Palladium in solution? Help I'm new

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That's definitely copper nitrate solution. Pretty concentrated by the look of it. You didn't get sterling spoons, you got plated ones. Never buy pieces of silver or gold-containing items, because scammers cut off the part where it says it's just plate. If you can't see the entire item, AND the maker's marks and precious metal content, do NOT be tempted. It's a scam, guaranteed.

Also familiarize yourself with the various marks. For instance, 'IS' is inlaid silver. It's basically extra-thick plating. Again, don't buy that from Ebay. Even if you get it dirt-cheap, the shipping will erase any profit. Find inlaid silver at yard sales and flea markets, get each piece for 25-50 cents, and you might make some money IF it's VERY OLD inlaid silver, made in the 1890's or around then. Newer stuff is very thin on the silver, practically as thin as old types of electroplate. I was lucky to grab a full set of inlaid silver tableware for $20 some years ago. In fact, it's so old and fairly ornate I may end up reselling it as antique silverware rather than processing it.

Don't trust easily with sellers on Ebay hawking scrap just because the deal looks good. You can't check the material, so you have no idea if it's legit or not. You have to research the seller's ratings and reviews to see if you should give them a chance. Don't trust any of them if they have a lower than 95% favorable rating, AND don't trust new sellers! Lots of 'new' sellers are actually old con artists who just keep making new accounts after they get banned. Using VPNs and multiple credit cards makes this very easy to do for scammers. Ebay is supposed to verify banking info now, but scammers still get on the site, probably by using those online banks which often don't do their due diligence. Go for the ones that have at least several hundred ratings, and are 95-100% positive on feedback.

I HAVE gotten some VERY good material from Ebay (the decommissioned nuclear launch control boards I mentioned in other threads came from Ebay), but I had to search very obscure terms to find the goodies. Anyone listing 'electronics scrap' or 'e-waste' already knows what the market is, and you'll either pay a high price for very little return, OR you'll get conned.

I also used Ebay to find a local seller I could meet up with for the delivery and later buy from directly, getting him a better price for his scrap and me saving a couple hundred dollars on shipping the total of 300 pounds of boards I got from him.
Yeah, i think you are right. The seller did have a lot of good reviews but I threw out about an ounce of material before I dissolved any of it because I could tell it was plated. I am only refining sterling and this was the only auction I bid on that didn’t have markings. I am still processing the cement (stuck at work at the moment) so I will wait until I get all of it dried and weighed before I leave a review. Sometimes, you have to learn the hard way.
It is my understanding, that palladium will show up brown with stannous test when dissolved with sterling silver. If not palladium, what could it be? I have a lot to learn. Here is a shot of what my solution normally looks like under the same light.
Let me start by saying thank you. This is my first post, but I've been haunting this site for many months. Lots of great information here. I am new to silver refining. I have watched almost all of streetips videos on the subject and made a silver cell very similar to his (only smaller 2.5 liters). My cell is running good, but i ran into a problem today and I can't seem to find the answer anywhere. I just dissolved 890 grams of silver spoons in nitric and my solution is green. I am pretty sure its palladium in solution. I just need confirmation and a question answered. I did a stannous test with solution I made from 95/5 tin/antimony dissolved in hydrochloric acid. My question then is, if it is Palladium, do I need to precipitate it out with DMG before I cement the silver out? Or can I just cement everything out on copper, and then run it through the silver cell? The stannous test looks like silver chloride with palladium. I know you can catch the palladium in the silver cell filters, but will this cause any problems clogging my filters up? I have attached a picture of my solution and my stannous test. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank You!
What do think this is?
I think its silver?
But now not so sure..
Waiting for my stannous

Appreciate and feedback



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What do think this is?
I think its silver?
But now not so sure..
Waiting for my stannous

Appreciate and feedback

It is impossible to say anything about these pictures without some detailed description on how the solution was made.
But there are no indication on Silver.
Silver Nitrate is colorless.
Sorry im waiting on my stannous...

The solution came from vinegar peroxide and hcl. Gold pins and boards were the material.
I don't want to discard the solution for fear I waste some previous metals
Im reading the CM Hokes book now ..

The pictures are after hcl was added.. Now the filtered solution. is quite clear.. The filter has grey sand colour and some white flecks, like the stuff in jarsI will photo results.
But again I need stannous.

Thanks anyways


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I used a 1/10 ratio. But the strength was 9%.
I was not structured, I added and waited then added.
So it may have a higher amount than needed.
I used a 1/10 ratio. But the strength was 9%.
I was not structured, I added and waited then added.
So it may have a higher amount than needed.

With that much peroxide added, you may want to do a stannous test. You really only need to add peroxide in the beginning to get started. Then using a small aquarium air pump to add oxygen and to keep the solution moving is the best way.

As far as the sediment is concerned, I don't know. I've never added vinegar to my AP, so I don't know how that will effect things.
Would I dilute distilled water and drop gold?
I have no idea how to drop pt.

Others may view this differently.

If you are not ready to deal with PGM's (which are very toxic), I would drop out the gold and then cement the PGM's out on Cu. Once you are ready to deal with the PGM's you can always dissolve it again. Leaving toxic solutions just setting around is a health hazard waiting to happen.
ok I Will SmB out Gold after filter.
What would've best a Copper pipe or wire?
Will that cement platinum?
That is what I believe I have in solution

Thanks in advance


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