Please help me clean up my mess :oops:

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Active member
Jan 15, 2012
Ok, where to start. To start with I congratulate ALL that have managed to refine scrap into buttons, also to all who help so much here. Before finding this forum I decided to see if I could process some scrap and refine some gold, I found some info but not even close to enough dont know how I missed this site, steve's or the other info I have found after the fact. Ok so now to the mess, I had half a jar of pins a heap of cpu pins (off 10 fibre cpu's) and 2 large coffee jars about 12 inch high and 5 square full of mem fingers, pins, cpu's etc. I got hold of 20lt's of hydrochloric and 20lt's of nitric :) I made up some AR and put it in ALL the jars :oops: The cpu pins should have been ok but some how between my confution and whatever I failed to recover the gold. Upon tring to refine one of the mixed jars I dropped out a substance I now belive to be stanous nitrate :shock: knowing at least this was not right I downed tools and I came back to the computer. After calling chem tutors with phd's and all sorts of people not one could help me :? . I now know how to refine after finding this site and reading hoke's. Problem is I still have a jar with lead, tin, copper, alliminum, gold and whatever else disolved into the AR. I have read that alliminum will drop all metals if added but not sure about this and dont want to make anything that might blow me up, unless I know what its is and how to deal with it etc. I did manage to save some of the foils from the jars that did not disolve put them into AR and dropped with smb then smelted my first button :D :D :D :D :D. Any help on what to do with my jar of everything would be great, was thinking if the alliminum worked I could start again pull out the unwanted's as you should before the AR.

Thanks Rob
ok, so you are a member with some time in and have read Hokes so no need to advise you to do those things.

on to the mess. filter all the solution from everything you have in one container. place a size-able piece of of copper into the solution and leave it there for a couple of days. any powder that cements out will be your values as anything above copper on the reactivity scale is something you want to recover. after the time is up, remove any copper remaining, carefully decant solution down to the powder and add clean water and let it settle, repeat until water remains clear. process powder as you would contaminated gold.
Hi Geo, thanks for the reply just one question if the nitric is used up will the copper still work? nitric not a prob for me have heaps and can get it cheap, but dont want to add if not needed.
Just reading over my post and I quote "I now know how to refine after finding this site and reading hoke's." maybe that was alittle inacurate. lol but Im getting there and have learnt heaps.
if the PH is on the low side theres no need to add any more acid. there should be enough left in the solution to cement any PM's. besides nitric will just digest more copper.
Ok I might do some more research on cementing and how it works, adding nitric as you said will just eat more coppper and add more acid for it to absorb into without the need to push out anything. Thanks again Geo

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