Ozone aeration

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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2011
New Zealand
Howdy doody All, just wanted to share my latest, an ozone assisted aeration of my solutions. Pretty well explanatory, if you don’t know what the components are, well it’s not for you. Involves very high voltages.



It's been quite a while since I saw one of those, and quite a bit longer since I actually studied one. I would guess your output voltage would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 14,000 to 15,000 volts. Am I close? They actually used something similar in newer TV's which still have picture tubes and not picture transistors. You should consider changing your name from NoIeas the GreatIdeas.

Just remember that you'll also get NOx (probably NO2) if you're putting air through it.

Ozone is very useful in some applications. Don't know how much so for refining, as it's so hard to make any substantial quantity and it only serves as an oxidizer. If you had a large enough generator, it would be great for a NOx scrubber.

Once upon a time, I collected ozone (and oxygen) in a liquid nitrogen cooled trap, looked like a dark blue ink. In a concentrated form, it's fearsome stuff!

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