Please help me. Thanks

Gold Refining Forum

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May 12, 2013
Dear members. First I would like to thank the creator of this website and all the members for being so honest and helpful to others

I am new at this so please be patients with me as I am not familiar with all the terminology and abbreviations used on this site.

I am interesting in learning how to remove gold from gold plated jewelry, Gold Fingers, Memory Cards and other computer parts such as pins and cell phones parts.

I would like to know how to get the gold off of gold plated items down to a power and then melt down the gold power once it is removed from the gold plated parts to make a gold bar or drops?

I've seen some videos where they get the gold liquid down to a powder than melt the power into a gold bar.
However, these videos don't tell you what chemicals to use or how much chemical percentage to use. I know there are a few different ways to remove the gold from gold plated items and computer parts. But I don't know what they are.

Can someone please tell me the complete process to refine gold from gold plated jewelry and computer parts.

Also, what are the necessary equipment required that I will need for this process?

I really need to learn to do this so I can make some extra money because my wife has Chronic Kidney Disease and has been on dialysis for over a year and we are trying to get her a Kidney transplant. Without a Kidney transplant her chances of survival are slim to none.

In fact, on May 18, 2013 my wife, daughter and myself will be participating in this year's Kidney-Walk to raise money for the National Kidney Foundation. I also have a donations page set up so people can make a donation for my wife to help her get a kidney transplant. These donations will help pay for a kidney transplant and anti-rejection medication to help the body from rejecting the new kidney and ongoing treatment.

Here his the link to the donation page.

The only reason I'm posting the donation page is to let everyone on this site know that I am truly being honest with you and that I really need to learn how to get the gold refining process so I can make some extra money for my wife.

I'm not interested in making extra money for myself or to buy any luxury items. This is a matter of life and death and I am only trying to save my wife's life.

So if anybody can please tell me how to refine gold and what is needed and where to buy everything I need I would really appreciate it very much.

Thank you all in advance so much for your help.

Welcome to the forum! I'm sorry to hear about your wife's health issues. I hope everything works out well for you.

Unfortunately, learning to recover and refine precious metals is not a quick process. There is no single process that will work for the various materials you've mentioned, and knowing which process to use with each type can mean the difference between success and ending up with a mess. But if you take a long term approach, everything you need to learn is available here on the forum.

Following are some links I try to provide to new members to get them started on their journey.

The first rule is to be safe in everything you do. Before you jump into any of the processes you see discussed here, be sure you understand the potential hazards and do everything you can to minimize the risks. Read EVERYTHING in the Safety section of the forum, especially the Dealing with Waste topic. No amount of precious metal is worth jeopardizing your health or the health of those around you.

I strongly encourage all new members to follow the Guided Tour created by LazerSteve. It will provide an introduction to the forum and numerous valuable links including the General Reactions List. Be sure to follow the link to his web site as he has many outstanding videos, a collection of great reference documents, and he sells a lot of the supplies needed to get started including detailed instructional DVDs. Samuel-a also has a lot of videos, guides and tutorials at his web site Gold-N-Scrap.

Download C. M. Hoke's book. There is a digital copy you can read on screen here: Refining Precious Metal Wastes. If you prefer a printed copy, you'll find a link to a printer friendly version in my signature line below. You'll see her book mentioned repeatedly here on the forum for good reason. It is probably the best book ever written for the beginner who wants to learn refining. It is written in layman's terms and will provide a solid foundation that will help you understand everything you read here on the forum. You'll also find a tremendous amount of information in the two Forum Handbooks compiled by aflacglobal, Forum Handbook Vol 1 and Forum Handbook Vol 2.

Once you understand the basics you can start to try some small scale experiments. If there's something you don't understand or you get stuck, there will be someone here to help you.

Best of luck,
Hi Dave ,
your advices are excellent and should be a requisite to all new members , so they will be in a better position to ask for specific help and not open ended questions that can not be answered as a general rule
once again excellent
FrugalRefiner said:

Welcome to the forum! I'm sorry to hear about your wife's health issues. I hope everything works out well for you.

Unfortunately, learning to recover and refine precious metals is not a quick process. There is no single process that will work for the various materials you've mentioned, and knowing which process to use with each type can mean the difference between success and ending up with a mess. But if you take a long term approach, everything you need to learn is available here on the forum.

Following are some links I try to provide to new members to get them started on their journey.

The first rule is to be safe in everything you do. Before you jump into any of the processes you see discussed here, be sure you understand the potential hazards and do everything you can to minimize the risks. Read EVERYTHING in the Safety section of the forum, especially the Dealing with Waste topic. No amount of precious metal is worth jeopardizing your health or the health of those around you.

I strongly encourage all new members to follow the Guided Tour created by LazerSteve. It will provide an introduction to the forum and numerous valuable links including the General Reactions List. Be sure to follow the link to his web site as he has many outstanding videos, a collection of great reference documents, and he sells a lot of the supplies needed to get started including detailed instructional DVDs. Samuel-a also has a lot of videos, guides and tutorials at his web site Gold-N-Scrap.

