Pgm refining

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Eg.refiner said:
I did not dissolved it in AR , i need to know use CU or ZN to cement out the PM ?
I need to know pls

doing it by yourself is much dangrous while you not know how metal behave in acids.
Its batter to keep a small piece and sell remaining material.
Read forum, ask question, educate yourself, be equiped and then start testing on the small piece you keep. Pgm refining is not simple.... not cheap.
Every one is here to help you but when you not go through small tests and recoveries,its not a wise action to try on a large batches.
If you are registered then you can sell it out of egypt.
First of all I am sorry for the long delay in getting back to this but these days I just don't have a lot of time to post on the forum

I originally asked you what your end goal is (which you never really answered)

However - you sent me a private message Oct. 11 (again sorry I did not reply - just did not have time) in which you said --- "i need to know both methods please because i need to sell it"

In which case why don't you just sell it as it is :?:

Just like karat gold scrap (like say 12K gold which is 50% gold & 50% base metal) a refinery is going to pay you the same amount of money for the gold whether it is 999 gold or 50% gold --- the question is what they pay based on how much you send to them

In other words most refineries have a minimum you need to send in to get their highest pay out rate but if you send in less then their minimum they pay less

Example; - the refinery I send my metals to has a minimum on gold of 5 troy ounces & as long as I send in at least 5 ozt. they pay 98% --- if I send in less the 5 ozt. they pay less then 98% --- how much less they pay depend on how much less I send in

What that means is if I send them at least 5 ozt of 999 gold they will pay me 98% --- on the other hand they will also pay me 98% for 12K scrap as long as what I send comes to at least 5 ozt gold - so with 12K gold scrap I would need to send in at least 10 ozt of 12K --- to get the same 98% pay out

in other words - I don't need to refine the 12K scrap to 999 to get the 98% pay out - I just need to make sure the "gold content" I send them meets there 5 ozt minimum

The same is true with PGMs (&/or silver)

In other words you can sell the slug as is - the refinery is going to pay you the same for the PGMs whether you refine them or not - the question of how much they pay is a question of whether the PGM "content" meets their minimum - or not

Back when I did this full time - part of my operation was a smelting operation - I never refined the dore metal recovered from the smelting process (dore metal being base metals plus PMs - PMs being gold silver & PGMs) I just sent the dore metal in & got paid out on the PM content of the dore metal

That because they paid me the same for the PMs whether I refined them or not - it was just a question of how much they paid for each PM - which was a question of if each PM met the minimum or not

If each PM hit at least the minimum I would get their full pay out rate --- if any of the PMs were less then the minimum then they would pay a lesser amount for that PM - which was the same rate if I sent that less amount in as a refined metal

So it just made no sense to spend extra time & money to refine the dore metal when I got paid the same money for the PMs whether they were refined - or not - because they assayed the dore - paid out on the PMs based on the PM content of the dore

So in my opinion it not worth the time &/or money to try further refining your dore slug - send it in - they will assay it & then pay you out based on their pay out rate for the amount of PGMs you send them

Dear Kurt,

Thank you for your detailed and insightful response regarding the refining and selling of PGMs. Your expertise in this area are greatly appreciated.

Based on your advice, I understand that refining the dore slug may not be necessary, as refineries will pay based on the PGM content. I'll consider sending ore to a reputable refinery.

Could you recommend a refinery that specializes in PGMs and handles ores with the following elements: Ag, Cu, Au, Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir, Os, Ru? Your recommendation would be invaluable.

Additionally, I'd like to inquire about the minimum requirements for each PGM and any specific documentation or procedures needed for submission.

Thank you again for sharing your knowledge and experience.

Best regards,

Dear Kurt,

Thank you for your detailed and insightful response regarding the refining and selling of PGMs. Your expertise in this area are greatly appreciated.

Based on your advice, I understand that refining the dore slug may not be necessary, as refineries will pay based on the PGM content. I'll consider sending ore to a reputable refinery.

Could you recommend a refinery that specializes in PGMs and handles ores with the following elements: Ag, Cu, Au, Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir, Os, Ru? Your recommendation would be invaluable.

Additionally, I'd like to inquire about the minimum requirements for each PGM and any specific documentation or procedures needed for submission.

Thank you again for sharing your knowledge and experience.

