed me the relationships of copper to gold were strongly indicated, and had been previously seen in the work that had been done in the smelting of electrolytic separation of the complex first. For any treatment of the complex first, it was unexpected thing that the copper would always show up in the electrolytic separations if there was going to be recovered. It demonstrated forcibly. The unstable gold and copper element forms showed several similar physical properties, and there is evidence to prove that the reaction of one element converting to the other is a reversible reaction.
Well, it has been recognized for many years that the identity of the precious metals in the complex was highly identifiable, but there was no real proof that there was an actual alteration of the structure or the identity of the mass itself. It was only with the frequency work, where the unstable forms of the element could not have been present, that proof of the alterable nature of stable elements could be proved.
In the past, it had been found that the common lead with 18% copper had been a very effective collector media for the recovery of gold from the complex ores. It would now seem that the collector has more significance than first recognized and that the actual reaction may well be a chemical-physical transformation of the element proper fluxing in the smelt producing gold in excess of what might be expected in the extraction by stabilizing the gold that was in the unstable forms of the complex ore. Again, we must come back to the fact that the alteration of mass is under many different circumstances. The critical nature of the balance is required for a chemical reaction to occur becomes logical if we think of the fantastic variation of electrical motions involved in chemicals. Only after the study of the electrical frequency effect do these factors become expandable and reasonably acceptable.
So far, we have discussed one aspect of the properties of mass in relation to the transmutation of the elements. Specific gravity is one of the easier physical properties to identify and is usually indicative of the elements or element present. The specific gravity of an element changes what elements are present, and the way in which we have combined individually or collectively in a crystalline structure.
The same is true of the physical conditions present in which the reaction is to take place. For instance, in a roast or smelt of the ore, extremely high temperatures may induce a greater or faster exchange of energy level, but by the same factor control of the temperature into a narrow range of variation becomes more difficult as the temperature increases. Most successful process procedures now in use are being operators in fairly low temp rangers.
Research in the high-temperature ranges of the plasma arc has been extensively studied but has not been a successful process procedure. The method could be effectively used if it was programmed from the frequency generator. High results have been obtained in a plasma furnace by one of my past associates but to lack the of understanding of the nature of the reactions they were inducing made it unlikely that they would recognize the factors that are necessary to control.
Whatever method is used, whether working in a high or low temp range the critical relationship of the reacting mass must be controlled. Since the metallurgical processes require a number of steps, there is no simple shortcut to study of the reactions at each step of the process method.
In order to achieve control over the process steps it is essential that the identification of the element be constantly monitored in order to record the changes in the elements. Assessing there is three basic assay methods that may be used for identification purposes the most versatile method is the use of the spectrograph. All of the heavier elements may be monitored in this method. The movement of elements other than their precious metals is just as important in the process to development has are the element shot in the final product. The fire assay incorporation is used as the final de-turn mission of a marketable product. Chemical assays are not often used for this purpose as they are more end time-consuming.
What are the first consistent assay methods were developed for the identification of the precious metals in the complex which was reported from work done by ore at M.I.T.(Massachusetts Institute of Technology) The test was quite simple, a digestion of the ore in a specific acid was performed, and evaporation to dryness. It was repeated again, dissolved in acid and again evaporated to dryness. The residue was then shot on a spectrograph, then and only then, it would quite consistently, show values from 10 to 30 ounces per ton in gold. I withheld the identity of the specific acid and will reveal it to those to whom are sincerely interested in the science to which I spent a lifetime at.
Sometime later, these leach solutions were aspirated into an oxo- acetylene flame. The fumes were condensed on glass wool, then the wool and its residue would fire assay. Finding similar results to those from the MIT work. Well, these test methods show variable results, they were as a rule positive. At least some consistency of change in the identity of the elements was affected and considerable thought at the time was given to an attempted scale-up of the test as a recovery procedure. To my knowledge, no serious attempt was made to do this. From work that had recently. In a similar area, it would seem feasible to set up a commercial application by adding the following process steps.
1. Digest that you're in a strong acid solution. (different orders will require solutions designed for their contained elements)
2. Filter and wash the pulp. Shape up for other processing.
3. Vaporized acid solution by use of a submerged arc of AC current. Capture the vapors in a closed-circuit condenser.
4. Precipitate condensed vapors with ammonium hydroxide, or a metal chloride designed for stabilization as well as precipitation.
