I have a quart bottle I bought about 12 years ago for plating palladium. I never got around to using it because I could not find any paperwork on how to use it. At the time I paid I think $65.00 (US) The container reads "ULTRA PLATE" and Platron III and "Palladium electro-plating solution" The company no longer exists. A label on the back has standard warnings but lists no ingrediants. The solution is a light purple color. I have never opened the container. My question is would this solution still be good? I no longer have the desire to use it, would it be of use to anyone in the forum? Im sure the price has gone up over the years. One more thing, years ago I was given a container dated 1923 from the "United States Bronze Powder Works" and the label also says "One Pound" and VENUS, and "SILVER GLASS METALLICS FINE". The container has the original (I assume) price tag, $35.00. (A lot of money in 1923) I have opened this container and it appears to be what it says, but how would I know? Same question, would this stuff be of any use these days? Thank all of you for your time.