Best regards,

Welcome to us.
How was this dore assayed?
If there is indeed Os in there it may be a tough job to sell it.
Could you recommend a refinery that specializes in PGMs and handles ores with the following elements: Ag, Cu, Au, Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir, Os, Ru? Your recommendation would be invaluable.
Unless you are sending in large quantities of metal, finding a refiner to pay you on Rhodium Iridium Ruthenium and Osmium will be difficult unless you are talking about large overall percentages of these elements in the metal you are submitting for refining. What are the overall percentages of the metals you listed in your material?
Welcome to us.
How was this dore assayed?
If there is indeed Os in there it may be a tough job to sell it.
This was done by atomic absorption , (attach) the test results was conducted by a reputable lab here in Colombia.
Our production capacity allows us to concentrate approximately 20-40 kilograms of this material per month. Our concentration process involves:
1. Grinding the material to 150 to 200 mesh to optimize liberation
2. We Utilize a spiral concentrator for gravimetric separation
This is the only process that I had done that enables us to achieve an unefficient separation but I will like to learn more about Chemical concentration of the valuable minerals.


  • Ore Lab Report.jpg
    Ore Lab Report.jpg
    130.1 KB
This was done by atomic absorption , (attach) the test results was conducted by a reputable lab here in Colombia.
Our production capacity allows us to concentrate approximately 20-40 kilograms of this material per month. Our concentration process involves:
1. Grinding the material to 150 to 200 mesh to optimize liberation
2. We Utilize a spiral concentrator for gravimetric separation
This is the only process that I had done that enables us to achieve an unefficient separation but I will like to learn more about Chemical concentration of the valuable minerals.
Good I wanted to rule out the common XRF mistakes.
Just to get my head around this.
Do you grind up the dore?

Chemical separation involves som very nasty salts and with the amountbof Osmium in there there will probably not be many that wants to handle this material.
16 kgs per ton is sky high.
Lets see what Lou, our PGM guru says.
Good I wanted to rule out the common XRF mistakes.
Just to get my head around this.
Do you grind up the dore?

Chemical separation involves som very nasty salts and with the amountbof Osmium in there there will probably not be many that wants to handle this material.
16 kgs per ton is sky high.
Lets see what Lou, our PGM guru says.
I'd be delighted to have Lou, your PGM expert, review the data and provide valuable insights. His expertise would be invaluable in helping us develop this opportunity.
Would it be possible to arrange a consultation or collaboration with Lou? We're eager to explore ways to responsibly and efficiently extract the PGMs from our deposit.
Additionally, we'd like to extend an invitation to you guys to participate in the development of this project. Your expertise would significantly contribute to its success.
I'd be delighted to have Lou, your PGM expert, review the data and provide valuable insights. His expertise would be invaluable in helping us develop this opportunity.
Would it be possible to arrange a consultation or collaboration with Lou? We're eager to explore ways to responsibly and efficiently extract the PGMs from our deposit.
Additionally, we'd like to extend an invitation to you guys to participate in the development of this project. Your expertise would significantly contribute to its success.
Lou is in here quite often.
So we will have to wait until he chimes in or send him a PM/Conversation request.
He was last logged in yesterday.
I'd be delighted to have Lou, your PGM expert, review the data and provide valuable insights. His expertise would be invaluable in helping us develop this opportunity.
Would it be possible to arrange a consultation or collaboration with Lou? We're eager to explore ways to responsibly and efficiently extract the PGMs from our deposit.
Additionally, we'd like to extend an invitation to you guys to participate in the development of this project. Your expertise would significantly contribute to its success.
I think this link will lead right to his profile.
If you then press "Start Conversation" you can send him a direct message.
I'd be delighted to have Lou, your PGM expert, review the data and provide valuable insights. His expertise would be invaluable in helping us develop this opportunity.
Would it be possible to arrange a consultation or collaboration with Lou? We're eager to explore ways to responsibly and efficiently extract the PGMs from our deposit.
Additionally, we'd like to extend an invitation to you guys to participate in the development of this project. Your expertise would significantly contribute to its success.
Even if you and Lou get a good conversation, we prefer and hope to have as much as possible of the information out the open forum.
So please if possible you can continue in this thread.
Even if you and Lou get a good conversation, we prefer and hope to have as much as possible of the information out the open forum.
So please if possible you can continue in this thread.
For sure, this is what wrote to Lou:
Hello Lou,
I'm Ricardo Bueno, and I've been referred to your expertise by Kurt (Yggdrasil). Your reputation as a PGM guru precedes you, and I'm excited to tap into your knowledge.
I've attached a report detailing the atomic absorption test results of some exceptional black sands I've accessed. The preliminary analysis indicates significant PGM presence, and I'm eager to explore the potential.
With your guidance, I'd like to discuss:
*. Verification of test results
*. Optimal processing methods
*. Market opportunities

Your insight would be invaluable in helping me develop this project. I'm looking forward to your thoughts on:
- Enhancing recovery rates
- Mitigating challenges associated with Osmium and other difficult-to-process elements
- Identifying potential partners or buyers
Thank you for considering my request. I'm excited to collaborate and learn from your expertise.
Best regards,
Ricardo Bueno

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