5. Filter and dry residue. Reduce in a hydrogen atmosphere.
6. Fire the reduced chlorides into silver metal in an induction furnace in a hydrogen atmosphere.
7. Refine the metal by standard procedure.
Most complex ores of high precious metals will yield enough values by this method to be processed at a profitable level. The value of the recoverable metals will be greatly increased by using frequency controls on the electrical equipment. Vaporizing arc should be powered with the frequency-controlled current, the solution should be precipitated on cold catalytic plates with an impressed frequency, and the induction furnace should have an overriding frequency of the desired element as well as a separate coil for magnetic field control.
A variation in the wet chemical treatment is now used by an associate. His basic flowsheet is as follows.
1. Digestive medals during a very fine wet grind of the ore.
2. Treat the metal-containing solution by the use of an electrical current.
3. Recover precious metals by metallic precipitation, or by the use of ion exchange resins.
This is a simpler controllable method that is effective on ores whose electrical levels are subject to this procedure. This does not work on any of the complexes that have low-level forms of the precious metals. There are number of ores that do respond to this method and may be processed at a very profitable level. There are most likely other electrical treatments that could be added to the procedure to handle other ores then now do not respond.
It should have been obvious by this time that processes or treatment methods are enhanced by the use of some form of electrical energy. Assaying was largely responsible for the first recognition of the problem of the nature of non-assayable elements was an electrical problem rather than a mechanical phenomenon.
The study of the use of the electrical current in energy in processing led to the electrical frequency-based theory. Experimental research in the use of electrical frequency showed how the problem of identification could be influenced by the frequency effect.
Successful processes can and are being utilized without the use of any externally applied electrical energy. We have already discussed the bouncing of mass as natural electrical forces in metallurgical processes externally applied electrical energy if properly programmed can aid the value of the materials recovery.
Another method of a similar nature now and use comprises of the following steps.
1. Leach the ore which is usually a black sand concentrate, in an acid solution.
2. Make a precipitate. Precipitate not known.
3. Dry and low temperature roast the precipitate.
4. Smelt the precepts an electric glow bar furnace.
5. Reduce the lead collector bar by cupelation to the precious metal.
6. Electrolytic refine find precious metals.
The chemical combinations and the fluxes used in the process method are of critical importance, as they are in any procedure. The flux components are balanced against the nature of the materials treated and the physical conditions of the treatment conditions. Success depends upon the rigid control of the metallurgical balance of the electromotive force.
Identifiable elements are produced smelt and will assay and be normally recovered. The process of stabilization is a continuing one, much higher values are realized in step #2 which is an electrolytic treatment of the smelted mature.
The major portion of the recovered values will be in the door a collector material which is usually lead. These bars are treated by electrolytic separation this has a two-fold, to make a separation of the lead from the precious metals and to carry forward the process of stabilization of the elements.
The electrolytic process has many variations. If all that is desired is a simple separation of one metal from another. Precious metals do this our detail in many publications. If however, other than simple separation is required, there is no standard that is available on the many variations of the uses of electrolysis for this purpose of stabilization.
We are back again to the effects of electrical current and frequency on the structuring of unstable precious metals.
As in the case of fluxing being of primary importance in smelting, so are the additive chemical electrolytic procedure, whether it is used specifically for the stabilization of the elements, or simply as a breakdown bar in electrolytic separation.
Again, in solution or subject to change according to the degree of their instability of electrical structuring. If only all stable elements are present, change does not readily occur unless subjected to the direct effect of an impressed electrical frequency.
These changes could occur in stable elements under the stress of violent chemical, are not apt to occur in sufficient quantities to be noticeable in regular chemical handling processes.
One instance where the change may be seen is in certain catalytic reactions where part of the catalyst is as yet not fully understood. Similarly, the effects of the electrolytic reactions are so complex in the different chemical reactions that they are not understood. When dealing with the unstable characteristics of the elements found in the complex first, their chemical nickel reactions are so varied and different than the chemistry of the stable elements, that too broad a knowledge of stable element chemistry can be a handicap in seeing or recognizing the wild reactions for what they are instead of what they should be.
The most useful tool for allowing and identifying these changes is the spectrograph, particularly the Bausch & Lomb spectral analyzer. It was through the use of this spectrograph that these move movements of the elements first positively identified. It is now used as the control factor in programming the movement of the elements in the desired direction.
