Pool Acid ???

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Oct 8, 2012
hi guys in relatively new on the forum.I was wondering if pool acid with hcl 30% could work for AQUA REGIA and if i could boil it on a hot plate to get the hcl percentage a littel
higher. thanks :?: :?: :?:

30% is plenty strong. You would be hard pressed to make it any stronger.

Myself and many other members actually dilute our HCl to around 15% when processing material. It saves chemicals that way.

Just be sure that the HCl you purchase does not have other chemicals mixed with it.
That is about as concentrated as it gets, heating it further would just vapor off your acid. Google HCl, and azeotrope HCl, as long as there are no other ingredients like buffers the pool HCl is the same stuff we use for aqua regia or other reactions you will learn about on the forum.

Make sure you have a parachute before you jump from the airplane!

Make sure you understand the dangers and how to do the processes before trying them, have an understanding of the reactions and know when to use what, where, when, and on which material or process and why.

It can be very easy to get exited about this and jump overboard, and end up in one big mess, which is harder to get out of, and take you longer to get to that goal of melting your pure gold, than it will if you spent some time patiently preparing your self for success by studying first.

If you are not sure what acid you need, or know that much about it I do not feel you are ready to start dissolving metals in aqua regia, from the question you asked I feel you would not do much at this point but make a big mess, lose your gold, and possibly hurt yourself or others, after you get metals in this solution do you have a plan for dealing with the toxic waste you generated?

If not read up in the safety section on dealing with wastes.

Do you know what deadly fumes are generated from solution and how to protect yourself from these?

Do you understand the testing procedures for telling where your values are when you cannot see them any longer?

Have you studied Hoke's book and understand the principles she teaches, i not this should be done before mixing the deadly acids together.

What are you planning on using aqua regia on?
If anything other than fairly pure gold or platinum group metals, you may not be successful, many times there are easier methods.

Aqua regia is a good solution for some things but can be tricky to deal with, it is not as easy as the description of its use makes it sound, before using it I suggest quite a bit of study about it and ways to use it more efficiently, like limiting nitric used in the reaction, cautions about boil-over of solution, the dangers involved, you should also study other methods of putting gold into solution, depending on your material like fine gold powders or gold foils (even karat gold after parting in nitric to get gold powders) HCl and NaClO can be used which is much easier to deal with when trying to get the gold back out of solution.

Pool chemical supply houses can have several chemicals you will learn about while reading and studying here.
tanks tek4g63 i don't think it have any other chemicals but i would make sure and i will try to get a pic of it and it's cost efficent about $2 USD/R17.50 ZAR for 3 Liter :p
thank you butcher for your reply. i understand what you are saying but this is for learning what product's i can use for the chemicals.
Yes have read hoke's book twice.
I live about 16 km from a chemical waste recycling place.
I have read some articles in the safety section and i have read some articles on testing your solutions
and i agree with you i'am not near ready to recover PM's from e-waste i'am still learning

thank you and the others for helping us novice this is a awesome forum :oops: :oops: :p
kobus said:
hi guys in relatively new on the forum.I was wondering if pool acid with hcl 30% could work for AQUA REGIA and if i could boil it on a hot plate to get the hcl percentage a littel
higher. thanks :?: :?: :?:


Pool HCL, Concrete cleaner from building supply houses, HCL has many names but are all the same. You just have to read the container to see if there is any other chemical mixed in and what it will do.
Good good luck
Good job, just keep studying, practice the getting acquainted experiments in Hoke's book, before you know it you will be flying with a parachute, and getting closer to melting your pure gold.

To get some practice the memory fingers are a great learning tool, they can help you begin, they will also give you some gold to try out the experiments Hoke's book teaches, it will also give you some gold to practice testing for metals in solution with your stannous chloride.

Just be safe, your life is worth more than gold.

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