Poor Man's AR

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I stumbled across this forum while looking at my old computer and trying to see dollar signs. This forum has a wealth of information in one place so thanks a bunch. Does anybody know the actual reactions going on in the the Poor Mans AR recipe? I looked on the internet to no avail, only way to make nitric acid with HCL I could find was with the addition of copper http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yE7v4wkuZU (used in an earlier thread). Is base metal copper in Poor Mans AR acting as the added copper in this video? Can anybody right out the reaction for Poor Mans AR?

Thanks for help and patients
No in that reaction the copper is dissolving in the poor mans ar liberating nitrogen dioxide which is reacting/dissolving in the water in the bottom of the beaker making a weak nitric acid.

Hope that helps.


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