Chemicals are added to the electrolytic solution to provide mass in the form of electrical frequencies as part of the necessary reactant media. Combining of these frequencies of the mass present, into balanced harmonics of electrical motion is the mechanics of the production of the expression of a normal element.
Again, I must stress that the change in the energy level forms of mass in whatever medium, wet or molten smelt, must be viewed as an electrical frequency adjustment of motion. The mechanics of this change is not that of the transfer of mass to mass as is assumed in classical transmutation.
One must question if this suggests the notification of the laws of conservation of mass and energy. This is not necessarily so, as the altering of the form or frequency of motion there's not necessarily change the total value of the electrical motion. No real study has yet been made of this factor. Present knowledge is as limited to the study of how to make use of the fact of change. In the future, a study of the mechanics of change and the many ramifications of the fact of change must be explored.
I have attempted to here to limit discuss on the theoretical aspects of the activity is just what is necessary to show some degree of justification for the approaches made to the metallurgical procedures that have been employed. Research in other areas have this expanded horizon of knowledge is necessary and desirable if advantage is to be taken of the many opportunities.
Another processing method that I have personally used has proven effective. Direct electrical smelt of the ore using lead and silver as the collector media then followed by electrolytic reduction of the bars.
The smelt of the ore is made at a relatively high temperature, just below the reduction of the iron metal present in the ore. The lead collector bars are cast into anodes and reduced in an electrolytic separations circuit. The produced anode muds are processed for precious metals and the cathode fraction is recycled for the succeeding smelt.
The value of the produced product is influenced by several factors. Primarily by the combinations in the smelting flux formula, and in the elements used in the electrolytic circuit. There is no set flux combination or condition that will treat all orders. Each is an individual as fingerprints.
(There we go, you've just read Chapter 2/22 of my book coming out. Eventually, even the doubters will be able to produce gold that was never there)
Intelligent conversation welcome....
Two major factors must be kept in mind when using the electrical frequency approach to the direct transportation of the elements. First, electrical frequency in itself is only a programming factor and does not directly alter mass as it is generally conceived in classical transmutation. Mass expression changes the results of the altercation of the causative motion. Electrical frequency applications, such as we are now able to project, not create or destroy mass, but only influence motion in the already created mass. Search frequencies as we now use only indirectly influence the structuring of mass by interfering with the vibration patterns of that which already is.
When it rock is dropped into a pond of water, the rock does not change the water but does set up a new wave pattern of motion that was not previously visible. Perhaps a better analogy would be that of plucking the string of a guitar. The act of plucking a string does not produce a sound. Vibration from the string as the result of the action produced the sound.
The use of electrical frequency can be said to be a physical activity as the result of the application of energy to produce a change in the motion of either rate or form, that produces the physical effect of mass.
Since the electrical frequency current is not directly making a change but is simply performing the function of a catalyst, very low energy levels of power are required to achieve the desired result. The application of frequency as the catalytic reaction is easily demonstrated by the fact of nuclear change being affected at a .03-watt power output, to the weight of 30 lb of metal.
A change of mass of this magnitude on a level of normal nuclear energy concept would trigger energy exchanged compared to the Hiroshima explosion. One of the most frightening facets of the frequency experiments is the realization that mass changes of these magnitudes were occurring.
Shortly after the first test, knowledgeable physicists were consulted and their reaction was the same, one of fright. Their only suggestion was to stay a long way away from them if we continue to experiment in such an unknown area.
The mere fact of physical survival after these nuclear changes was recognized and indicated the ability of the original theory that we were trying to prove, and that was that the altercation of mass and as a result of the altercation of the causative force of creation, would not trigger nuclear releases.
The point that I am trying to make is simply that the volume of electrical energy applied as frequency is not as critical as the frequency of the power input and the manner which it is applied.
The original experiments that were set up for this purpose were hit-or-miss applications of easily available equipment, and play to see if something could be made to happen. It was only after much more massive changes in the structuring of mass were affected than had been originally anticipated, that attempts were made to program to change in a specific direction.
The first experiment we're carried out by applying the frequency generator to an electric arc welder frequency TIG unit. This was easily applied to the electric immersed arc Melting Furnace then in use. A heavy-duty Electric Welder was the power source. The unit had a fixed frequency of about 1 MHz.
