noob needs help

Gold Refining Forum

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so i have a lot of old cpu's,motherboard and cards and i heard that the chips on these cards contain gold,i googeld this i found that this is tru! can enyone just tell me the easiest way to extract gold from these chips??
raccoon said:
so i have a lot of old cpu's,motherboard and cards and i heard that the chips on these cards contain gold,i googeld this i found that this is tru! can enyone just tell me the easiest way to extract gold from these chips??

Sure the easiest way would be sending the lot to a commercial refiner, if your planning to extract the gold yourself it would be beneficial for all if you took the time to download a free copy of then read Hokes book on refining precious metals wastes before hollering for help.

By reading Hokes book you will begin to understand the chemicals used in refining precious metals and their reactions with base metals and those of value.

In particular study the use of Stannous Chloride, the use of which will become to quote one of our moderators your EYES.

Digesting your metals into acids is easy, knowing what to save and discard is not so easy working blind, the use of stannous chloride becomes your eyes making it easy to know if you have any gold or other precious metals left in solutions before discarding.

We hear this almost daily - where did my gold go.

Working with solutions containing gold requires that you work with diluted liquors that have been first de-noxxed of all nitric, there are several known agents that will precipitate that gold for you. Once again I refer you to Hokes book.

Working with liquors that contain platinum group metals requires that you work with concentrated solutions, the agents used to precipitate the precious salts then whats required after you have the colored salts- I refer you to Hokes book once again.

Working with liquors that have both gold and PGM's presents another interesting problem, which to drop first- please read hokes book for the answer.

Learn about the merits of incineration and why we use it as a refining tool. There is plenty of information written in hokes book but more up to date info has been referenced on this forum.

Incineration not only gets rid of grease and other unwanted organics, the process turns some unwanted metals into oxides that will not go into acids, one less duck to worry about. You have already begun refining without wasting expensive chemicals.

Let us not forget about safety , you will be working with some pretty toxic fumes and metals converted into salts that will have the ability to be absorbed through your skin or breathed into your lungs. Plenty of material posted on this topic along with MSDS aka material safety data sheets.

Lasersteve a forum moderator has some great videos on his website showing the use of stannous, plus many more well worth watching.

Posting pictures of those chips your specking of would be an asset in helping those wanting to answer your questions, most of the gold bearing chips have been posted but hey who knows you may have found a hybrid that no one has yet to lay eyes on.

If you're lucky enough to find a rare hybrid you could have just won the lotto, some of those collectible chips sell in the thousands of dollars.

Welcome to the forum and good luck in your endeavors.
That post of Gils should be included in the Must read section for newcomers to the forum, it may stop the repetition we constantly see.
butcher said:
yes if they read Gustavus's post at first, it would free up allot of the same questions having to be answered thousands of more times.

Great Post :!:

Even if it was made a must read people still wouldnt do so. There will always be the people that want the quick and easy without doing any research. So unfortunately this isnt the first and certainly wont be the last of the repetitious Q and As.
goldenchild said:
butcher said:
yes if they read Gustavus's post at first, it would free up allot of the same questions having to be answered thousands of more times.

Great Post :!:

Even if it was made a must read people still wouldnt do so. There will always be the people that want the quick and easy without doing any research. So unfortunately this isnt the first and certainly wont be the last of the repetitious Q and As.
" i need a gall bladder removed & i saw a video on youtube that showed someone removing their own & want to know the easiest way to do it..."
Not trying to be smart alec, but speaking as a noob myself, i know I've asked some of the obvious questions, but if most would commit to 12 hours of straight reading of pertinent posts, (from personal experience) you can save yourself some of the obvious "Noob" posts, & maybe get into processing quicker.
in life I've learned there's a difference between a "hand up" & a "hand out."

just my dos centavos.
I agree if a person spent 12 hours reading from the forum they would most defiantly obtain some valuable knowledge, but it would still be like swiss cheese - full of holes.

Hokes book - free download, 362 pages written in easy to read layman's terms, once kept secret.

Ms. Hoke reveals all within those 362 pages, need to clairify or find a process there's a very nicely laid out index at the back of the book.

The hard Hard Cover is still a bargain at any price, I'm glad I have mine to fall asleep with.

To be truthful I have a very difficult time retaining information I have read from the digital copy.

Lasersteve makes the hard copy available for those willing to spend some loose change, you will have made the wisest decision in all your life having purchased the book.

Once you learn the terminology from the book then I suggest you move on to the forum where you can learn the use of household chemicals to refine your precious metals from e-scrap, not covered in Hoke's book.

But not before you have read Hoke's. Refining Precious Metals Wastes.

If you choose not to read Hoke's your wasting your valuable time chasing your tail and risk being flamed or ignored by asking stupid questions that have been asked over and over again.

Between Hokes book and the information available on this forum you could develop a business plan your loans manager would drool over.