Download C. M. Hoke's book. There is a digital copy you can read on screen here: Refining Precious Metal Wastes. If you prefer a printed copy, you'll find a link to a printer friendly version in my signature line below. You'll see her book mentioned repeatedly here on the forum for good reason. It is probably the best book ever written for the beginner who wants to learn refining. It is written in layman's terms and will provide a solid foundation that will help you understand everything you read here on the forum. You'll also find a tremendous amount of information in the two Forum Handbooks compiled by aflacglobal, Forum Handbook Vol 1 and Forum Handbook Vol 2.

Once you understand the basics you can start to try some small scale experiments. If there's something you don't understand or you get stuck, there will be someone here to help you.

Best of luck,

Thank you so much for the information.

I understand that there is no quick way to process or refine precious metals, but the information you provided will at least get me started in the right direction.

I'm sure the other members will be just as helpful.

Thank you and God bless you.
I am sorry to hear of your wife's problem and I do hope she gets what she needs and gets better.
You will quickly get on the wrong side of things here by posting the same post multiple times in different categories. My advice is to stop now. Only reply to one of the posts, as I am sure they will all be deleted, save for one. Members here usually read all new posts and they don't need to read the same thing three times.
If you need some quick money, you won't get it by refining precious metals from computer scrap part time. It is more of a hobby than a business to make a living from. It is very time consuming with little to no profit. Start reading through the forum and you will see what I mean.
I hope things go well for you and your family.
Thank you so much for the good advice and I do apologize for posting multiple times as I am new to the forum.

And yes, I do understand that I won't get any quick money by refining precious metals from computer scrap parts and I know it's very time consuming with little to no profit. But I just needed some where to start and so far the members of this forum have been very informative and helpful.

However, I also have my whole community who is supporting me and my wife and they are supplying me with pounds of gold plated computer parts and other electronic gold plated parts along with some unwanted and broken jewelry. So I hope to learn as much as possible from all the members and the postings on the forum.

And thank you so much for your kind words regarding my wife.
You may want to consider selling some of the material you're receiving to generate some cash more quickly. People on eBay pay crazy amounts for escrap.

It eliminates the long learning curve as well as the costs and hazards involved in recovery and refining. However, it's a trade off for the potential problems of selling on eBay, like people who claim they never received your package, or who claim you didn't deliver what you advertised, or who take your materials, negotiate a refund for some manufactured reason, then return only part of what you sold or something totally different. There are also the FeePay fees.

Another alternative is to list some of your materials here on the forum in the Sell or Trade category. You avoid the FeePay fees, but members here aren't likely to pay the inflated prices common on FeePay.

There are also companies like Boardsort and Thriftybits that will buy escrap at reasonable rates. But you do have to ship your items to them.

Just some thoughts to consider.

A good place to start is the guided tour. Here is a link to it:

I have been on ebay and I've seen people pay crazy amounts of money for escrap. They are also paying a lot of money for refined gold from escrap.

But you have a good idea. I can put my escrap on ebay until I learn more about refining the escrap myself.

What I don't understand is why people on ebay are paying so much for gold and silver above the current market price.

The current price of silver is $23.84 per oz and they are paying up to $45.00 an oz, and in some cases more.

It makes no scene to me.

Thanks for the link.

I am definitely going to check out all the information on the forum.

Thanks again.
Dom said:
What I don't understand is why people on ebay are paying so much for gold and silver above the current market price.
I'm sure a book could be written to try to answer that question. Anywhere from people who have no idea what they're bidding on to people who are buying based on what they expect prices to be in the future.

We have some members with a lot of experience in understanding the mentality of FeePay buyers. There has been a lot of good discussion in the EBay & Other Auctions category. The members of this forum have been incredibly generous in sharing their knowledge.

Dom, I too am sorry to hear about your wife, I believe members here are giving good advice, gold from electronic scrap is hard to recover and make money from it, there is a lot to learn and it takes an awful lot of material to get a little gold even after all of the learning, chemicals and getting set up will cost also, even if you can get lots of electronic scrap for free it is still hard to make a profit especially if you consider your time, Higher grade scrap like karat gold and sterling silver there can be some profit in if you can buy it cheap, but that too can be hard to do, recovery and refining can make a little money here and there, but if I was in your shoes I would not look to it as an answer to help in your situation, but I do not want to discourage you from learning, I believe where you could use the electronic scrap to help your wife is by collecting and selling, you could set up collections stations advertise your cause, helping people to recycle and help your wife with it at the same time, to do this you would need a good understanding of the scraps value, how to separate, and prepare the material for the best value, the Higher grade scrap if you can hold onto some it, and then try and see if you could get more value in gold for after processing than what you could sell the material for, learning the value of scrap Karat gold, and silver how to recognize a good deal and learn how to test the scrap, to see if it real and its true value, you may also be able to buy karat gold from garage sales and such and make a little profit here and there, not everyone's situation is the same, one man may learn this and have good luck finding scrap or customers, another may know how to do it but have a hard time finding scrap cheap enough to make much of a profit at all, my view of gold is it is a very precious and rare metal, but it can be a very hard way to make a profit from whether it be from mining, recovery from electronic scrap or other.

Learning recovery and refining is rewarding, it involves a lot of work to learn, but the education is very rewarding, it is also very interesting to take a metal and remove electrons from it, to dissolve the metal into solution and then to supply those electron to get a powder that will melt to a metal purer than what you started with, but as far as being as profitable as many who have never done this, would think it is, that it is not as profitable as most people would think in my opinion.

Take good care of your lovely wife.

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