Lead was used as the reacting media because of its stability and ease of availability. No precious metals were found in the assay. Traces of iron and base metals were found in the spectrograph. No stable precious metals and Isotopes were identified.
The lead was melted under a flux cover of borax and soda ash, to limit the vaporization of the lead. Melts were made at variable temperatures. The most effective results seem to come out of the higher temperatures. With the flux cover on the lead, was possible to get temperatures of the molten flux up to 3000 Fahrenheit without undue vaporization of the lead.
After the smelts were made for four to six hours, what was poured into bars. The bars were sampled and fire acid inspector graft precious metals were found in significant amounts. Both the assay and spectrograph showed massive changes in the lead into copper and iron.
The fact that changes could be made at all indicated that control of mass and matter have the controller frequency and the manner of application. The simple fact of success created a massive people problem for me and within a short time, I couldn't continue the work.
With these positive results contained, a controlled and variable frequency signal generator was obtained by The Wave-Tech Corp. in San Diego. This signal generator was imposed over the welder current and the welder frequency generator output.
Now came the problem of what frequencies would be used to program the effect of change. A search was made of the research done on the emission of electromagnetic waves broadcast as the result of the magnetic field collapse these values gave us the clues needed to program for specific elements.
Again, a great deal of research was needed to determine the most effective frequencies. We worked in the range of 1 to 10 MHz. Found that the frequencies were near but not the same as projected in the magnetic field test methods. These exact frequencies will not be given here for the simple reason that they will not be adaptable to different equipment under different physical circumstances and would only be confusing.
Research in the use of electrical frequencies and the various frequency levels has not progressed to the point where one element can be programmed to convert any other element. The best done has been programming for a specific element that has produced that element's major conversion element, but many other elements have always been found to be present. In other words, the gold frequencies were used, and the amount of gold produced was greater than the platinum. When the platinum frequencies were used the platinum predominated.
In most tests, platinum group metals were present, and most or all of them were present in significant quantities. Silver seems almost always to accompany the gold. The remarkable similarity of these same factors in nature cannot be overlooked. This must be considered important evidence that in nature, alteration of mass even though it requires long periods to occur, is based on the alteration of the electrical frequency levels of the basic structuring of the elements.
It can be no isolated coincidence that the same results can be obtained in the artificial use of electrical frequency. The same analogies seem to carry through in the observed phenomena in nature and artificial changes deliberately made by electrical means. The relationships of copper to gold have long been recognized in the smelting electrolytic work of the past. It is only when delivering it programming of the elements of one show called stable element into another element that the reasons can be seen for the changes observed in the natural reactions of nature.
Full control of the frequency phenomena has not been established. At this point, all that can be said is that it has been proven to work, with some indication as to the methods and conditions required to perform controlled transportation of the elements. The vista of possibilities is endless and infinitely exciting.
So far, the work done on the application of electrical frequency has been limited to a very narrow range of both consoles and conditions. That such positive results have been obtained is an astonishing fact.
The temperatures employed have been between 2000 to 3000 degrees Fahrenheit. The frequencies have been in the one to ten-hertz range.
Almost nothing has been done on the control of the reaction of fluxing. During the many years of past work when not using the effect of a frequency, the combination of flux elements in chemical change has been the one important, dominator. There is no reason to believe that the elements used in fluxing for the frequency influencer changes are not of equally critical importance. It is questionably true that massive changes can be made in element identification by the effect of frequency alone, but until the full perimeter of the application of frequency is explored, accommodating the reacting elements in the program of change will continue to be of crucial importance.
As previously stated, which can be altered coming externally applied electrical frequency. I know of at least three chemical combinations that will produce gold. Several of my past associates are presently using chemical methods to alter the structuring of Mass to produce a metal product.
I do not claim any unique abilities or show called processes in this respect. There are many, none that will obtain results or may be worked out by anyone who will recognize the facts of change and apply them to the problem.
I cannot, therefore, say that you need to join x to y and obtain z. In the first place to solution to the problem is not that simple. The combination of the required elements varies according to the physical and chemical environment in which it is reacted. Element combinations that produce results in a cold wet situation are not the same as those used in a high temp smelt.
