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arthur kierski

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2008
são paulo---brazil
I have powdered solder tailings(fine metallic powder) containing pd and perhaps a minimun quantity of gold and silver.
To this powder i added plain hcl and after boiling a long time added water and filtrated-----this, i suposed eliminated the tin giving a stong violet solution.
question:do i have to eliminate the lead chloride that is left in the powder(with boiling water) or could i go straight after the palladium with hno3 or ar?
note:i am doing this with 200grams of the fine metallic powder and expect 1 to 2grams of pd---
but i have already 2kilos of this powder and will have about 5kilos monthly of it
thanks again

It's always best to remove all the base metals you can before dissolving the values. For this reason you should give the material a good boil in water to leach any lead chloride before going for the precious metals.

It's possible that hot HCl will dissolve some of the Pd if the powder is fine enough. Pd oxides are readily soluble in HCl too. Be sure you test the wash solutions with DMG before you toss anything.


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