Old Nitric Acid

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Jun 1, 2012
First off I want to apologize if this is a dumb question. I have a gallon of nitric acid that is close to 10 years old. It was stored in a cabinet in a barn. It was exposed to summer heat and winter cold but no sunlight. It has turned a very light brown color. I researched this and found that it is normal for it to turn this color but it's not said if it is any good. Is i still good tor making solutions?
Be very careful when opening it. I would wear chemical splash goggles, a faceshield, a plastic apron and neoprene gloves. I might also have a bucket of water nearby just in case.

With all you said about storage conditions and time, I would not be surprised if it did not build up some pressure which could cause acid to spray out when you open the bottle.
I would expect the nitric to be just fine. I would also suggest that one follows the recommendation to use care in opening the bottle, although I expect it likely contains no pressure.


Your acid is probably fine. I recently dug out some of my old supplies as well, including a couple of bottles of nitric that are about 40 years old. The acid is fine. The plastic caps on the bottles, not so much. It has been stored in my garage for the last 20+ years, exposed to summer heat and freezing winters.

After removing enough to make some Schwerter's solution I tried to replace the cap, which showed obvious deterioration. It crumbled into several pieces. I transferred the acid to new containers and have used it for testing suspected silver plate a number of times. Works just fine.

Westerngs said:
Holy Moly Harold, do you ever sleep?

Yep! From about 5:00 AM until about 11:00AM. Been a night person all my life.


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