Bodyworkz - As a representative of a refinery, I stay very quiet on the boards, however I do actively read several posts and have learned a lot about strategy, techniques, and flat out wants and needs of many "regulars" on this forum. I can humbly say that I am far from the most knowledgable member here, and take several steps back just to learn. However, when I do engage, I recommend you be mindful and respectful of this close community.
Bodyworkz said:
I have been refining ,buying and selling precious metals for around 10 years.
I have dealt with Northern Refineries (They have several names) and just reciently Dillon gage. Those 2 places pay only about 70% or less even though they addvertise 95%(NR), 98%(DG) and both are outright crooks.I have had gold mixed up with other lots, stolen etc when dealing with these 2 places.
This is a bold statement, and as an individual- calling hugely successful companies "Crooks" is difficult to swallow.
As a professional, each story has two sides - and although we advertise 92% & 95% for silver - should you send us 20% silver content sludge, our payout will fall far under the advertised price. And for a client (or former client) of mine to make a claim that my company is a crook based on this situation, is quite unfair and far from the truth.
Regardless of my personal bias regarding the mentioned company - I have heard several success stories from prospects that will NEVER leave them, yet I have also heard many horror stories, which I am sure many would agree with applies to ANY company in ANY industry.
Bodyworkz said:
Kitco has a somewhat fair price,but I have found NTR Metals to be higher payout.
Spot price is spot price no matter who you are dealing with. If you see on KITCO 1540, and NTR is 1542 - all this means is that NTR's quotes update faster than the delayed quote of KITCO. Like the stock market, you can go to and see a 20 min. delay on the market, or you can pay for the software to see tick by tick quotes. If you are a day trader, which will you use vs. if you are just investing your money long term? My point is, NTR is NOT paying you more money because they want too, they may just have different software. There are plenty of other forms of finding out what the LIVE market value is, so please use those for your own basis and locking spot price rather than relying on delayed data.
Bodyworkz said:
NTR has about 40 locations in the USA and some in the UK.
NTR only deals with business gold sellers, and they pay 98% on gold without any assay fees.You can visit an NTR office by appointment and be right there as they XRF the metals and be out the door with a check in about a half hour to and hour.
If anyone else has had dealings with NTR Metals please comment on your experiences.
Personally this sounds way to much like a sales pitch. Only briefly did you describe your experience with them, and you did not mention any names or describe the atmosphere that is so common place when simply reviewing a company.
I use constantly, and at no time do my reviews pitch the location like a pitch (and I'm a salesmen, all i do is pitch). I would like to hear more about what you liked, what you didn't like - what research you did that led you to choose them vs. any other refinery, etc.
Like I said, I do not post often, however when I can take the opportunity to voice a different opinion and learn how to better the company I work for through "your" experience with other refiners - I will jump on it.