We must again remind ourselves to think in terms of mass not as a solid particle, but as the magnetic effect of the result of electrical motion. When we combine elements to affect transmutation, we are in effect come by electrical motions to get a new resident harmonic of the expression of mass in a similar manner if not the same as we do when using the effect of applied electrical frequency. The results are the same in both cases. In one application we combined already created electrical frequencies. On the other, we induced the electrical motion by electrical energy. The result is the same, the expression of a new element has a magnetic effect of combined elect motions.
As far as I know, it is possible to make this transmutation under almost any known physical condition. It is a matter of balancing of electrical forces to program the movement in the desired direction. Tests showed that we had discovered three wet methods and five pyrometallurgical conditions under which these changes can be made.
Some of this information I am not at liberty to disclose some as it would infringe on the proprietary rights of my past associates. I can't however indicate some of these areas in which they are working. In each case, these persons have either been introduced to the problem or helped in their work by the information that I have given them.
Since my work has been pretty much limited to the electrical approach, some of the people have advanced in the area of the chemistry of the problem beyond that which I have done. I will therefore confine my remarks on the chemistry of the problem to suggested areas of research than attempt to provide specific answers to the chemical control of the reactions.
Again I must return to the basic concept that mass must be regarded as nothing but the effect of motion. I know that this is harping on a worn theme, but we must keep our mind aware of the basic factor we are attempting to enter to control. You can not look at the basic chart of the atomic elements and say I will come by number 14 with number 26 and arrived at number 40. The game of numbers cannot be played this way except in specific isolated instances where this has occurred. This is I suspect a circumstance of a coincidence under a specific physical shirt. The only case I know where this has consistently occurred is in the spectrograph where the conditions of the high density electricity can cause two elements to show a third in specific amounts.
In essence therefore, combining elements and physical conditions to produce an element that could not previously be identified. Thinking in terms of mass as common electrical frequencies, are combining various forms of motion to produce and electrical harmonic of motion that expresses a particular mass.
In what may be simpler terms, if we were to add the atomic numbers of the elements combined under given conditions to produce say platinum, there would seem to be no correlation of possible numbers, as the total would be far in excess of that of the element design. Again, I used the spectrograph for the identification of elements. No balancing of total mass in these reactions has ever been remotely obtained. Combinations of mass on the basis of Newtonian Physics simply cannot be made to apply to the things that happened here.
The results only become conceivable or acceptable when considered from the electrical motion concept if mass is the simple expression of the rate of motion, then changes in the frequency rate of that motion do not have to relate directly to the total mass of the reacting medium as measured in atomic. A dramatic demonstration of this came when I came about during some of the very first experiments in the use of electrical frequency.
The test was set up to determine the effect of electrical frequency on a mass of lead metal. The tests were all run in a small immersed electrical arc smelting furnace. Fused borax glass was used as a flux cover. Tests would run for 6 hours. The temperature was approximately 2800 degrees after the first hour.
When poured, the test bar weighed 30 lb. with no significant change in the physical appearance of the bar from normal lead. Whatever, when the metal was tested for its specific gravity, it was found to be 18.6 this test had been made using what was believed to be a platinum frequency. An assay was made by an independent assayer who knew nothing of the way in which the material had been prepared. He gave an assay of the metal containing 36% Platinum. I later learned that this was based on the specific gravity of the metal.
Specific gravity tests were run on this bar metal over a period of three months. At the end of this period. The specific gravity of the entire 30 lb metal had decayed back the normal gravity of lead.
Two important factors must be considered at this point as they indicate the areas that are of extreme interest in future research work. First, the fact of the increase in specific gravity under these conditions, and second, the decay factor and why it should occur. Neither should have occurred under these conditions if weighed by normal consciousness of physics. A Doctor of Physics with whom I reviewed his work was more impressed by his gravity change then he was in the fact of the changes in element navigation.
It is important to consider some of the factors that must be relevant to the occurrence. How did gravity increase to such a remarkable degree? Was it caused by the electrical energy? The electrical frequency or fluxes present? Electrical current and heat by themselves have not been known to have this effect. Mass as chemical elements is not believed to create such an effect. Therefore, it must be some effect of the use of electrical frequency combined with the elements, or do we energy, or the combination of these factors.
