Poor Mans AR Nitrate additions

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Dec 23, 2014
I am having good results with the poor mans AR but is long coming.
65/35 Muriatic to water with a even teaspoon of sodium nitrate free flow 99+ food grade at a 30ml per piece total vol of solution. Should I be incrementally adding more fluids with nitrates at same ratio? Seems to me my solutions are becoming saturated and can add the nitrates till the cows come home and still not achieve total dissolution. I am running 15 to 25 pcs Intel 386 486 and time is up to 4 days to complete powder recovery.
I only have a few hours a night to dabble after work so I must shut down completely daily. Is my lengthy recovery time due to not enough fluid to give room for the free ions or because things are allowed to cool to room temp mid process ?
I'm not sure, my efforts are productive but take forever to complete.
All and any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
I'm thinking by allowing solution to cool mid way I'm developing silver cloride crust that is inhibiting the process.?.?
Clarification my initial sodium nitrate addition of one teaspoon is in the lets say 25pcs with 750ml mix at 65/35 muriatic/distilled water
Well I did. When I was a child, somewhat a chemistry nerd, I got most of my chemicals at the apothecary in our village. But the pharmacist, an old lady, was not allowed to sell potassium nitrate to me, so she told me, I could get it at the food store without any restrictions. Cool old lady. 8)
Wow, You are correct, I had run out of my preferred prilled tech grade nitrate and went to the sausage making cabinet. Double checked the bottle and in fact is nitrite. That would explain a lot. It seems to work but super slow as I had mentioned. I think I will fold to the fact that I need to wear my glasses All the Time! My order of prilled 99% tech grade NaNO3 should be here by Wednesday and with that expect the results I had been getting. I couldn't understand why I was able to completely run 55pcs in less than 24 hours, but now everything is stalled out.
Thank you all for once again reminding me of the level of discipline and attention to details that is required to home refine as a hobby. I was having such great results I feel I got a little arrogant and with that sloppy.
Thank you solar-plasma, one of my huge concerns without any chemistry background is inadvertantly creating a chemical monster. Last thing I want is to go 'BooM' or poison the earth. If I understand correctly mis mix of chemicals can result in hydrofloric acid for example. Don't want that.
So if I'm understanding what I've read in your shared link, my best course of action at this point is to introduce an oxidizer such as a peroxide ( common 3% ?) , how will I know if I've added enough? Then proceed by feeding solution or sulfamic to DeNoxx?
Ok, maybe your better off going the safest way since you maybe are kind of a beginner. Since you haven't added anything containing fluor, you can't make fluoric acid by accident. But in order to come back on territories that are known to you, you could do this:

Pour off the mixture you have, test for gold, if positive, cement on copper. Then go on with the solids with the correct chemicals.
Excellent, thank you for the advice.
Yes I'm fairly new at this with only two seasons under my belt. This is season three and figured I would give CPUs a try.
I only used Hydrofluoric as an example more for benefit of the folks with less experience than I who may be reading this. It's a good beginning practice to work off of cheat sheet cards, never just start mixing nilly willy I believe is the term and don't even stock the pantry with chemicals that you don't know what waste products or evolutions may result.Safety is Always First.
I simply messed up a little by not clearly reading a label.
I have successfully cemented to copper,as an experiment,just to know that I could.
Just an update. I had a chance to do some reading today and am going to try to convert to ---- the same way the human body does with food grades.
I have a much better understanding of the peroxide method and how it works. Cementation seems too easy and I'm here to learn.
Hope I was able to enlighten senior members ( Geo and Butcher) who I have great respect for and have taught me a great deal, that there Is food grade Sodium Nitrate. How, to what and why the body converts it will be left to,
' A Simple Search Of The Internet'
( Sorry, finally had a chance to say that!)
Of course it is. It has an E-number and if it isn't usual in the States now, it will as soon as we get this TTIP, nobody wants, because in Europe both nitrite and nitrate (mostly mixed together, so they can use more of it) are found in every salami and every ham, in fact in all meat that looks beautiful red. :p

Both of them can cause cancer. The formation of cancerogenic nitrosamines gets sometimes reduced (sic! :lol: ) by adding ascorbic acid as a reducer.

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