Best Regards
raccoon said:
so i have a lot of old cpu's,motherboard and cards and i heard that the chips on these cards contain gold,i googeld this i found that this is tru! can enyone just tell me the easiest way to extract gold from these chips??

dude, the easiest way to "extract" the gold plating from those old comp parts is to just grind the surfaces that contain the gold with a grinder. hell, even steel wool works too, its wayyy more work though doin it by hand like that...anyway, after scraping off the layer of "pure" gold youll end up with a pile of gold flakes...all you gotta do then is melt it down to form a little piece of GOLD! turn that chunk of gold in foldin cash at the pawn shop who always pays SPOT for pure gold! there you have it, it really is THAT simple...thats why so few people even bother to recover and refine gold, because its TOO EASY..easy enough to be described in detail in a short paragraph like this one! and they think its not worth the half hour it takes to do it?! people are stupid huh?

yes my man, i was indeed being idiotically sarcastic, which im sure you could should have taken the road that i did in respect to addressing the forum and the BROAD subjects contained herein. whats the road i speak of? the one where you choose not to insult and irritate the members here by belittling and trivializing that which some would call their lifes work, instead respect them, learn what you can on your own and not expect something such as this to be explained to you simply because you think your time is better spent DOING, instead of LEARNING....refining can be very, if not HOPELESSLY complicated for the inexperienced who thinks getting the basic parameters in a few easy steps is the best way to go....but you know this by now dont you? :)

notice this is my first post? thats because im too busy READING in the time i spend here...i cant think of anything to ask yet that hasnt been covered somewhere on the forum already, which is what makes the layout of the forum, when coupled with the search function, a very easy to use and efficient learning resource.

sorry, ill probably delete this shortly after posting since this text ive created, which serves no purpose but to take up space and to poke a little fun at someone who probably isnt even going to read it, has no place and the end result is utter uselessness. im bored...SUE ME! ;)
Arntor said:
sorry, ill probably delete this shortly after posting since this text ive created, which serves no purpose but to take up space and to poke a little fun at someone who probably isnt even going to read it, has no place and the end result is utter uselessness. im bored...SUE ME! ;)
No, don't delete your words. They need to be spoken, but most importantly, they need to be read and observed.

Most of us are patient with the new guy on the block. We do our best to help, but each one must do his part by learning the basics. It does no one any good to receive advice that makes no sense---and it usually doesn't----unless you understand the basics.

Gustavus did an outstanding job of posting his comments. He didn't miss a trick-------everything he said should be read and reviewed often, so everyone gets on the same page with basic understandings about refining. And do read Hoke!

Oh, yeah! Welcome to the forum!

Arntor said:
raccoon said:
so i have a lot of old cpu's,motherboard and cards and i heard that the chips on these cards contain gold,i googeld this i found that this is tru! can enyone just tell me the easiest way to extract gold from these chips??

dude, the easiest way to "extract" the gold plating from those old comp parts is to just grind the surfaces that contain the gold with a grinder. hell, even steel wool works too, its wayyy more work though doin it by hand like that...anyway, after scraping off the layer of "pure" gold youll end up with a pile of gold flakes...all you gotta do then is melt it down to form a little piece of GOLD! turn that chunk of gold in foldin cash at the pawn shop who always pays SPOT for pure gold! there you have it, it really is THAT simple...thats why so few people even bother to recover and refine gold, because its TOO EASY..easy enough to be described in detail in a short paragraph like this one! and they think its not worth the half hour it takes to do it?! people are stupid huh?

yes my man, i was indeed being idiotically sarcastic, which im sure you could should have taken the road that i did in respect to addressing the forum and the BROAD subjects contained herein. whats the road i speak of? the one where you choose not to insult and irritate the members here by belittling and trivializing that which some would call their lifes work, instead respect them, learn what you can on your own and not expect something such as this to be explained to you simply because you think your time is better spent DOING, instead of LEARNING....refining can be very, if not HOPELESSLY complicated for the inexperienced who thinks getting the basic parameters in a few easy steps is the best way to go....but you know this by now dont you? :)

notice this is my first post? thats because im too busy READING in the time i spend here...i cant think of anything to ask yet that hasnt been covered somewhere on the forum already, which is what makes the layout of the forum, when coupled with the search function, a very easy to use and efficient learning resource.

sorry, ill probably delete this shortly after posting since this text ive created, which serves no purpose but to take up space and to poke a little fun at someone who probably isnt even going to read it, has no place and the end result is utter uselessness. im bored...SUE ME! ;)

I've been racking my brain trying to think of some sort of contest, the prize a couple of pounds of milled cats with enough ammonium chloride and sodium chlorate to precipitate your Pt and Pd you will need some zinc to drop your Rh = zinc turnings are available from lasersteve.

I love your first post so much that I have declared you a winner, please PM me your mailing address to claim your booty.

Best Regards

It's not very often that we get a new member that actually get's it right out of the gate!

Great job, and welcome to the forum. Let me know if you need something, if I can help you with it, I will.


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