The only elements present in the melt were adding the lead, with boron and silicon in the fluxes and gaseous elements in the chemicals and the air. The electrical current was from an ordinary welder unit with how about 60 V and 200 amps of current. The temperature of the melt was between 2000 and 3000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Under normal conditions and acceptable reactions, the only minor variations in the flux cover could be anticipated. Could the lighter materials have combined with the lead to produce the heavier metal? If so, what must the mechanics be of the deterioration of the metals as indicated in the gravity test? It would be much more likely that the specific gravity of the lead would be reduced in dilution of the metal with the inclusion of lighter elements present in the melt.
The only, what should be considered an unknown quantity, what is the effect of the electrical frequency. And no other way can I conceive of such massive changes in a physical property.
In order to access the implications of these changes, we must consider the properties of normal lead. Lead is a very heavy element on the atomic chart. Not too many elements have this except the precious metals and radioactive elements. Is considered as a stable element, and is the decay product of the radioactive decay series of elements. If any element should be considered difficult to alter its physical properties it should be lead.
Ignoring the other elements that have been identified from the frequency effect of change, and considering only the specific gravity, the suggestion that the gravity effect could be the result of atom packing in the crystalline structure of the lead. The decay of specific gravity over a limited time. Of might be more acceptable if it could be accounted for as a rearrangement of the crystalline structure rather than the actual change of the nature mass. Alteration of lead to other elements may be difficult to accept, is it any easier to see lead change nearly when half of its specific weight in a brief short period of time.
Let us look at the phenomena from the different angles. Had been made with the intent of changing the lead metal to platinum metal, by the act of altering the electrical frequency levels of the lead element. If this had happened and was all that had happened, judging on the basis of specific gravity, 5% of the 30 lb of lead metal should have been assumed the properties of the platinum metal.
Well, this particular test produced the most spectacular result, greater significance which be applied to the consistency of the positive nature of the entire frequency test as above. With every test melt in which the frequency was used, a number of different elements were produced in volumes measurable in percentages of the total material by chemical analysis and on the spectrograph.
In total mass, iron and copper predominated in the lead smell test. Copper is in most cases of a higher percentage than iron. Test without exception, a significant amount of precious metals were produced. In most tests, the quantities were of highly significant commercial numbers. Silver showed the most readily produced in the lead reactions.
Later, several tests were run using copper and iron as the reacting medium. What reactions were somewhat different from the lead test, they were consistently positive. The copper in particular seems to become extremely reactive and variable. A good value of gold in the copper melt was reported by independent assayers.
It showed me the relationships of copper to gold were strongly indicated, and had been previously seen in the work that had been done in the smelting of electrolytic separation of the complex first. For any treatment of the complex first, it was unexpected thing that the copper would always show up in the electrolytic separations if there was going to be recovered. It demonstrated forcibly. The unstable gold and copper element forms showed several similar physical properties, and there is evidence to prove that the reaction of one element converting to the other is a reversible reaction.
Well, it has been recognized for many years that the identity of the precious metals in the complex was highly identifiable, but there was no real proof that there was an actual alteration of the structure or the identity of the mass itself. It was only with the frequency work, where the unstable forms of the element could not have been present, that proof of the alterable nature of stable elements could be proved.
In the past, it had been found that the common lead with 18% copper had been a very effective collector media for the recovery of gold from the complex ores. It would now seem that the collector has more significance than first recognized and that the actual reaction may well be a chemical-physical transformation of the element proper fluxing in the smelt producing gold in excess of what might be expected in the extraction by stabilizing the gold that was in the unstable forms of the complex ore. Again, we must come back to the fact that the alteration of mass is under many different circumstances. The critical nature of the balance is required for a chemical reaction to occur becomes logical if we think of the fantastic variation of electrical motions involved in chemicals. Only after the study of the electrical frequency effect do these factors become expandable and reasonably acceptable.
So far, we have discussed one aspect of the properties of mass in relation to the transmutation of the elements. Specific gravity is one of the easier physical properties to identify and is usually indicative of the elements or element present. The specific gravity of an element changes what elements are present, and the way in which we have combined individually or collectively in a crystalline structure.
The same is true of the physical conditions present in which the reaction is to take place. For instance, in a roast or smelt of the ore, extremely high temperatures may induce a greater or faster exchange of energy level, but by the same factor control of the temperature into a narrow range of variation becomes more difficult as the temperature increases. Most successful process procedures now in use are being operators in fairly low temp rangers.
