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Perkinelmer AAS

Gold Refining Forum

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Apr 5, 2022
Patagonia Arizona
My 38 year long prospecting buddy died and I am trying to get his AAS unit and another item. He never used it and has probably been sitting since the 1980s or longer. Would an old AAS unit be worth restoring? I believe that it is a Perkinelmer but don't have the model number yet. It would have been thrown out if I hadn't revealed it's existence to his sister.
I had a Perkin Elmer 103 from my college days. Took the instrument to use in Ecuador and it withstood a rather rough trip and worked like a charm. Old fashioned no frills made to last!
Thanks, we have an old mine not far from here that is named after you. It may be the same vintage as mine but it was not protected very well although it is in an old metal shed but mice and rats have had access to it. Other than the cord, is it vulnerable to vermin?
I should mention that the newer models plot your standards into a standard curve and read directly in PPM. The older machines were analog so you had to plot a curve. But today excel can plot standard curves for you and interpolate.

As far as rodents, if they get inside there are circuits and insulated wires to munch on for sure. And the mechanics of a split beam instrument may be delicate. And the optics can be questionable. The Atomic Absorption I took to Ecuador would be over 50 years old today!
I've had an old analogue unit and a much later digital Perkin Elmer unit and for sure, the later unit is far far simpler to use. Importantly the spares for the older models cost an absolute arm and a leg, and finding an engineer who still retains the skills to maintain one is both difficult and insanely expensive, unless you drop lucky.
And don’t forget the cost of lamps for every element you want to analyze and the cost of class A volumetric glassware to set up your lab.
Thank you, this is exactly what I was needing to know. The choice then between the AAS and ozone generator is apparent if I am asked to choose between them. There is an almost unknown method of injecting ozone into water to address a specific process which shall remain proprietary for now.
Mice will make themselves at home in any AAS unit which is not really well sealed.
Once inside they like to snack on the wires and defecate on the circuit boards.
The usual first test on an old unit is to open it up and check for the presence of vermin, if there are no obvious signs then you switch it on and see if the display lights up.
If the display lights then you put a gold lamp in, set the wavelength to that recommended on the lamp base, usually 242.8 nm, and see if the display shows a reading.
Depending on the model of the AAS it may have a background correction feature.
If it has such a feature it is then switched on to see if the background lamp is operational.
Having background correction is important when running solutions containing dissolved interferences such as iron.
Those are the basic checks which say whether there is any chance of getting the unit running.
Note that cylinders of compressed air and instrumental grade acetylene will be needed to run the unit.
You can find user manuals for most AAS units on the internet.
I would expect that most of the o rings would need replacing before using the unit.
If you keep the solution tenors below 5ppm then it is straight line readings for gold to this level, no curve interpretations needed.
Diluting your liquors to below 5ppm gold is not difficult, most volumetric flasks are pretty cheap.