Research in the high-temperature ranges of the plasma arc has been extensively studied but has not been a successful process procedure. The method could be effectively used if it was programmed from the frequency generator. High results have been obtained in a plasma furnace by one of my past associates but to lack the of understanding of the nature of the reactions they were inducing made it unlikely that they would recognize the factors that are necessary to control.
Whatever method is used, whether working in a high or low temp range the critical relationship of the reacting mass must be controlled. Since the metallurgical processes require a number of steps, there is no simple shortcut to study of the reactions at each step of the process method.
In order to achieve control over the process steps it is essential that the identification of the element be constantly monitored in order to record the changes in the elements. Assessing there is three basic assay methods that may be used for identification purposes the most versatile method is the use of the spectrograph. All of the heavier elements may be monitored in this method. The movement of elements other than their precious metals is just as important in the process to development has are the element shot in the final product. The fire assay incorporation is used as the final de-turn mission of a marketable product. Chemical assays are not often used for this purpose as they are more end time-consuming.
What are the first consistent assay methods were developed for the identification of the precious metals in the complex which was reported from work done by ore at M.I.T.(Massachusetts Institute of Technology) The test was quite simple, a digestion of the ore in a specific acid was performed, and evaporation to dryness. It was repeated again, dissolved in acid and again evaporated to dryness. The residue was then shot on a spectrograph, then and only then, it would quite consistently, show values from 10 to 30 ounces per ton in gold. I withheld the identity of the specific acid and will reveal it to those to whom are sincerely interested in the science to which I spent a lifetime at.
Sometime later, these leach solutions were aspirated into an oxo- acetylene flame. The fumes were condensed on glass wool, then the wool and its residue would fire assay. Finding similar results to those from the MIT work. Well, these test methods show variable results, they were as a rule positive. At least some consistency of change in the identity of the elements was affected and considerable thought at the time was given to an attempted scale-up of the test as a recovery procedure. To my knowledge, no serious attempt was made to do this. From work that had recently. In a similar area, it would seem feasible to set up a commercial application by adding the following process steps.
1. Digest that you're in a strong acid solution. (different orders will require solutions designed for their contained elements)
2. Filter and wash the pulp. Shape up for other processing.
3. Vaporized acid solution by use of a submerged arc of AC current. Capture the vapors in a closed-circuit condenser.
4. Precipitate condensed vapors with ammonium hydroxide, or a metal chloride designed for stabilization as well as precipitation.
5. Filter and dry residue. Reduce in a hydrogen atmosphere.
6. Fire the reduced chlorides into silver metal in an induction furnace in a hydrogen atmosphere.
7. Refine the metal by standard procedure.
Most complex ores of high precious metals will yield enough values by this method to be processed at a profitable level. The value of the recoverable metals will be greatly increased by using frequency controls on the electrical equipment. Vaporizing arc should be powered with the frequency-controlled current, the solution should be precipitated on cold catalytic plates with an impressed frequency, and the induction furnace should have an overriding frequency of the desired element as well as a separate coil for magnetic field control.
A variation in the wet chemical treatment is now used by an associate. His basic flowsheet is as follows.
1. Digestive medals during a very fine wet grind of the ore.
2. Treat the metal-containing solution by the use of an electrical current.
3. Recover precious metals by metallic precipitation, or by the use of ion exchange resins.
This is a simpler controllable method that is effective on ores whose electrical levels are subject to this procedure. This does not work on any of the complexes that have low-level forms of the precious metals. There are number of ores that do respond to this method and may be processed at a very profitable level. There are most likely other electrical treatments that could be added to the procedure to handle other ores then now do not respond.
It should have been obvious by this time that processes or treatment methods are enhanced by the use of some form of electrical energy. Assaying was largely responsible for the first recognition of the problem of the nature of non-assayable elements was an electrical problem rather than a mechanical phenomenon.
The study of the use of the electrical current in energy in processing led to the electrical frequency-based theory. Experimental research in the use of electrical frequency showed how the problem of identification could be influenced by the frequency effect.
Successful processes can and are being utilized without the use of any externally applied electrical energy. We have already discussed the bouncing of mass as natural electrical forces in metallurgical processes externally applied electrical energy if properly programmed can aid the value of the materials recovery.
Another method of a similar nature now and use comprises of the following steps.
1. Leach the ore which is usually a black sand concentrate, in an acid solution.
2. Make a precipitate. Precipitate not known.
3. Dry and low temperature roast the precipitate.
4. Smelt the precepts an electric glow bar furnace.
5. Reduce the lead collector bar by cupelation to the precious metal.
6. Electrolytic refine find precious metals.
The chemical combinations and the fluxes used in the process method are of critical importance, as they are in any procedure. The flux components are balanced against the nature of the materials treated and the physical conditions of the treatment conditions. Success depends upon the rigid control of the metallurgical balance of the electromotive force.
Identifiable elements are produced smelt and will assay and be normally recovered. The process of stabilization is a continuing one, much higher values are realized in step #2 which is an electrolytic treatment of the smelted mature.
The major portion of the recovered values will be in the door a collector material which is usually lead. These bars are treated by electrolytic separation this has a two-fold, to make a separation of the lead from the precious metals and to carry forward the process of stabilization of the elements.
The electrolytic process has many variations. If all that is desired is a simple separation of one metal from another. Precious metals do this our detail in many publications. If however, other than simple separation is required, there is no standard that is available on the many variations of the uses of electrolysis for this purpose of stabilization.
We are back again to the effects of electrical current and frequency on the structuring of unstable precious metals.
As in the case of fluxing being of primary importance in smelting, so are the additive chemical electrolytic procedure, whether it is used specifically for the stabilization of the elements, or simply as a breakdown bar in electrolytic separation.
Again, in solution or subject to change according to the degree of their instability of electrical structuring. If only all stable elements are present, change does not readily occur unless subjected to the direct effect of an impressed electrical frequency.
These changes could occur in stable elements under the stress of violent chemical, are not apt to occur in sufficient quantities to be noticeable in regular chemical handling processes.
One instance where the change may be seen is in certain catalytic reactions where part of the catalyst is as yet not fully understood. Similarly, the effects of the electrolytic reactions are so complex in the different chemical reactions that they are not understood. When dealing with the unstable characteristics of the elements found in the complex first, their chemical nickel reactions are so varied and different than the chemistry of the stable elements, that too broad a knowledge of stable element chemistry can be a handicap in seeing or recognizing the wild reactions for what they are instead of what they should be.
The most useful tool for allowing and identifying these changes is the spectrograph, particularly the Bausch & Lomb spectral analyzer. It was through the use of this spectrograph that these move movements of the elements first positively identified. It is now used as the control factor in programming the movement of the elements in the desired direction.
Chemicals are added to the electrolytic solution to provide mass in the form of electrical frequencies as part of the necessary reactant media. Combining of these frequencies of the mass present, into balanced harmonics of electrical motion is the mechanics of the production of the expression of a normal element.
Again, I must stress that the change in the energy level forms of mass in whatever medium, wet or molten smelt, must be viewed as an electrical frequency adjustment of motion. The mechanics of this change is not that of the transfer of mass to mass as is assumed in classical transmutation.
One must question if this suggests the notification of the laws of conservation of mass and energy. This is not necessarily so, as the altering of the form or frequency of motion there's not necessarily change the total value of the electrical motion. No real study has yet been made of this factor. Present knowledge is as limited to the study of how to make use of the fact of change. In the future, a study of the mechanics of change and the many ramifications of the fact of change must be explored.
I have attempted to here to limit discuss on the theoretical aspects of the activity is just what is necessary to show some degree of justification for the approaches made to the metallurgical procedures that have been employed. Research in other areas have this expanded horizon of knowledge is necessary and desirable if advantage is to be taken of the many opportunities.
Another processing method that I have personally used has proven effective. Direct electrical smelt of the ore using lead and silver as the collector media then followed by electrolytic reduction of the bars.
The smelt of the ore is made at a relatively high temperature, just below the reduction of the iron metal present in the ore. The lead collector bars are cast into anodes and reduced in an electrolytic separations circuit. The produced anode muds are processed for precious metals and the cathode fraction is recycled for the succeeding smelt.
The value of the produced product is influenced by several factors. Primarily by the combinations in the smelting flux formula, and in the elements used in the electrolytic circuit. There is no set flux combination or condition that will treat all orders. Each is an individual as fingerprints.
(There we go, you've just read Chapter 2/22 of my book coming out. Eventually, even the doubters will be able to produce gold that was never there)
Intelligent conversation welcome....